Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Rosalie & Emmett, According To Reddit

Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Rosalie & Emmett, According To Reddit

A worldwide phenomenon, The Twilight Saga gave audiences many characters to fall in love with, two favorites being beautiful Rosalie and the lovable Emmett. Edward’s siblings were polar opposites when it came to their treatment of him and Bella, but together, they were a perfect couple. They had their own different histories and mannerisms, so it is obvious that the two would specifically catch the attention of eagle-eyed Redditors.

The netizens of Reddit have some pretty contentious opinions about Rosalie and Emmett individually, but as a couple too. From their motives and their nuances to their compatibility — everything has been contested about the Twilight main characters.

Rosalie Was The Opposite Of Selfish

Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Rosalie & Emmett, According To Reddit

The Hale twin was a pretty selfish character from the start, but MyrkoMyrkos on Reddit is of the opinion that she was extremely selfless and caring about her family. They said, “Rosalie is the opposite of selfish – she wants to keep the Cullens alive by avoiding or getting rid of a huge threat: Bella. She’s also the only one interested in letting Bella live her human life away from vampires.”

But however one wants to twist it, Rosalie was a vain and self-centered character who only got worse and worse. She didn’t want Bella around because she couldn’t believe an ordinary girl could turn Edward’s head. She never respected Bella’s right to free choice, but also made Carlisle turn Emmett into a vampire on a whim. And when Bella was pregnant, Rosalie only cared about the baby and not if Bella lived or died. Rosalie was seriously selfish.

Emmett & Rosalie Shouldn’t Have Gone To School

The Cullen family poses in Twilight.

All the Cullens went to the local high school in Forks, which a lot of Redditors think doesn’t make sense. They think that the Cullen-Hales could have done several other things instead. Astrid_s2 said, “Charlie describes Emmett as looking older than Bella, etc. I wondered why do they have to go to school, couldn’t they get a job or just stay at home, or doing something more useful? I’m not saying they’re lazy … but do they really need to spend their days watching classes they already saw a lot of times before?”

While the concern is valid, the point was to make a believable back story for all of them. If Emmett and Rosalie stayed home, they would have nothing to do, which would raise eyebrows. Moreover, both of them would be too flippant to hold down a job since they didn’t need the money, and being in high school gave Rose and Emmett the freedom to do what they wanted and stay with the family.

Rosalie Was One-Dimensional

A picture of Rosalie as a bride superimposed over Rosalie reminiscing in Breaking Dawn.

Despite having a credible back story and motives for her actions, Redditors like ShiddyShiddyBangBang think Rosalie was a flat character whom Stephanie Meyer couldn’t flesh out. They opined, “I think Rosalie is one of those moments where you’re confronted with the fact that SM isn’t that great of a writer. In her mind, she wanted a layer of sympathy/nuance for Rosalie but she never actually managed it. Rosalie is never more than flat, petty and spiteful.”

But actually, Rosalie has one of the saddest stories in the Cullen family. She had human aspirations, like wanting a baby, which never got fulfilled, and her vanity carried over to her undead life. She was complete and whole as a character, and just because she was unlikable, doesn’t mean she wasn’t a great character.

Emmett & Rosalie Weren’t Compatible

Emmett and Rosalie kiss in snowy field in Breaking Dawn Part 2

In a particularly unwelcome opinion, the lovable couple isn’t well-liked by pedestrian_grill. They said, “What does Emmett see in Rosalie? I just thought it was such a weird pairing because Emmett seems so nice and Rosalie seems so mean. Wouldn’t Emmett be turned off by that?”

But the truth is, Rosalie saved Emmett’s life when he was being attacked by a bear and gave him the love he needed. The dynamic between the two was pretty much an “opposites attract” situation, and they balanced each other out well. Rosalie’s uptightness was harmonized by Emmett’s lighthearted demeanor, and it was a well-known fact that they were very sexually compatible. In fact, they were one of Twilight‘s main romances.

Rosalie’s Jealousy Of Bella Was Unnecessary

Bella Swan driving her truck in New Moon.

One of the main reasons why Rosalie and Bella didn’t get along was because Rosalie, being stereotypically gorgeous, couldn’t attract Edward but “plain” Bella did. According to princesscatclaw, this element in the story was unnecessary: “I could’ve done without the part where Rosalie was jealous of Bella because she caught Edward’s attention. That’s just stupid to me … She doesn’t like Edward like that and for all intents and purposes, he is her brother.”

But book fans would know that Carlisle hoped that Rosalie could be a mate for Edward. So, it may not be explicitly stated, but Rosalie would have tried to attract Edward, which didn’t work. For someone who loved her looks as much as Rosalie did, this was an affront that she couldn’t forget. It was an old wound that was reopened for her, and it was pretty much who she was — her beauty was her weapon. Showing her flaws was as realistic as Rosalie could get.

Emmett Was Boring

Twilight Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen

Everyone’s favorite himbo is not as popular as people would’ve thought. Some thought he had no depth, like lifelessmom, who said, “I don’t agree. Emmett would be fun to be around, but I don’t know that I’d call him interesting … Emmett is strong and Jasper is stealthy. They may have other interests and hobbies, but it’s not talked about.”

However, this is categorically untrue. Even if Emmett was laidback and fun, he had an emotional depth that even Rosalie lacked. In Midnight Sun, his brotherly love for Bella was almost instant and endearing, and he protected her even against Rosalie’s vitriol. For a rambunctious character, he understood the depth of emotion involved when a vampire falls in love and gave Bella the respect she needed and involved her in vampire sports. He also loved cars, so calling Emmett uninteresting is very unfair.

Emmett’s Eggs Were A Plot Hole

A photo of Emmett over a photo of him sitting with his family and eggs in Twilight.

This is a much-talked-about concept in the Twilight universe because Emmett always seems to be carrying a bag full of eggs in certain scenes in the movie. Mellisau333 said “Never noticed this before but are we sure they are eggs? I’m going to think of them as giant marshmallows instead …. all those eggs … is … just. Weird.”

While the bag of eggs is pretty strange, there is a reasonable explanation behind it. The Cullens were always trying to pass off as human wherever they went, which meant that Emmett as a human would be into bodybuilding, having a physique as beefy as his. So it was his way of looking like he was a human getting his protein from eggs, and having some human food around him to appear normal.