Three Jokers’ Twist Ending Fixed The Killing Joke’s Greatest Flaw

Three Jokers’ Twist Ending Fixed The Killing Joke’s Greatest Flaw

The twist ending of Batman: Three Jokers‘ that rewrote Batman: The Killing Joke had some fans confused and upset about how the classic DC story was changed. Part of the reason the original story is so iconic, is his transformation into the Joker after losing his pregnant wife. When Three Jokers ended with Joker’s family being alive, it was a bold change – and one of the best things that could have happened to the villain’s origin.

The Killing Joke is, of course, a truly remarkable masterpiece, especially with how writer Alan Moore and Brian Bolland tactfully manipulated readers into actually commiserating over the unfortunate tragedy that befell a man who would later become one of pop culture’s most horrific monsters. But it does possess one tragic flaw that Three Jokers finally fixes: Joker’s wife, and in turn their son, never died. Part of what made Joker’s story so heart-wrenching was his humanity. And him having a family whom he couldn’t support only exemplified readers’ feelings for him, all of which was exacerbated by the fact that, by transforming into Joker, he left all of that behind.

But what did he really leave behind? Nothing really. The Killing Joke made sure of that. Everything his life consisted of was already gone before his transformation could even take it all away. Remember, he was told right before becoming Joker that his pregnant wife had died, so he’d in essence already lost everything of his soon-to-be former life. This, in turn, diminished the overall damage that his transformation could inflict. All the transformation takes from him was his humanity when it could have taken so much more. For it is assumed that, if they survived and he knew this, Joker would not have returned to live a normal life with his family. He would have murdered them or worse.

Three Jokers’ Twist Ending Fixed The Killing Joke’s Greatest Flaw

Of course, Moore’s choice to have his pregnant wife die by normal means (a household accident) was irony at its finest. Joker’s transformation would have wrecked her life in unimaginable ways if she survived, and yet, something as familiar, albeit tragic, as a household accident miraculously snubs the devastation that an unworldly and unimaginable transformation could have created. But what good is irony if it’s just for irony’s sake? It’s powerful for sure but wholly contained in this one story. The irony cannot impact any future stories of the Joker or further complicate his already complex character. But Three Jokers remedies this failure.

In Batman: Three Jokers #3 written by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, Batman reveals that Joker’s wife never actually died and that she concocted her own death so she could start a new life with her son far away from her husband. This is why Batman must never reveal who Joker is. Just think for a moment what this could mean should Joker find out they survived. Joker’s entire entity is interminably entwined in Batman’s. He has no past. There’s only what their relationship is now and what it will be. But with his wife and child still alive, Joker would have to contend with his past for the first time, a former identity that he’s never shared, nor has he ever shown any inkling of wanting to because it’s not who he is now. Could that be why he has never shown any interest in Batman’s true identity?

All that said, the possibilities are now endless since Joker’s former family is alive. But if they’re truly dead, then what does that mean? Nothing. There’s nothing new to explore and things will just progress as they have been progressing ever since Batman: The Killing Joke debuted in 1988. What fun is that?