Titans Upgrades Raven’s Brother to a God-Tier Demonic Villain

Titans Upgrades Raven’s Brother to a God-Tier Demonic Villain

Warning! Contains spoilers for Titans #10!

The forces of Hell have been moving in the pages of Titans as Trigon plans his invasion of Earth, and he intends to do it through his daughter Raven. But to test and make sure she’s ready, Trigon has just unleashed Raven’s brother, Trilogy — and he’s given Trilogy a significant power-up that could make him a major threat.

The Titans have been facing threats from all over the place lately. Not only did they have to deal with Amanda Waller and the Beast World event, but now in a preview for Titans #10 by Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer, it’s been revealed that not only is Trilogy returning to battle his sister, but he’s gotten a major power-up as well.

All of Trigon’s attention and planning has been on Raven, and it seems to have made her half-brother Trilogy jealous. After stealing an axe from Trigon’s throne room, Trilogy has gained a huge power boost and has headed to Earth to make use of his new power. While this is concerning on its own, even more concerning is that Trigon specifically left the axe there to be stolen.

Titans Upgrades Raven’s Brother to a God-Tier Demonic Villain


Titans Debuts Raven’s Most Terrifying Power, Taking Her Empath Abilities Too Far

Raven’s evil doppelganger has revealed the extremely dark and overpowered extent of Raven’s empath abilities by violating one core Titans member.

Raven’s Brother Trilogy Is Growing in Power

Panels from Titans #9 by Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott

Titans #9 Trilogy Raven's brother Trigon

Raven’s family history has been complex, with her having to fight off her demonic father and sometimes her demonic siblings as well. Considering how absurdly powerful Raven is, her brothers usually haven’t posed any threat to her. But this seems to be changing with Trilogy gaining a massive power boost. Trilogy has always been looked down on as being weak and inferior, and now he’s trying to prove just how strong he can be by attacking Earth and attempting to defeat his sister. While it’s unlikely he could ever win, a rampaging demon is still the last thing the Titans need right now.

Trigon has been planning to invade Earth through the use of his daughter, and because of this, he’s positioned her to become the Dark-Winged Queen. Raven has been trapped by her evil self and her team-mates seem none the wiser. This attack by Trilogy is going to expose Raven’s true allegiances. Trigon already doubts that Raven is fully on board with his plans due to her heroic actions, but a rampant attack by her demonic brother, who is trying to steal her position as Trigon’s favorite, will quickly expose her true motivations.

Trilogy Could Seriously Challenge the Titans

Trigon Is One of the Team’s Oldest Villains

Comic book panels: the demon Trigon speaks to his son Trilogy

Nothing is ever simple when family is involved, especially when that family is a group of powerful demons. Raven has never really gotten to know her brothers, due to them often siding with her father and hanging out in the underworld. This confrontation will be a major moment for Raven, especially since this is the evil half of Raven. Trigon is perfectly willing to sacrifice her brother Trilogy to test Raven. If Raven realizes this, it’s likely to make her not want to continue following her father’s plans as the Dark-Winged Queen. This battle with Trilogy might be just the thing Raven needs to see through her father’s plans.

Titans #10 is available April 16th from DC Comics!

TITANS #10 (2024)

Titans 10 Main Cover: costumed superheroes pose in front of the face of a demon.

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Lucas Meyer
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Chris Samnee and Mateus Lopes

Teen Titans
