True Blood Season 3: Minisodes, Cast Photo & More

True Blood Season 3: Minisodes, Cast Photo & More

In this week’s news roundup for season 3 of True Blood we’ve got the release of a full cast photo, another teaser poster and two more teaser clips featuring Bill and Sookie. If that’s not enough to quench your thirst, there’s also the premiere of a 4-minute minisode dubbed by HBO as A Drop of True Blood.”

With so much vampire-centric news, let’s cut all the chit-chat and get right to…

The Cast Assembled

After weeks of teaser posters, collectible posters and teaser clips HBO has finally released the official cast photo for season 3 of True Blood. Unfortunately, there seems to someone missing. The usual Bon Temps residences are all accounted four, but considering this season is going to include Alcide the werewolf, I figured they would have at least included him in the cast photo.

If one could take a hint from the positioning, it looks like everyone’s favorite sheriff, Eric Northman, is not only front and center in this photo, but also this season.

I’m sure that the Alexander Skarsgard fan club will happy…


True Blood Season 3: Minisodes, Cast Photo & More

A Missing Vampire

Continuing their True Blood season 3 teaser poster campaign, HBO has released the newest addition, which is inspired by the old notion of displaying a missing child on the back of a milk carton. Considering vampires aren’t too fond of milk, they’ve went for a nice bottle of Tru Blood.

While the previous posters took a look at vampires at home and in the work place, this is the first teaser poster that actually references something and someone from the upcoming season of True Blood. Since there is over a month until the start of season 3, let’s hope that HBO continues to actually tease something from the series… not just filling coffee pots full of blood.

True Blood: Bill's Missing

Bill & Sookie: Teaser Edition

With HBO being too eager to release ten second clips of what turns out to be ambiguous footage of select scenes from the upcoming season, we’ve waited until there’s more than one before we publish them.

The two new “Waiting Sucks” teasers feature love birds Sookie and Bill in their own separate clips.

Bill, reminding us that while a romantic at heart, he’s still all vampire, leaves a mysterious man screaming about his missing ear. With Bill covered in blood, one would assume that he bit it off – but why?

The violence continues as Sookie, with gun in hand, takes aim and fires at someone or something. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately (who knows what’s going on), Eric jumps in front of the bullet and takes a hit.

Considering we have no idea when in the season these clips take place, one can only speculate as to what’s actually going on. Although, I’m sure those that have read the books might have an idea.

A Drop of True Blood

Stepping up from short clips and weekly posters, HBO has started a new six-part feature titled “A Drop of True Blood”, which gives viewers a better look at the world of True Blood with 4-minutes clips written by series creator Alan Ball, which lie outside of the series’ storylines.

Says Ball:

“The minisodes provide a wonderful and rare opportunity to take a deeper look into Bon Temps and the characters that live in this colorful town. The scenes are so much fun, and the performances as stellar as always.  I can’t wait to share them with everyone, old fans and new.”

In the premiere episode, Eric and Pam are at the vampire bar Fangtasia auditioning new dancers. Hilarity ensues as a new employee is hired.

In my opinion, this is HBO’s best attempt at teasing season 3 of True Blood. While the clips and posters are nice, the minisodes actually allow viewers to see a complete scene with their favorite characters.

I don’t know about you, but after all this vampire talk, I’m craving of bottle of AB-negative. Good thing HBO sells a bloodless version of True Blood. Now, if only I can figure out how to glamour people, I’ll be all-set.

What do you think of all the True Blood news? Whose ear was Bill biting off? What was Sookie shooting at? Did you enjoy the minisode?

Season 3 of True Blood premiere’s June 13th, on HBO.

Follow me on Twitter @anthonyocasio