Twilight: 5 Reasons Edward Was Right for Bella (& 5 Why She Should Have Picked Jacob)

Twilight: 5 Reasons Edward Was Right for Bella (& 5 Why She Should Have Picked Jacob)

Across various fandoms, there have been many ship wars over the years. However, one of the biggest and most well-known is from Twilight. When the books and then films were coming out, there was a big divide between fans who were Team Edward and fans who were Team Jacob.

While in the end, Bella ends up with Edward and, rather strangely, Jacob ends up with Bella’s daughter, this doesn’t mean there aren’t arguments for why Bella and Jacob would have been together.

Edward: She Always Loved Him The Most Intensely

Twilight: 5 Reasons Edward Was Right for Bella (& 5 Why She Should Have Picked Jacob)

From the beginning, Bella fell hard and fast for Edward. The books were set up in a way that made it clear that Bella wanted Edward more than anything or anyone else, and he soon was revealed to love her just as intensely.

While Bella did grow to love Jacob, it never reached the intensity of the love she had for Edward and wasn’t as romantic.

Jacob: He Was There For Her After Edward Left Her

Taylor Lautner as Jacob, Robert Pattinson as Edward, and Kristen Stewart as Bella in Twilight

One big argument that Team Jacob fans made while the books were coming out was that Edward left Bella and it devastated her. The way Bella reacted after Edward left wasn’t healthy, and maybe he shouldn’t have left her in the first place.

It was Jacob who was a really good friend to Bella and was there for her during one of the darkest periods of her life.

Edward: They Are Presented As Soulmates

Edward and Bella at their wedding in Twilight

While Bella and Jacob are presented as people who were meant to be in one another’s lives and that have a strong connection, it’s not talked about on the same level as Edward and Bella’s connection.

These two are both very invested in the idea that they were meant to be together and that Edward had waited one hundred years to find the love of his life. Because of this, it’s clear they were the endgame couple all along.

Jacob: Their Relationship Was More Balanced

Jacob and Bella sit in the truck in twilight.

While Edward and Bella had a lot of love for one another, their relationship was usually quite off-balance and could be unhealthy. Bella was so obsessed with him that she was willing to forego everything else in her life.

It’s why there were so many quotes about Jacob being like the sun to Bella. While, as Jacob aptly put it, Edward could be more like a drug. In many ways, Jacob and Bella could have had a more balanced relationship.

Edward: Jacob Had Too Much Of A Temper

While when Bella and Jacob are just friends and getting to know one another Jacob is very sweet and kind, he grows more resentful and angry when Bella doesn’t pick him.

He can be too angry and too pushy. He also tried to kiss Bella when she clearly wasn’t interested, and sometimes his attempts to prove he was right for her crossed lines.

Jacob: Edward Can Be Too Controlling

Bella and Edward standing in the woods in Twilight

While Jacob had some flaws with how he interacted with Bella, Edward did, too. He could be too controlling while claiming it was all in the name of Bella’s safety.

When he tampered with her truck so she couldn’t go to see Jacob, it was way out of line. Also, the fact that he borderline stalked her and watched her sleep is way too creepy. He needed to take a step back and let her be her own person.

Edward: They Have More Physical Chemistry

While Bella does grow to realize that she loves Jacob in more ways than just a friend, her love for him is never as romantic or physically charged as her love for Edward.

There is still a dynamic between them that can read more as familial or platonic whereas, with Edward, she clearly had a lot of physical chemistry. While this isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, it is still a factor.

Jacob: She Could Have Remained Human

Bella and Jacob Black

Since this is a book about mythological creatures, it’s not surprising that fans are excited by the idea of Bella becoming a vampire. However, in many ways, Bella staying human would be the healthiest and happiest thing.

There are many drawbacks to being a vampire, and she would have to watch her family and friends die as she lived forever.

Edward: He Did Care A Lot About Bella’s Well-Being

Edward might be over 100 years old, but this doesn’t mean he was always emotionally mature. He wasn’t always great at knowing how to show his concern for Bella, but he did care about her safety and overall well-being.

He wanted her to live a well-rounded, healthy life as much as possible, and he didn’t want her to suffer the downsides that come along with being a creature of the undead.

Jacob: It Would Have Saved Us All From The Renesmee Relationship

One of the weirdest things about the Twilight franchise is the fact that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee when she was just a baby. While the series tries to make it seem normal, there’s just something about it that doesn’t sit right.

If Bella and Jacob had ended up together and been soulmates, it would have spared fans from this uncomfortable and weird relationship that seemed included only so Jacob wouldn’t end up alone.