Twelve Minutes Apartment Remade In The Sims

A fan-made the apartment from Twelve Minutes in The Sims and it’s an incredibly impressive recreation. The apartment in Twelve Minutes is fairly detailed as the entire game takes place inside of it, so it’s no surprise that there are lots of things to look at and interact with, especially since the game is one big puzzle. With that said, it’s quite the task to re-create that, even if it’s just a simple-looking apartment at a glance.

Legendary game developer Hideo Kojima gave high praise to Twelve Minutes on Twitter, noting he lost track of time while playing. Kojima also stated it was starting to inspire him to make a new adventure game, though he didn’t elaborate much further. Twelve Minutes has certainly been inspirational for many, both to game developers and its own, very creative players. One player took to The Sims to express that inspiration.

Reddit user lightinthefield shared images of their re-creation of the apartment from Twelve Minutes in The Sims. Everything from the paintings on the wall to the two mugs around the apartment is included, showing an impressive amount of attention to detail. Twelve Minutes creator Luis Antonio tweeted the creation out as well, giving it an official stamp of approval. Twelve Minutes has left some players divided, but there’s clearly still a very dedicated fanbase that was captured by its mysterious and somewhat unnerving apartment.

The only things that don’t seem to be in this recreation are the knife on the counter and the jacket that hangs over the chair in the bedroom. This is likely due to the limitations of The Sims, but it’s still pretty amazing that so much of that very apartment was captured in another game. It seems like only a matter of time before someone creates the husband, wife, and cop in-game and puts them in the house to somewhat recreate the actual events of the game.

Whether or not someone will be able to effectively emulate the controversial ending of Twelve Minutes in Simlish remains to be seen, but with some mods, one could certainly act out all of the incredibly violent death scenes in the game. There’s a lot more potential for a fan-made crossover between The Sims and Twelve Minutes, but it’ll be up to the community to make it happen. Either way, the current iteration of the apartment is pretty perfect and an impressive display of passion and skill from a fan.