This Is Us’ Pearson Family Tree Explained

This Is Us’ Pearson Family Tree Explained

The Pearson family is the heart of This Is Us, and the (mostly) tight-knit group spans multiple generations over the course of the six-season television series. The plot twist at the end of the NBC drama’s pilot episode revealed that the show would jump around between numerous timelines as it told the story of the Pearsons. Although the series featured around 16 family members throughout its six seasons and 106 episodes, the most significant ones were undoubtedly Jack, Rebecca, Kevin, Kate, and Randall. They were at the core of the overarching story, and the narrative often revolved around them (even though one was dead in the present timeline).

This Is Us, which was created by Dan Fogelman, won many awards when it was on the air from 2016 to 2022, thanks to its heartfelt and surprising storytelling, jaw-dropping performances, and ability to connect with the audience. Despite its simplicity, the show’s focus on the Pearson family, the tragedy and heartbreak that revolved around them, and their profound moments were what made it a success. Sadly, This Is Us ended following its season 6 finale on May 24, 2022, bringing the story of the Pearson family to a satisfying conclusion.

Stanley Pearson

This Is Us’ Pearson Family Tree Explained

The eldest Pearson family member in This Is Us was Stanley Pearson, played by Peter Onorati. Stanley was Jack and Nicky’s father, and he was the farthest thing from a caring and supportive parent in flashbacks in the NBC series. He was physically and mentally abusive toward his wife and children, and he was an alcoholic. Stanley’s parenting undoubtedly affected Jack, who later became an alcoholic himself. But Jack was also determined to be a far better father to his children than Stanley ever was to him. Once he had a family of his own, Jack wanted nothing to do with Stanley, who died in 1988. Related: The Biggest Plot Twists On This Is Us

Marilyn Pearson

Marilyn and Jack Pearson embrace in the kitchen in This Is Us

Unlike his relationship with his father, Jack held a deep love for his mother, Marilyn Pearson, played by Laura Niemi in This Is Us. He felt a need to protect her from Stanley, even as a child. When Jack was older, he helped Marilyn move out and get far away from her abusive husband. Unfortunately, Marilyn and Jack grew farther apart once he started his family, and she began a new life in Ohio. They rarely talked on the phone, and she only visited Jack, Rebecca, and the Big Three once since Stanley was still living in Pittsburgh. Marilyn died in 1986, and after some difficulty, Jack gave the perfect eulogy for his mother at her funeral.

Jack Pearson

Jack Pearson looking at his babies on This Is Us

Milo Ventimiglia’s Jack Pearson was the heart and soul of This Is Us, which is why it was so heartbreaking when the show revealed he was dead in the present timeline. After a difficult childhood and a traumatizing experience in Vietnam during the war, Jack returned home and met Rebecca, and they soon fell in love. Their love story was one for the ages (that was often romanticized throughout the series), and Jack and Rebecca got married, had triplets (Kevin, Kate, and Randall), and lived a (mostly) happy life.

The Pearson family’s home caught on fire (thanks to a faulty crock pot) on January 25, 1998. Kevin was away with Sophie at the time, thankfully, but Jack made it his mission to save everyone else. He got Rebecca, Kate, Randall, and their dog out of the house unharmed. At first, Jack was fine, but he had to go to the hospital because he inhaled a lot of smoke. Sadly, while there, Jack unexpectedly had a heart attack and died. His death had a profound effect on the rest of the Pearsons, as they struggled with grieving Jack for most of their lives.

Nicky Pearson

Uncle Nicky in Kevin's house on This is Us

Nicky Pearson’s existence was kept from the audience at the beginning of This Is Us. Jack had disowned Nicky, who was played by Michael Angarano and Griffin Dunne, following their time in the Vietnam War. Growing up, Jack felt a need to protect his brother just like his mother, so when Nicky was enlisted, Jack followed him to Vietnam. Sadly, Nicky struggled immensely during the war, which turned him bitter. One day, an accident with a grenade resulted in a young Vietnamese boy’s death, and Jack believed that Nicky had killed him on purpose, resulting in him cutting his brother out of his life.

Jack told people that Nicky had died while serving, even though he was alive and far from well. The brothers reunited once when Jack visited to tell Nicky to stop sending postcards, and Nicky learned about his sister-in-law, two nephews, and niece. That was the last time Nicky saw Jack, but years later, Kevin sought out Nicky and welcomed him back into the Pearson family.

Rebecca Pearson

Rebecca Malone, played by Mandy Moore, grew up in a privileged household that strictly followed traditional gender roles, and she wanted no part of that. So when she met Jack Pearson, she was ready to start a new life with him. Rebecca dreamed of being a singer, but after a trip to Los Angeles, she decided to return to Pittsburgh and later married Jack. They have three children and live a wonderful life together. As mentioned above, though, it all came crashing down when Jack died in the late 1990s. Rebecca was thrust into the role of the sole caretaker of three teenagers while trying to process her grief. Despite the struggles, Rebecca persevered.

Many years after Jack’s death, Rebecca started dating his best friend, Miguel Rivas, much to the dismay of her children. Over time, Kevin, Kate, and Randall learned to accept their mother’s new relationship, and Rebecca and Miguel got married. As she got older, Rebecca learned she had Alzheimer’s, and she later died from the disease in 2033 at the age of 82.

Kevin Pearson

Kevin Pearson was the first of the Big Three to be born in This Is Us. Like every other member of the Pearson family, Justin Hartley’s character encountered many struggles throughout his life. Before his father’s death, Kevin suffered a football career-ending injury, which set him on a new path. He married his high school sweetheart, Sophie, after high school, but they got a divorce when Kevin cheated on her while pursuing an acting career in Los Angeles. After losing Jack and Sophie, Kevin was lost for a long time, and he became an addict like his father.

Kevin finally got his life together when he had a one-night stand with his sister’s best friend, Madison Simons, that resulted in her getting pregnant with twins — Nick and Franny. Kevin and Madison tried to pursue a relationship, and they almost got married, but they soon realized they weren’t meant to be together. Years later, Kevin reconnected with Sophie at Kate’s second wedding, and they decided to try again. Kevin and Sophie got married sometime before Rebecca’s death, and Kevin finally got his happy ending.

Kate Pearson

Chrissy Metz as Kate Pearson on This Is Us.

Jack and Rebecca’s only daughter, Kate Pearson, was the very definition of the middle child in This Is Us. She was the voice of reason and mediator between her two brothers, Kevin and Randall, even though she often had her own problems to deal with in the NBC series. Kate, played by Chrissy Metz, struggled with her weight, and following her father’s death, she faced immense grief. Kate and Jack were very close, and she blamed herself for his death. Over time, though, she healed, and she later met and married Toby Damon. They had two kids together, Jack and Hailey, before they sadly divorced.

Kate started working as a music teacher for blind children at her son’s school, which is where she met Phillip. Since Kate was still married to Toby at the time, nothing romantic transpired between them. But following the divorce, Kate and Phillip developed a romantic connection, and they later got married.

Randall Pearson

This Is Us Randall

Jack and Rebecca’s third child, Kyle, died during childbirth, which ultimately led to them adopting Randall Pearson, played by Sterling K. Brown, in This Is Us. Randall’s biological father, William Hill, dropped him off at a fire station the day he was born after William believed that Randall’s biological mother, Laurel Dubois, died from a heroin overdose after giving birth. Firefighters brought him to the hospital, where Jack saw him in the nursery and convinced Rebecca to bring him home, along with Kevin and Kate. Throughout his life, Randall struggled to feel as if he belonged in the Pearson family despite the love they all shared.

Randall met Beth Clarke in college, and the rest is history. The couple got married sometime after graduation and began a family. Randall quit his job in season 1, and he pursued a career in politics. By the end of the NBC series, Randall had become a senator and was thinking about running for president. Unfortunately, fans will never know if he reached the White House since the show ended before they could find out.

Beth Pearson

Beth smiling at someone in This Is Us

Susan Kelechi Watson’s Beth Pearson was probably the most reasonable member of the Pearson family in This Is Us. She recognized the family dynamics at play and knew when to sit out of disagreements and when to intervene. As mentioned above, Beth fell in love with Randall while attending college. Before that, she aspired to be a dancer, but the competitive nature of the sport and her father’s death discouraged her, so she quit and went to college. After marrying Randall, Beth gave birth to their two daughters, Tess and Annie, and the couple later adopted Deja. Beth returned to her dancing roots near the end of the series and opened up a dance school.

Deja Pearson

Malik and Deja walk in the park on This Is Us

Randall decided that he wanted to give a child the same experience that he had growing up, so he convinced Beth to adopt in This Is Us, which is where Deja, played by Lyric Ross, entered the picture. Deja’s biological mother, Shauna Andrews, was neglectful, forcing Deja to grow up at a young age and jump around between foster homes before landing in the Pearson family. Deja struggled to adapt to her new situation, but over time, she developed a strong relationship with Randall, Beth, Tess, and Annie. In the future timeline, Deja becomes a doctor and ends up with her high school sweetheart, Malik Hodges.

Tess Pearson

Beth and Tess talking in This Is Us

Tess Pearson, played by Eris Baker, was Randall and Beth’s firstborn in This Is Us. Like the rest of the Pearsons, Tess was close to her family in the NBC drama, but she and Beth hit a rough patch when she came out to her mother. Although Beth was not judgmental of her daughter’s sexuality, she struggled to come to terms with it. Eventually, they made peace, and in the future, Tess became a social worker.

Annie Pearson

Randall with Annie in front of cake in This Is Us

Faithe Herman portrayed Annie Pearson, Randall and Beth’s youngest daughter, in This Is Us on NBC. Annie didn’t have many significant storylines throughout the drama television show’s six seasons, but she was often shown as being close to her parents and siblings. Her biggest problem came with being the youngest and the smallest, which faded as she grew older.

Jack Damon

Adult Jack Damon talks with Lucy Damon at the diner in This Is Us

Kate and Toby’s son, Jack Damon, was one of the few Pearson grandkids to receive a strong storyline in the future timeline. Jack was born blind, which was a significant adjustment for Kate and Toby and something that contributed to the couple’s many fights later in the series. As an adult, Jack, played by Blake Stadnik, became a famous singer, married a waitress named Lucy, and together, they had a daughter — Hope.

Hailey Damon

Adelaide Kane as Hailey in This Is Us

Kate and Toby adopted Hailey Damon as a baby in This Is Us season 5, but she was seen as an adult, played by Adelaide Kane, in the future timeline in the season 4 finale. Not much is known about Hailey other than her connections to the Pearson family. She appeared to have a close relationship with her brother, Jack, since she visited him and Lucy in the hospital after Lucy gave birth to Hope.

Nick Pearson

Nick in This Is Us.

Kevin and Madison’s son, Nicholas “Nick” Pearson, was played by Preston Oliver in This Is Us. Nick was mostly seen in the pivotal flash forward of Rebecca’s final moments, as the Pearson family gathered at the cabin to say goodbye to her. Nick was named after his Uncle Nicky, seeing as his father, Kevin, and Nicky formed a strong relationship in the show. Related: This Is Us: 10 Questions That Remain Unanswered

Franny Pearson

Franny and Kevin in This Is Us.

The final member of the Pearson family in This Is Us was Frances “Franny” Pearson, played by Jasper McPherson. Franny was Nick’s twin sister and Kevin and Madison’s daughter. Like her brother, Franny was also primarily seen in the aforementioned flash forward at the cabin in This Is Us.