This Rock Formation Caught The Mars Rover’s Eye, But Now It’s Moving On

This Rock Formation Caught The Mars Rover’s Eye, But Now It’s Moving On

NASA‘s Perseverance rover is on the move for its next mission, but that didn’t stop it from catching a glimpse at this unique rock formation. If 2021 has proven anything, it’s that there’s a lot to uncover on Mars. The neighboring planet has been a focal point of space exploration this year. Scientists have created interior maps of the planet’s inside, learned more about its clay deposits, and Martian rovers have captured a ton of gorgeous photos.

One rover that often finds itself in the headlines is Perseverance. Perseverance was sent by NASA to find ancient signs of Martian life, and in the few short months it’s been active, Perseverance has made incredible progress. It’s explored new areas of the planet, traveled on its own using an autopilot system, and even collected samples of Martian rock that’ll eventually be returned to Earth. While doing all of these things, Perseverance has also spotted some unique rock formations. From worm-like rocks to large ones with intricate details, Perseverance has repeatedly showcased the harsh beauty of the planet.

For its latest mission update, Perseverance has done that yet again. On September 23, Perseverance shared the above photo of another unique Mars rock. It appears to be a large formation jutting out of an even bigger sand dune with a wide base beneath it. There also looks to be a textured pattern all throughout the rock, suggesting it’s been faced with many years of harsh dust/sandstorms.

Where On Mars Perseverance Is Heading Next

This Rock Formation Caught The Mars Rover’s Eye, But Now It’s Moving On
Photo credit: NASA

If this rock formation looks so neat, why is Perseverance now moving on from it? In addition to already spending a “week of science” at the rock, Perseverance now needs to find a spot to park due to the incoming solar conjunction. Once every two years, the Earth and Mars are blocked entirely from one another by the Sun. When this happens, this solar conjunction prevents communication between Perseverance and NASA scientists on Earth. As such, Perseverance is on the lookout for a “parking spot” where it can sit tight and wait for the solar conjunction to run its course between October 2 and October 14.

Where exactly is Perseverance setting up camp? As shared from the Perseverance Twitter account, there are “lots of parking spaces to choose from.” Since Perseverance won’t be active during this period, all it needs is a safe and open area to rest while the solar conjunction runs its course (such as one potential spot seen in the picture above). This also means there won’t be any major updates from Perseverance for the next little while, but that’s only temporary. Once the conjunction is over and NASA regains proper communication, Perseverance will be well on its way with more exploring, photography, and rock collecting.