‘Transformers 4’ Will Be Bay’s Last; New Robot Designs & Cast in the Works

‘Transformers 4’ Will Be Bay’s Last; New Robot Designs & Cast in the Works

It’s been quiet on the Transformers 4 front ever since it was confirmed that Michael Bay is returning to direct the film. We know that TF4 will be bringing back fan-favorite robots but also introducing new characters (human and mechanical); it will be released in 2014; and the story will be a ‘more serious sequel’ that will set up a new story arc.

While doing an interview with Hero Complex about the new Transformers theme-park ride at Universal Studios, Bay also dropped a few updates about how Transformers 4 is taking shape.

Bay stated in the interview that Transformers 4 will be his last film in the franchise, and that he will leave things properly arranged for “the next guy” to take the reins. In addition to the declaration that part four is his last (a statement he also made about the previous film, Transformers: Dark of the Moon), Bay also claims that the robot characters will be getting some “redesign,” while a new human cast will be brought onboard, as previously speculated. (Thought likely not Jason Statham, as was also speculated.)

Taking all this into account, Transformers 4 is shaping up to be an odd bird: On the one hand, it will mark an ending for the director who has steered the franchise to box office riches (and well away from critical acclaim); on the other hand, that ending will also serve as the beginning of a new trilogy – one which will have to be brought to completion by a new architect. Let me just go ahead right now and recommend Battleship director Peter Berg for that job.

‘Transformers 4’ Will Be Bay’s Last; New Robot Designs & Cast in the Works

Part of me just wants Bay to be done and for the Transformers movie franchise to truly get a fresh. But dammit if another (much smaller) part of me doesn’t want to see “Boom-Boom Bay” take yet another shot at trying to bring actual narrative and character substance to the visual extravagance. Am I being a hopeful optimist, or a naive masochist?

I guess we’ll find out as Transformers 4 nears its June 29, 2014 release date.