Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland: 10 Hidden Details About The Costumes You Didn’t Notice

Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland: 10 Hidden Details About The Costumes You Didn’t Notice

Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland became the surprise hit of 2010, raking in much more money the industry expected and lead to a slew of Disney live-action remakes (Maleficent, Beauty and the Beast) and their imitators (Snow White and the Huntsman, Pan). Who could have known when it first premiered that Alice in Wonderland would become one of the most influential movies of the 2010s and change the Walt Disney Company for the foreseeable future?

While the film was certainly impactful and popular, it divided critics and fans alike – some felt that it was a refreshingly twisted take on the Alice books, while others felt that Lewis Carroll’s wit and charm was lost amid the CGI oddities. Love or loathe the film, its costumes were exquisite and won designer Colleen Atwood the third of her four Academy Awards for Best Costume Design. Here 10 hidden details about the costumes in Alice in Wonderland viewers didn’t notice.

No Halloween in Wonderland

Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland: 10 Hidden Details About The Costumes You Didn’t Notice

Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and several other characters from Lewis Carroll’s Alice books have become cultural icons, which of course means that everyone has a solid idea of what they look like.

Atwood wanted to avoid making her takes on the characters predictable, so she made sure that they didn’t resemble existing Halloween costumes of the characters, all while hoping that her versions of the characters would inspire future Halloween costumes.

Back to the Start

Atwood found inspiration for her costume designs from a classic source: Lewis Carroll and John Tenniel’s illustrations for the original Alice book.

While both Carroll and Tenniel did live to see the advent of cinema, they hardly would have imagined that their mid-nineteenth century work would impact major films in the 2010s!

A Big Head

One thing that separates Burton’s version of the Red Queen from Carroll’s is her comically large head, which was perhaps inspired by the Duchess, a character from the book with a ridiculously large head who was excised from Burton’s film adaptation and most others.

Atwood helped to make Helena Bonham Carter’s head look abnormally large by giving her a collar that made her head seem a touch big through an optical illusion, though Disney’s special effects department probably did most of the heavy lifting.

The Stepford Queen

Women standing with shopping carts against the backdrop of a superstore in a still from The Stepford Wives

Inspiration for the outfits worn by the Red Queen’s good sister, the White Queen, took inspiration from an unlikely source: The Stepford Wives. A feminist science-fiction satire of traditional gender roles, The Stepford Wives (spoilers!) is about a woman who moves into a new town and is put off by how all the women there are looks-obsessed, 1950s -style homemakers.

The grand twist is that these women are actually robots designed by their husbands to be subservient. Anne Hathaway’s White Queen might look like a Stepford Wife but she certainly doesn’t act like one – she’s too empowered and quirky.

Realism in Wonderland

While realism isn’t a quality to be found in any version of Alice in Wonderland (or most Tim Burton projects, for that matter), Atwood did intend for the costumes worn by Alice and the Mad Hatter in the film to be more realistic than the film’s other looks so that those two characters would be more relatable to the audience.

Atwood also made sure that Alice is never shown wearing constricting clothing like corsets and hoop skirts, as she wanted Alice’s wardrobe to reflect her free-spirited personality.

Walt Disney Magic

Alice wanders around in Alice in Wonderland

While often classified as a remake of Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland functions more as a sequel to the original Alice books. That certainly didn’t stop Burton and company from taking inspiration from Uncle Walt, though.

The blue dress that Alice wears early in Burton’s film was modeled on the dress that she wore in Walt Disney’s version of the story. It’s an interesting tip of the (mad) hat, so when Alice changes clothes it signals to the audience that they’re in for a very different take on the tale.

Fire and Mood Rings

Alice in Wonderland

To make the Mad Hatter’s clothes look just right, Atwood did something just as strange as the futterwacken dance which the Hatter does at the end of the film. She burned them! Atwood said that burning the Hatter’s clothes helped give them the aged look that she was going for as well as a “mood ring quality” where the his clothing mirrors his mental state.

The attentive viewer will notice that the Hatter’s clothes do change from scene to scene, and that he wears darker colors when upset and primary colors when happy. His tie also droops down in scenes where he’s feeling down, because it is important to teach younger viewers how to analyze the media they consume in accessible ways that they can easily understand on their own!

Magpie Hatter

Johnny Depp as Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland

If you look closely as the Hatter’s outfits, you will notice that they have a bit of a patchwork quality to them, with different styles and colors combined in ways you wouldn’t normally see. Atwood says that this is because the Hatter creates his clothes similar to how a magpie creates its nest.

Magpies are known to take lots of random of items that they find interesting and incorporate them into their nests, similar to how the Hatter supposedly created his bizarre wardrobe.

Family Matters

Vanessa PAradis and Johnny Depp

In the film, the Mad Hatter has a distinctive gap between his front teeth, which was inspired by a female pop singer. No, not Madonna. The Hatter’s teeth were modeled on those of French pop singer Vanessa Paradis; when the film was made, Paradis just happened to be married to a little-known actor named Johnny Depp, and their union inspired the Hatter’s look.

The other member of Depp’s family who influenced the Hatter’s appearance was Tim Burton. Burton and Depp created a watercolor painting of the Mad Hatter together which the costume department used as a model for the Hatter’s look.

Loopy Timeline

Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter Alice Through the Looking Glass

Atwood said that she decided early on that the costumes would look like 1860s clothing, as Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865. But since Burton’s Wonderland is really a sequel set many years after the original stories, one would expect the costumes to reflect trends from the 1870’s.

Perhaps Atwood decided that the likeness was more important than period accuracy. Or perhaps the film’s timeline was set a bit earlier than the book so that the two versions of the tale would match aesthetically.