Two Young Avengers Are Becoming Major Players in the Marvel Universe

Two Young Avengers Are Becoming Major Players in the Marvel Universe

Warning: Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #7 and Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1!Two members of the Young Avengers are being brought to the forefront of the Marvel Universe, positioned as bonafide superstars in the making. Hulkling and Wiccan, who since the original Young Avengers series in 2005 have been paired as a couple, each discovered their secret connections to the greater tapestry of Marvel stories. Wiccan learned he’s the God-tier son of Scarlet Witch and Hulkling discovered he’s heir to the united Kree/Skrull throne.

Recently, the pair appeared in both Guardians of the Galaxy #7 – written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing – and Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 – written by Anthony Oliveira.

Two Young Avengers Are Becoming Major Players in the Marvel Universe

In both appearances, the characters are set up for a future role of prominence in Marvel’s cosmic narrative.

Wiccan And Hulkling Make Several Key Appearances

panels from Loki #3, Loki Hulkling and Wiccan

Guardians of the Galaxy #7 reintroduces Kree/Skrull Emperor Hulkling and Wiccan as they investigate Grootspace, in search of the missing Guardians. There’s a chance that this won’t be the last time audiences see the duo in the series. Released on the same day, Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 features Carol Danvers’ co-signing the couple as “good boys” during their team-up. It is also worth noting that Hulkling and Wiccan co-starred in the previous month’s Loki #3 – written by Dan Watters. These three appearances have put the characters back in a position of prominence, perhaps preparing them for a pivotal role in the future of Marvel’s cosmos.

The pairing of Hulkling and Wiccan has always been praised as being Marvel’s most prominent queer couple, but it appears Marvel is priming them to be far more than that. Their recent appearances have the feeling of a concentrated effort to bring the characters back to the forefront of readers minds, and to highlight how valuable they are as heroes. Perhaps this is Marvel’s attempt at trying to capitalize on Hulkling’s rumored pending appearance in Agatha Harkness’ upcoming Disney+ show, which is fitting given their history in the comics. Whatever the reason may be, it looks like Marvel is making Wiccan and Hulking into their next big thing.

Wiccan and Hulkling Are Slowly Becoming Marvel’s Next Big Thing

panels from Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden, Hulkling Wiccan and Captain Marvel

Since the end of the original Young Avengers run, few characters from the series have been featured notably on Marvel Comics’ roster. Hulkling and Wiccan have largely been the exception, with Marvel being willing to give the characters a push – but this recent return to prominence feels like a bigger push than before. Seeing these two characters gain a sign of approval from Captain Marvel, the leader of the actual Avengers, is the biggest sign of big plans to come. Marvel continues to build the credibility and star status of these two Young Avengers, and given their popularity, it’s well deserved.

Guardians of the Galaxy #7 and Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 are available now from Marvel Comics.