Tim Allen’s Toy Story 5 Idea Is Great (But It Would Make Toy Story 4 Even More Pointless)

Tim Allen’s Toy Story 5 Idea Is Great (But It Would Make Toy Story 4 Even More Pointless)

Buzz Lightyear’s voice actor, Tim Allen, has an idea for Toy Story 5 that sounds like a great way to bring the series full circle, but it would negate the already superfluous Toy Story 4. Toy Story 5 is one of several upcoming Pixar productions alongside Inside Out 2 and Elio. When Bob Iger was reinstated as Disney’s CEO to help right the ship, he announced the development of a few sequels to hit franchises that are guaranteed box office success, including Frozen 3 (and Frozen 4), Zootopia 2, and, indeed, Toy Story 5.

Pixar has yet to release any official plot details for Toy Story 5. But when Allen was asked about Toy Story 5, he offered up his own idea for the sequel. He admitted that his pitch was completely off-the-cuff, but suggested that the fifth Toy Story film should bring back the toys’ original owner, Andy. Allen’s idea for Toy Story 5 would see an adult Andy going around to collect all his old toys to give to his own kids.

Tim Allen’s Toy Story 5 Idea Would Undo Toy Story 3 & 4

Allen’s idea for Toy Story 5 is really sweet and heartfelt, and would undoubtedly have audiences in tears by the end. The whole saga began with Andy growing up and playing with these toys, so it would bring the series full circle to end it with Andy collecting the toys that made him to pass on to the next generation. But the Toy Story franchise already got that perfect full-circle ending when Andy gave his toys to Bonnie at the end of Toy Story 3.

This led into Toy Story 4, in which Woody comes to the realization that, just as Andy outgrew playing with him, he’s outgrown being played with. Toy Story 4 ended with Woody renouncing Bonnie’s ownership of him and leaving the group to reunite with Bo Peep at a carnival. If Toy Story 5 puts Woody right back in Andy’s hands, then it will undo the finality of both Toy Story 3 and Toy Story 4. Maybe this franchise has just run its course and a fifth movie isn’t necessary.

Why Toy Story 5 Doesn’t Need Andy To Work

Tim Allen’s Toy Story 5 Idea Is Great (But It Would Make Toy Story 4 Even More Pointless)

While Allen’s idea for the movie is really touching, Toy Story 5 doesn’t need to bring back Andy to succeed. Toy Story 4 made the right move by committing to the next chapter of these characters’ journeys and telling a Bonnie-centric story. Toy Story 5 needs to follow suit by committing to the huge changes at the end of Toy Story 4. Woody might need to reunite with Buzz for the story to work, but they don’t need to reunite with Andy after that character got a perfect ending in Toy Story 3.