“This Is Why I Did Not Have a Sidekick”: Wonder Woman Admits Why She Refuses to Recognize Wonder Girl as Her Sidekick

“This Is Why I Did Not Have a Sidekick”: Wonder Woman Admits Why She Refuses to Recognize Wonder Girl as Her Sidekick

Warning! Preview Pages ahead for Wonder Woman #5!A frank admission from Wonder Woman reveals her surprising feelings about the various Wonder Girls and why she doesn’t see them as sidekicks. The world has turned against the Amazons and Diana’s closest companions all seek to talk some sense into her. But a contest offers Wonder Woman a chance to speak her mind about DC’s Wonder Girls.

In a preview for Wonder Woman #5 by Tom King and Daniel Sampere, Diana meets with Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, and Yara Flor. Since talking isn’t working between the heroes, Wonder Woman offers her allies a chance to resolve their differences with various contests of their choosing.

Yara chooses arrows and the two meet in a field for their trial. Yara boasts that her youth gives her an advantage over Wonder Woman, who ignores Yara’s words. As Wonder Girl keeps up her trash talk, Wonder Woman snidely remarks that the endless talking is exactly why she never had a sidekick.

Wonder Woman Never Saw Her Partners as Sidekicks

“This Is Why I Did Not Have a Sidekick”: Wonder Woman Admits Why She Refuses to Recognize Wonder Girl as Her Sidekick

Wonder Woman’s entire world was turned upside down when Emelie, an Amazon killed an entire pool hall filled with men. The event ignited a firestorm of controversy and the United States government was quick to respond. Legislature was passed that banned Amazons from America and even created a task force to remove Amazons who didn’t comply. But Diana stayed, determined to find Emelie and end the plague of madness and paranoia gripping the country. Unfortunately, working against Wonder Woman is the Sovereign, the secret king of America who is manipulating the population and is determined to quash what Diana represents.

Hearing Wonder Woman claim she’s never had a sidekick is a bit odd, but it’s not exactly a lie. Despite their connection to Diana, Donna and Cassie spent more time with the Titans than as Wonder Woman’s partners in the field. Yara might carry the Wonder Girl legacy, but she’s largely been left to her own devices. Unlike Batman and Robin or Flash and Kid Flash, Wonder Woman’s partners weren’t at her side lending support. They were heroes in their own right. But Diana never needed a sidekick like her Justice League allies. The last thing a warrior like Wonder Woman needs in the heat of battle is someone else questioning Diana’s judgment.

Wonder Woman Intentionally Kept Distance from the Wonder Girls

Wonder Woman fighting in DC Comics

Granted, all of the Wonder Girls looked up to Diana as a source of inspiration. But just like Wonder Woman, they were strong and independent. Diana’s always been a team player, but she operates best when she’s only responsible for her actions and not the actions of a mentee. Wonder Woman doesn’t need someone second-guessing her decisions in battle. For Diana, those who become Wonder Girl should use the mantle to forge their own identity so Wonder Woman can continue operating at the peak efficiency she’s used to.

Wonder Woman #5 is on sale from DC Comics on January 16th.