Tiger King: Biggest Reveals From Netflix’s New Episode

Tiger King: Biggest Reveals From Netflix’s New Episode

A new episode of Netflix’s Tiger King reveals some surprises and adds new layers to the already strange story of Joe Exotic. Over the past few weeks, the Netflix true-crime documentary series Tiger King has come to wholly dominate the current pop culture conversation. The truly bonkers tale of Joe Exotic, a big cat breeder and zoo owner whose eccentricities made him infamous, has gripped the world.

According to data gathered by Nielsen, Tiger King was watched by 34.3 million people over its first ten days of release, which gives it the distinction of being one of Netflix’s all-time most successful original releases. While conversations continue regarding the show and the many criticisms it has inspired, fans and critics alike still have many questions they’d like answered. In an effort to deal with the overwhelming demand for more Tiger King, Netflix dropped an after-show episode featuring Joel McHale (Community) interviewing some of the series’ key players.

As figures such as Jeff Lowe, Saff, and Rick Kirkham detailed their experiences with Joe and life after the show, some surprising revelations came to light. Here are some of the biggest reveals from the new episode of Tiger King.

Joe Blew Up John’s Golf Cart

Tiger King: Biggest Reveals From Netflix’s New Episode

Joe Exotic’s treatment of his employees and the people around him was almost as infamous as his treatment of his animals. Erik Cowie, the zoo’s manager, proudly declares that Joe “was an asshole” to him and many others, especially those he considered beneath him. It is John Reinke, G.W. Zoo’s former manager, who reveals just how dirty Joe Exotic could be with his staff. Reinke alleges that Joe’s behavior got worse when the cameras were rolling and “he would fire somebody just because he needed to fire somebody.” Things escalated even further to the point where Reinke claims, that Joe was “blowing everything up,” including Reinke’s golf cart and cabin.

Joe Spoke to a Shaman After Travis’s Death

As was detailed in the docuseries, the traumatic death of his husband Travis Maldonado from a self-inflicted gunshot wound was seen by many as the tipping point where Joe Exotic descended into a dark place and became more determined than ever to kill Big Cat Rescue’s Carole Baskin (who does not appear in the new episode). McHale asks Joshua Dial a question from a Facebook fan as to whether he knew of any help or therapy that Joe may have sought following Travis’s death:

“What Joe did is that he spoke to a shaman […] I felt like it worsened his conditions. I’m all for holistic approaches but sometimes you need real legitimate counselling and medication and he wasn’t getting it.”

Joe is Communicating with Fans From Prison

Joe Exotic craved fame and now, thanks to Tiger King, he’s more famous and even beloved than he ever dreamed he could be. While it’s unlikely that he has access to Netflix behind bars, Joshua Dial reveals that Joe is definitely aware of his newfound celebrity status and is taking advantage of it as much as he can from prison:

“He’s communicating with some of his old fans, and he’s having them run Facebook pages. So he’s getting all the messages people are sending. All the money people are raising for him, he’s getting all that. He’s in the loop on this and he’s loving every minute of it.”

Joe Shot a Donated Horse for Tiger Meat

Tiger King Joe Exotic With Cubs

Rick Kirkham, the TV producer who filmed Joe Exotic for a planned reality series, is perhaps the most candid of the episode’s guests. It is he who offers some of the most surprising reveals regarding the show. While others talk about Joe’s willingness to casually kill animals who were not sick or dying, one incident that Kirkham alleges is especially callous.

Kirkham details a story regarding a horse donated to the zoo by an old woman who could no longer care for her beloved animal. Joe told Rick to film everything as this woman cried about needing someone to take care of her horse, which Joe promised he would do. Then things reportedly took a turn for the worse:

“No sooner did that lady get off the park than Joe said, ‘Rick, follow me.’ [He] walked right up to the horse trailer, pulled the Western revolver out of his holster, shot the horse dead and said, ‘I don’t take care of nobody’s animals. And now, they’re tiger meat.’ And he had the horse cut up and fed to the tigers.”

Joe Exotic Was Scared of Big Cats

Perhaps the biggest shock of the episode came when Rick Kirkham claimed that Joe Exotic, the man who molded himself into the image of the ultimate big cat lover, was actually petrified of lions and tigers. As Kirkham told McHale:

“The one thing that wasn’t pointed out in the docuseries that’s really important to know too: Joe was terrified of big cats. He was scared to death of lions and tigers. And in the shots that you see in there where he’s in with the two tigers, the white one and the other one, the white one is blind and the other one is on tranquilizers. It’s idiotic to think how he’s become famous as ‘the Tiger King’ when he’s so terrified of big cats.”

It is certainly a major revelation that helps to further puncture the mystique surrounding Joe Exotic that the documentary has been accused of inflating beyond the truth. Indeed, it’s a surprise that helps to put the nail in the coffin of any Joe Exotic defenders’ insistence that he only had good intentions for his animals. Between this news, the neglect, poor living conditions, and outright murder of his animals, the image of Joe Exotic as the Tiger King can well and truly be put to sleep.

Many of Joe’s Employees Are Now Dealing With Trauma

All of the participants in the new episode of Tiger King (there are notable absentees such as Joe’s current husband, Dillon Passage, who declined to be interviewed) expressed their conflicted emotions regarding the series and its aftermath. None of the people involved seemed to enjoy their newfound fame. For Joshua Dial and Rick Kirkham, the success of Tiger King and the reminders of a dark period in their lives have led them to be retraumatized by their experiences.

Dial, who ran Joe’s campaign for Governor of Oklahoma, was famously the person who witnessed the death of Joe’s husband Travis Maldonado. He admits that he is still experiencing trauma from the incident and is seeking to raise money so that he can receive the help he needs. Kirkham, who claims he witnessed vast amounts of violence and even dealt with being shot at randomly by Joe, admits that he still has nightmares from his experiences at the zoo. Kirkham says that the nightmares have gotten even worse since Tiger King premiered and that he would love to put this experience behind him but, thanks to the show’s success, “it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger.”