Twilight: 5 Female Characters Who Had Bad Ass Arcs (& 5 Who Deserved More)

Twilight: 5 Female Characters Who Had Bad Ass Arcs (& 5 Who Deserved More)

The Twilight series is a fantasy romance story that many people love. While it was written to be a young adult series, it also has many adult fans.

While many people enjoyed both the books and the films, there have also been many critiques about the series especially in regard to how the female characters were handled. But, on the other hand, there were women in the series who were given interesting and fulfilling arcs.

Bad Ass: Bella Swan

Twilight: 5 Female Characters Who Had Bad Ass Arcs (& 5 Who Deserved More)

This might be a controversial choice as there are many feminist critiques that can be made about Bella and how she is written. While many of those points are valid, there is another argument that can be made for Bella ending up being extremely powerful and getting everything she wants.

She becomes a powerful vampire with strong magical powers and gets to have the husband and child she wanted as well as keep her parents and extended family in her life.

Deserved More: Leah Clearwater

Leah Clearwater in Twilight

Leah gets a really horrible deal in the books, and she never really gets a resolution to her story. She has her heartbroken when Sam imprints on her cousin Emily, and then she turns into a werewolf and has to be around Sam who doesn’t want her around.

She understandably is upset with her situation, but basically gets treated poorly and called names by many of the other pack members including Jacob. It’s really a shame she never gets an empowering moment in the end.

Bad Ass: Victoria

Victoria stands in the woods in New Moon.

It might not seem like Victoria has a badass arc since she’s technically a villain who meets a violent end, but she is actually one of the best villains of the series which makes her interesting. She was an extremely formidable antagonist who was smart and powerful, and she definitely gave the Cullens a run for their money.

She might have been a horrible person, but her arc was interesting as she went from being a love interest to a powerful antagonist.

Deserved More: Renesmee Cullen

Renesmee in Breaking Dawn

Renesmee is only shown as a child in the series, except in a vision, but her story is pretty tragic when you think about it. As soon as she is born, Jacob imprints on her.

The way this works in the Twilightseries basically makes it seem like she has no autonomy now to choose who she will love and be in a romantic relationship with. It’s also extremely creepy, and it sets it up so her entire life is already set up for her giving her few choices.

Bad Ass: Rosalie Hale

Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale

Rosalie is another female character who gets written poorly at times, but she is actually one of the most engaging members of the Cullen family.

While she can be easily frustrated and sometimes cold and mean, she has good reasons for doing so. She’s not a perfect character by any means, but she is complex. Given the lack of complexity of some of the other women in the series, she’s definitely one of the more interesting.

Deserved More: Esme Cullen

Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen

Esme might be the matriarch of the Cullens, but she doesn’t get nearly enough character development. She is a loving, kind person who nurtures her family, but she is otherwise almost useless to the plot.

It would have been nice to have more scenes with her so that her personality could shine through. She also could have had some other function or importance to the plot to show just how important and useful her nurturing role was to those around her.

Bad Ass: Jane

Jane is one of the most memorable villains from the series because of her ability to inflict extreme pain on someone just by looking at them.

This is quite a vicious ability, and it makes her one of the most feared and powerful villains in the series. While she’s not redeemable, it’s always refreshing to see unique, terrifying female antagonists in stories.

Deserved More: Emily Young

Sam and Emily looking at one another in The Twilight Saga

Emily Young is another female character who mostly just is used as a love interest or catalyst for the actions of men in the series. Emily is imprinted on by Sam Uley, and they end up together because of this.

While Twilight tries to make this seem romantic, there’s definitely something creepy about the inevitability of it all, and it also would have been nice to have more scenes with her to get to know her more.

Bad Ass: Alice Cullen

Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen staring at the viewer in Twilight

Alice is one of the most loved characters from the franchise. She is one of the female characters who takes a lot of initiative and moves the plot forward in many ways.

Alice is also quite powerful as she has the ability to see the future. Alice is outgoing, strong, caring, and fun, and she doesn’t just wait around for the men to take care of things.

Deserved More: Bree Tanner

Bree Tanner is only 16 when she is turned into a vampire as part of Victoria’s newborn army. All of the newborns have a tragic fate, but hers is the worst because of her young age.

She definitely didn’t deserve to die at the hands of Volturi, and her death was one of the saddest in the entire series. Her life was completely cut short.