Tony Scott Talks Alien Prequel & Warriors Remake

Tony Scott Talks Alien Prequel & Warriors Remake

With The Taking of Pelham 123 in theaters this week, director/producer Tony Scott has been on the receiving end of A LOT of questions about the many blogged-about projects he is rumored to be attached to. Coming Soon and Cinema Blend in particular snagged some great stuff from the mouth of Mr. T Scott, including a few updates on the Alien prequel and The Warriors remake.

Courtesy of the Screen Rant Lifestyle Convenience Initiative, here’s a quick glance at the latest from Tony Scott. ALIEN PREQUEL

Tony Scott Talks Alien Prequel & Warriors Remake

When a new Alien film was first announced, Ridley and Tony Scott were attached as producers with their protege (and possible future son-in-law) Carl Rinsch attached to direct. When details became clear that the new Alien was going to be a prequel to Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic, suddenly 20th Century Fox was reportedly not-so-sure about Rinsch at the helm, supposedly asking for Ridley himself to take the reigns (Alien fans are currently holding their breaths in anticipation).

Here’s a bit of what Tony Scott had to dish about the Alien prequel:

“I don’t want to get caught in the middle. We’re in process on that, but I don’t have enough information to bring it to this table, but we’re going to make it.”

Ok, so it sounds like the whole director issue is getting sort of kind of fought out worked out right now. We’ll see how it plays.

For more from Tony Scott about the Alien prequel, hop on over to Coming Soon.



The Warriors

The Warriors is a cult classic (“Can you dig it?”) and since the news surfaced that Tony Scott was going to be helming a remake of the 1979 original, The Warriors has been slowly drifting onto my radar screen. Here’s the deal so far with the remake: Out is the story of a gang framed for murder, on the run back to their home turf in Coney Island; in is the visionary story of a gang framed for murder, on the run back to their home turf in Venice Beach. See, that’s how remakes need to be done – you gotta switch it up!

Here’s what Tony Scott has planned :

…It’s almost like 9/11, bodies coming off, it just goes ballistic. Then these guys have got to get from the Vincent Thomas back to Venice, through all these different gang territories. And it becomes anarchy. The gangs are meeting, they’re meeting for a truce. Just like they were in the original. But once that truce is broken, they go back to their turf. And our guys, the Warriors, they’ve got to get back to their turf, back to Venice.”

Not to fear Warriors fans, Cyrus is still in there. For more with Tony Scott talking all the crazy things he has planned for The Warriors remake, hop on over to Cinema Blend.

Be sure to read through the interviews on both sites, as Tony Scott goes on to talk about a variety of other projects he has in the works, including a sequel to the 1983 David Bowie vampire/goth cult-classic, The Hunger; an adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson’s famous journalistic memoir about the infamous Hell’s Angels, and even a project based on the true story of a Jersey mob who tried to take over the construction business in Germany, called Potsdamer Platz (apparently that’s the name of a train station in Berlin, and they’re already thinking of losing the name. Smart move).

That’s a pretty busy list there for Tony Scott. Which project looks good to you?

Sources: Coming Soon & Cinema Blend via Slash Film