TLOU Part 1’s Biggest Mistake Is Also PS5’s Biggest Problem

TLOU Part 1’s Biggest Mistake Is Also PS5’s Biggest Problem

The remake of The Last of Us Part 1 doesn’t include the multiplayer game mode from the original game, and that might be an issue considering the lack of a compelling multiplayer game exclusive to PS5. The multiplayer mode from TLOU, called Factions, pits players against each other as either Hunters or Fireflies, and there is a standalone version of this mode that has been announced by Naughty Dog. However, there has not yet been a release date revealed for the standalone version of Factions, leaving players with only the version included with the original TLOU for the time being.

The world of The Last of Us has terrifying Clickers, people who were infected by the Cordyceps parasite for which there isn’t a treatment or preventative measure to avoid infection once bitten by a Clicker. The setting is designed to be bleak, and the next title coming to the series universe will deviate away from the single-player, story heavy style of previous entries and will be a multiplayer game instead. However, TLOU Part 1 not including Factions while waiting for the standalone game is a mistake – at least if Sony wants to push multiplayer and live service games for PS5.

As a largely cosmetic remake, The Last of Us Part 1 upgrades the graphics, AI, and controls without making changes to the story, but it’s missing the Factions game mode that was part of the original game. Between TLOU Part 1 costing $70 despite its remake status, and Sony’s push towards live service games, it’s a mistake to not include a robust multiplayer game mode for a franchise that already has an established fanbase. As a result, the PS5 is in a situation counterintuitive to Sony’s plans by not having multiplayer games that draw in players, which seems odd since TLOU‘s remake could have made a big difference.

Including Factions With TLOU Part 1 Could Have Helped Sony’s Live Service Push

TLOU Part 1’s Biggest Mistake Is Also PS5’s Biggest Problem

It’s possible that with a standalone TLOU multiplayer game in development along with multiple live-service titles, resources could have been unavailable to spare for remaking Factions. TLOU Part 1 included many new features, but without multiplayer, most of the live-service or otherwise multiplayer-focused games available on PS5 still aren’t exclusive to that console. This potentially creates a lack of incentive for players looking for multiplayer games when considering whether to buy a PS5, as they’re already able to play games like Call of Duty or Fortnite on other platforms.

As of right now, the standalone TLOU multiplayer game is scheduled to release in 2023, but an exact date hasn’t been given. Since that release date could be up to a year away, including Factions with TLOU Part 1 would have given players an exclusive multiplayer PS5 experience to occupy them during the wait. As it stands, The Last of Us Part 1 will surely bring in a few new fans for the strength of its story, but won’t pull much weight for those who don’t already have a PS5.