Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Jasper, According To Reddit

Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Jasper, According To Reddit

Everybody loves Alice’s long-time partner Jasper in Twilight. The former soldier has issues with his bloodlust, but he could easily calm a room down in seconds. Jasper is a powerful vampire, perhaps even the most powerful of the Cullens, so it’s only fair that he is a regular talking point in Reddit forums.

While he’s a clear fan favorite, the blonde vamp’s followers have some pretty contentious opinions about him. From his participation in the clan to alternate career choices for him, Jasper-centric Reddit discussions are quite entertaining.

He Should Have Attacked A Human

Twilight: 7 Unpopular Opinions About Jasper, According To Reddit

It’s no secret that the poor vampire had a tough time sticking to the Cullens “vegetarian” diet, even after years of practice. His encounter with Bella led to Edward leaving her for her safety, but some fans, like Princessleiasperiod, wanted more violence from Jasper. They wished that he had attacked a human at some point in the series: “They should’ve let Jasper eat…someone.”

But considering how dangerous a vampire on human blood can be, the thought of Jasper draining someone of blood is quite scary. The Cullens were different, and him falling off the wagon would have made it too dangerous for Bella to be around them at all. They would have had to leave town forever, thus making that plot line completely impractical.

He Only Did The Animal Diet To Be With Alice

Jasper and Alice embracing in Twilight

Jasper’s gold eyes were a standout feature in his looks, due to the animal blood diet, but Redditors don’t have faith in the vampire’s intentions when it came to sticking to it. Redditors like sailingg were of the opinion that he only did it because of Alice, and if it were up to Jasper, he would drink human blood. They said, “I always got the feeling Jasper did the animal diet to be with Alice … not out of genuine altruism the way the Cullens do.”

The former soldier had the power to scope out energies and emotions in a room. If he killed people, he would feel their dread and fear, so that was one of the main reasons why he didn’t attack humans. Moreover, he was a self-aware character — one who had been lost in the chaos of war and he wanted peace and quiet, as opposed to the turmoil he had been exposed to for decades. He didn’t like killing newborns and showed empathy to Peter and Charlotte too, which is something book fans would know about Jasper. His choice to drink animal blood was not solely based on Alice’s preference.

He Didn’t Care For The Cullens

Jasper Cullen's face superimposed over the Cullens image in Twilight.

The Cullens were a close-knit clan, even if unpopular opinion denounces that. But many Redditors think that Jasper didn’t actually care for the Cullens, and it wouldn’t bother him at all if they lived or died. They base this on the fact that Jasper didn’t accompany Alice to Italy to save Edward, and that he would have let any one of them die if it meant Alice was safe. ALEX_PHANTASY said, “Jasper, on the other hand, has a lot less time of knowing them, and considering the amount of betrayal and pain he saw and went through, I think it’s fairly understandable why he is so weary with connections and relationships.”

But this is categorically untrue since Jasper fought for Bella, Edward, and the Cullens on more than one occasion. He actively participated in keeping Bella safe, then finishing James off in Twilight, and then trained everybody, including werewolves, to fight newborns in Eclipse. Both times when his family was in danger, Jasper went above and beyond to save them, thus proving his affection for them.

His Struggle Around Bella Didn’t Make Sense

Jasper and Bella in Twilight

Book fans of Twilight would know that Bella was a constant source of bloodlust for not only Edward but also Jasper. He constantly struggled around her, but some fans didn’t think that made any sense. Horrorworthwatching wondered, “He goes to high school and is surrounded by humans every day. I know they mention that he looks like he’s uncomfortable at school, but presumably, he still has to be really close to humans on the regular. Also, accidents and fights happen all the time in high school. Surely he’s been near blood at school at some point.”

But it’s important to remember that Bella’s blood smelled delicious to all vampires, not only Edward. It “sang” to them, and even James couldn’t keep himself in check around her. So, it’s only valid that it would smell great to Jasper too, and he could also sense Edward and the other vampires’ thirst around him, which made it a struggle for him.

Jasper Could Have Been A Better Doctor Than Carlisle

Edward, Jasper, Carlisle Cullen in twilight

Carlisle is often touted to be the best Cullen because of his compassion, his history in medicine, and his kind heart. In a strange turn of events, a section of Twi-hards on Reddit seem to think that Jasper could have been a great doctor, even better than the Cullen patriarch. Mexican-jerboa theorized, “With Jasper’s supernatural instrumental ability to feel the status of a human body, he would make a fine diagnostician. He would diagnose, and Carlisle treat. Carlisle could do the surgery, and Jasper could assist as an anesthesiologist and monitor patients through the surgery and in ICU.”

In theory, this sounds alright, but there are many flaws to this idea. Jasper was nowhere close to controlling his bloodlust like Carlisle was, and he didn’t possess innate empathy like him — he only felt it because of his powers. Carlisle desired to help humans, and Jasper didn’t. Even more importantly, while Jasper could make patients feel good while treating them, the effect would only last so long as they were around him. That could lead to patients returning for a “hit” and that sounds very unhealthy and impractical.

His Relationship With Alice Had No Foundation

Jasper and Alice embracing in Twilight

Alice and Jasper, or “Jalice,” are one of the most popular relationships in the Twilight universe, and their love is a great one. However, Redditor Prestigious_Ad3332 feels like there is no substance to their relationship beyond Alice’s visions, and that Jasper had no real reason to love her. They said, “Honestly, besides the visions, why does Alice love Jasper?”

But being magical beings, a lot of their romance is rooted in the realm of the supernatural. Their love was a self-fulfilling prophecy, of sorts, and Alice saw who she belonged with before she knew him. When Jasper met her, he felt her overwhelming love, an emotion he had probably never felt in his whole life. They made each other feel good and had a better life together, which is why they clicked.

The Name Change To Hale Was Unnecessary

The Cullen family in Twilight with Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie standing together.

Twi-hards would know that in the Olympic coven, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, and Emmet were Cullens, and Rosalie and Jasper had the last name, Hale. Redditor Candy378 doesn’t understand why the name change was required at all, if they were one family: “I never understood why they still called them Hale, like they were all adopted, they all should be called Cullen.”

In Forks, to make the humans less suspicious of the fact that they were all dating each other, even if they weren’t biologically related, Jasper was called Rosalie’s twin and given her original last name: Hale. The story was that Jasper and Rosalie were adopted from Esme’s side of the family, which is why they had different names too.