Tiger King: 10 Fan Theories About Carole Baskin’s Missing Husband

Tiger King: 10 Fan Theories About Carole Baskin’s Missing Husband

In 2020, Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness released on Netflix and became an overnight sensation. The true-crime documentary was shown in seven episodes and told the incredible tales of big cat conservationists Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin.

In case readers haven’t seen the documentary in its entirety, there are spoilers ahead. With Joe Exotic sitting in jail serving a 22-year-sentence for multiple charges, we’re focusing on the other eye-opening tale from the series: the disappearance of Carole Baskin’s husband, Don Lewis. The multi-millionaire went missing in 1997 and has never been found. Many have theorized that Baskin had something to do with his killing while others have different suspicions. Keep reading to see 10 fan theories about where Don Lewis may be in 2020.

The Most Obvious: Carole Baskin Definitely Fed Don Lewis To Her Cats

Tiger King: 10 Fan Theories About Carole Baskin’s Missing Husband

According to Carole Baskin, she’s been defending herself for years after the disappearance of her husband, Don Lewis. With his body nowhere to be found, Lewis’ first wife and his children have speculated Baskin actually fed him to her big cats with the help of a meat grinder. Baskin, of course, has constantly denied this rumor. She claims a human body could never fit through the meat grinder the sanctuary had, and that one tiger could never finish eating an enter human body. However, fans point out that Baskin has more than one tiger. It also didn’t help her case when she low-key brought up sardine oil as a way to entice tigers…

He Was In A Plane Crash On His Way To Costa Rica

Throughout the series, Baskin mentioned that Lewis got (and lost) his pilot’s license, and often flew back and forth to Costa Rica for business. He loved Costa Rica and had plenty of properties on the island. However, Baskin debunked the theory that he flew to Costa Rica because his planes were too small and would never make the distance without stopping for fuel. He flew commercial if he had to travel there.

There are some viewers who believed Lewis tried to fly to Costa Rica anyway (stopping somewhere for gas) and got in a plane crash along the way. However, pieces of his plane have never been found, so we’re not too sure how sound this theory is.

He Was Smuggling Drugs From The U.S. To Costa Rica

Was Don Lewis involving himself with the wrong kinds of people? It’s been discovered that Lewis made most of his money through real estate before getting into the big cat business. However, with close ties to Costa Rica — and his millionaire lifestyle — many believe that Don was working with a cartel. With his pilot’s license, viewers believe he was transporting drugs between Costa Rica and the U.S.. He also had trucks for his companies that could have hypothetically been smuggling drugs as well.

He Hid In One Of His Vehicles To Be Smuggled Into Costa Rica

Due to Lewis’ many businesses, he had a few trucks that he used for work. One viewer on Twitter believed that Lewis was hiding inside one of his vehicles, and essentially smuggled his way into Costa Rica without any trace of his existence. If he entered illegally, the country has no idea if he’s there or not, so they can’t report back to the U.S. that he’s been living there since the late ’90s.

According to Baskin, she and Lewis were falling apart at the seams, and hiding out in Costa Rica could have been the only way to silently escape his marriage.

He Paid His Associates To Cover For Him

Throughout Tiger King, we meet Lewis’ first wife, his daughters, his lawyer, and his personal assistant, among other close workers of his. All of them had different theories as to where Don was. His ex thought he was tiger chow; his lawyer kept mum on where he was but wouldn’t be surprised if Carole had something to do with it; and others believe he’s simply living a new, undercover life. 

One viewer thinks Don struck a deal with those important in his day-to-day life and paid them for their silence so he could exit the country in peace.

Baskin’s Brother Killed Lewis

When Baskin talks about her upbringing, we learn she had a hard childhood. In her teenage years, she was brutally attacked by her neighbors and left home at the age of 15 because of it. She ended up getting married and having a daughter, but the entire experience distanced herself from her family. Baskin had a younger brother but due to their age difference, the two were never close. However, in a weird turn of events, her brother ended up working for the local police force.

On the night of Lewis’ disappearance, Baskin just so happened to run into her brother, and due to that strange meeting, one viewer believes it was actually Baskin’s brother who killed Don.

Baskin and Lewis Planned His “Disappearance” So They Could Both Prosper

Wait a second here… Did Baskin and Lewis plan his disappearance together? With Baskin being Lewis’ second wife, he knew he was going to lose a lot of money and assets through the divorce. This could be why he loved hiding his money. Then, in case anything bad happened, he was always protected.

With a secret life in Costa Rica (he had a girlfriend and a few properties down there), one theory is that he’s living a new life in Costa Rica with his secret stash, and left everything else to Baskin. The two realized they could both prosper if he quietly disappeared.

Did His Assistant Do It?

Anne McQueen was one of Lewis’ closest confidants. The two worked closely together for years, and he trusted her more than his own family members. Due to their tight bond and her knowing about Lewis’ business life, many theorize that McQueen had something to do with his disappearance. She claims she never benefited from Lewis, but Baskin recently responded to the series through a blog post, and said the opposite was true. Baskin claims McQueen was caught embezzling over $600,000 from Lewis. Is McQueen hiding something?

Don Lewis And Joe Exotic?!

Tiger King Joe Exotic Carole Baskin

This one may seem far-fetched, but some claim that Lewis and Joe Exotic actually had a closer relationship than reports let on. After meeting through the big cat industry and going head-to-head for years, theories claim Exotic and Lewis had a personal relationship. Once Baskin found out about it, she made it her mission to hurt both men who were hurting her.

The Whole Thing Is Fake

tiger king joe exotic mug shot

Believe it or not, there are some viewers out there who believe the entire concept of Tiger King is a hoax. Everything from the explosions on Exotic’s property to Baskin putting her husband through a meat grinder is all embellished for the good of Netflix. Lewis may not be in Florida anymore, but some viewers claim his loved ones (including his assistant) know where he really is. If he is alive in Costa Rica living under a different name, Baskin or McQueen know exactly where to find him. Everything else was created as salacious gossip to push a documentary.