Top 10 Virgo Antagonists in Movies

Top 10 Virgo Antagonists in Movies

Virgos are well known for being conservative and practical people, often nurturing and loyal to their friends in family. You will almost never find them in the spotlight or leading a huge crowd, they prefer to work behind the scenes.

As much as being a Virgo usually involves nurturing and caring, they can also be quite evil or malicious. A Virgo villain is usually dominating, intense, and very critical of who works for them and wants everything done to perfection. Looking at our favorite movies, let’s look at our favorite Virgo Antagonists.

Samara – The Ring Franchise

Top 10 Virgo Antagonists in Movies

She’s patient and very tactical with her approach, making her one of the most terrifying villains ever. She may not be intimidating or outspoken like most horror movie villains, but it’s the anticipation and the careful planning that make her a force to be reckoned with.

Samara is a Virgo because she’s an entity of few words but is willing to do anything to get her revenge and is willing to wait as long as needed.

Frollo – Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)

Efficiency is one of the most prevalent qualities in a Virgo, as they are analytical and observant. Frollo is a perfectionist, demanding everything to be according to his plans and when it doesn’t go right, he takes it out on himself and the others.

He’s cynical and very careful of how he presents himself to the public to avoid being outed as a bad guy. But what makes him a true Virgo is his controlling nature.

Catherine Trammell – Basic Instinct (1992)

She pretty much told the cops she was an insane murderer but no one believed her because she is so good at hiding her intentions. Catherine Tramell is one of the worst villains in movie history not because she’s an unlikely villain but because she is so careful and analytical.

She even manages to fool a great detective and sends him in a rabbit hole. Her confidence in her plan and her planning that she ends up getting away with everything.

Vincent – Collateral (2004)

Tom Cruise as Vincent in Collateral

Not much is revealed about Vincent other than the fact that he’s a trained killer who is very good at what he does. He’s a quiet man of few words and is paranoid and very good at anticipating anything. He’s careful and cautious but also ruthless and intimidating.

He is so determined and dedicated to his job he seems almost robotic but we know it’s really just his Virgo qualities that make him a stone-cold villain.

Keyser Groze –  The Usual Suspects (1995)

Kevin Spacey as Keyser Soze

Keyser Groze spends a majority of the movie playing a soft-spoken victim of Keyser Groze and then starts describing him as a god-like villain with very maniacal ways. It’s his ability to completely fool the police with his reserved nature that makes him truly cynical and it’s his confidence in his plan that he managed to fool everyone.

He gets out of his predicament untouched and even manages to go back to his life as a criminal.

Howard Payne – Speed (1994)

Like we mentioned before if there’s one thing that makes a Virgo a good villain is there passion for revenge. Howard Payne was a respected bomb squad officer before he was fired for his eccentric ways and he then swore revenge on the officer that outed him, who happened to be Keanu Reeves.

He is carefully planned and uses elaborate schemes that he waits literal years to use in order to always be one step ahead. He is barely seen in the movie as he spends most of it behind the scenes.

Raoul Silva – Skyfall (2012)

Silva's introduction in Skyfall

Raoul Silva was arguably one of the most memorable James Bond villains of the recent Bond incarnation. While he resembles a classic Bond antagonist, he is also an original, modern version of the classic villains of the series.

Silva is an elaborate planner, making a plan for everything and even letting himself get caught to further his plan. As a former spy who knows how to act in a field operation, but he is also a technological genius, proving that sometimes the real threat sits behind a screen.

John Kramer – Saw Franchise

John Kramer sits in his workshop in Saw.

Like just about every villain on the list, Kramer may not look intimidating but his brains and resourcefulness make him one of the most terrifying villains ever. Another character who hides behind the scenes and plans elaborate schemes for his own pleasure and other people’s horror.

He will kidnap you and put you in a room and leave it up to you to escape. He doesn’t make it easy and often times the people are forced to do regretful things just to make it out alive. He’s always one step ahead and almost always evades capture.

Hans Landa – Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Inglourious Basterds Hans Landa

There are many sides to Hans Landa, he’s charismatic, funny, ruthless, terrifying, and very smart. He is fluent in a lot of languages and often presents himself as a much different man than he really is on the inside.

One thing that makes him a truly memorable villain is his awareness. He anticipates movements and recognizes his enemies and never underestimates them. He also demands perfection and is very intolerable when he doesn’t get his way.

John Doe – Se7en (1995)

Se7en - Kevin Spacey as John Doe

John Doe is a serial killer who commits heinous murders before mysteriously turning himself in. When the detectives finally discover his plans and thoughts in his apartment along with finding that he planned to the very second how he was going to kill each person he did.

Even turning himself in was part of his plan as it was his means of killing the seventh person. He never revealed his hand and in turn, won.