Twitter Blue Will Give You Early Access To Editing Tweets

Twitter Blue Will Give You Early Access To Editing Tweets

Twitter is apparently all set to roll out the the ‘edit’ feature to Twitter Blue subscribers. The ability to edit tweets is one of the most requested features on the platform. Over the years, Twitter has been inundated with requests for an edit button, but the company’s co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey steadfastly rejected the idea, saying that Twitter is unlikely to ever get the feature. However, the issue reared up once again during the fracas surrounding Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter, with the Tesla and SpaceX CEO hinting that he’d very much like to introduce an edit button once he takes over the company.

As for Twitter Blue, it is a paid monthly subscription that was originally launched last year. The service offers exclusive access to premium features and is available on all platforms, including Android, iOS and the web. However, it is currently only available in a handful of countries, including the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Twitter Blue launched at $2.99 per month but is now available at $4.99 per month in the U.S. Twitter Blue isn’t ad-free, meaning users still have to deal with ads in their feeds despite paying a monthly fee.

Twitter might soon let its premium Twitter Blue subscribers edit their tweets. That’s according to a tweet by programmer and noted tipster Alessandro Paluzzi, who posted a screenshot suggesting that Twitter is urging users to join Twitter Blue to get early access to the ‘Edit Tweet’ feature. Not much is known at this stage about how the feature will be implemented, but it is a significant step for Twitter. The company had earlier confirmed that an ‘edit’ feature has been in the works for some time, but had yet to give a time-frame for when it will finally launch.

Twitter’s Edit Button

Twitter Blue Will Give You Early Access To Editing Tweets

Although Twitter has been working on an edit button, opinions on its value are mixed. Notwithstanding the skeptics, the feature has got many high-profile supporters, even apart from Elon Musk. That includes reality star Kim Kardashian, who lobbied the then-CEO Jack Dorsey on more than one occasion to add an edit button. Kardashian first wrote about this in 2015 after claiming to have emailed Twitter to see if they can add an edit button to help correct misspellings and grammatical errors. Kardashian then again revived the issue in 2018, when Dorsey acknowledged having a chat about it with Kim and her former husband Kanye West on the latter’s birthday.

It is worth noting that Twitter Blue already offers an ‘Undo tweet’ feature that allows users the ability to preview and make changes to their tweets within 60 seconds before it goes public. Once it does go public, however, there’s no option to edit. Now that Twitter is likely to finally introduce the Edit button, it will be interesting to see how long the company tests the feature with Twitter Blue users before a wider rollout takes place, or if it ends up only becoming available to Twitter Blue subscribers.