Titans’ Raven Embraces Her Villain Era with a Surprisingly Gory Power Feat

Titans’ Raven Embraces Her Villain Era with a Surprisingly Gory Power Feat

WARNING: Potential Spoilers for Titans #10With Raven remaining imprisoned within her own gemstone, her malevolent counterpart, the Dark-Winged Queen, continues to adeptly impersonate the Empath, effectively deceiving the Titans into believing she is the true Raven. However, the Dark-Winged Queen’s true nature is starting to reveal itself as she performs a brutally gory display of power that the true Raven would NEVER undertake.

In Titans #10 by Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer, and Adriano Lucas, Triolgy, Raven’s estranged half-brother, steals an all-powerful staff from Trigon and launches an attack on the Titans in a misguided attempt to prove his worth to their shared father.

Titans’ Raven Embraces Her Villain Era with a Surprisingly Gory Power Feat

However, this malevolent version of Raven swiftly incapacitates her brother by brutally severing his hand, effectively cutting off his connection to the power-enhancing staff. As the Titans question the necessity of such extreme force, Dark Raven assures them it was warranted due to the immense threat that Trilogy posed to the civilians in the area. Despite her convincing words, not every Titan is convinced.

The Dark-Winged Queen Showcases Her Most Brutal Power Feat by Severing Trilogy’s Hand

Titans #10 Raven featuring Trilogy with one hand less

As Dark Raven teleports herself and Trilogy to a dimension in hell for privacy, the half-demon shouts to the Titans that their “friend” isn’t who she seems. While the Titans’ stance on Trilogy’s claim remains undisclosed, a close-up of Nightwing’s face suggests the team leader is at least somewhat skeptical of Raven. In fact, Dick has harbored suspicions of the Dark-Winged Queen for several issues now, but as revealed by Dark Raven to the true Raven, she has been systematically erasing Nightwing’s suspicions from his mind. Each time a thought of doubt arises, she promptly removes it.

The Dark-Winged Queen has already perpetrated several out-of-character actions during her impersonation of Raven. One of the most striking instances was her removal of Beast Boy’s negative emotions in Titans #9. In issue #10, it is revealed that Starfire has noticed the change in Beast Boy and expresses her disapproval of Raven’s meddling with his emotions. Hence, Nightwing isn’t the only member with suspicions, and if the Dark-Winged Queen continues to escalate her abuses of power, it will only be a matter of time before the Titans realize she isn’t who she claims to be.

Dark Raven May Have Just Inadvertently Given Trilogy the Means to Defeat Her

Titans #10 Raven trapping Triolgy in gem stone

The Dark-Winged Queen reveals that Trilogy’s punishment for attempting to challenge her will be imprisonment in a gemstone, mirroring the fate of the true Raven. However, Dark Raven may have inadvertently provided Trilogy with the means to mount a proper challenge against her. Despite Raven and Trilogy being confined in separate gemstones, their close proximity may enable them to communicate through Raven’s telepathic abilities and devise a plan for their escape and the defeat of their shared enemy. Even if Raven and Trilogy fail to overcome the Dark-Winged Queen, they will at least be able to rally the Titans for assistance.

Titans #10 is available now from DC Comics!

TITANS #10 (2024)

Titans #10 cover featuring Trigon Nightwing starfire raven donna troy cyborg beast boy

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Lucas Meyer
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Chris Samnee & Mat Lopes



Teen Titans