“This Is How I Make Peace”: Peacemaker Explains the Brutal True Meaning of His Codename

“This Is How I Make Peace”: Peacemaker Explains the Brutal True Meaning of His Codename

Over the years, various DC characters, including Wonder Woman’s Amazon sisters, have remarked that they found the alias “Peacemaker” for anti-villain Chris Smith somewhat contradictory, given his propensity for violence. However, Peacemaker has recently explained the brutal truth behind his chosen moniker, making it an undeniably fitting name for his character.

In Amazons Attack #5 by Josie Campbell and Vasco Georgiev, Peacemaker leads his own A.X.E. (Amazon Extradition Entity) taskforce as he confronts Queen Nubia and fellow Amazon, Faruka. With Nubia incapacitated, Peacemaker raises the barrel of a gun against her head, signaling impending violence.

“This Is How I Make Peace”: Peacemaker Explains the Brutal True Meaning of His Codename

This brazen act prompts Faruka to challenge Chris on his chosen moniker, questioning, “You call yourself Peacemaker. Do you really think shooting the Queen of the Amazons is going to bring peace?Chris counters by emphasizing that his name is Peace-MAKER, not Peace-BRINGER, before proceeding to elaborate on the meaning of his codename.

Peacemaker Means Chris Smith “Makes Peace” By Any Means Necessary​​​​​​

Peacemaker in Amazons Attack #5 explaining his codename pt 2

The distinction Chris is drawing between “peacebringer” and “peacemaker” is that, as a maker of peace, he is willing to establish peace through any means necessary, even if it requires resorting to extreme and violent methods to achieve his goals. He underscores this by stating, “and this is how I make peace,” before outlining the two options for achieving “peace” in this situation. The first option involves arresting Nubia and Faruka in the name of A.X.E., while the second entails shooting Nubia and then targeting every other Amazon leader. He emphasizes that both options will equal peace.

Previously, many had assumed that the name “Peacemaker” was an extremely ironic name choice, considering how Chris tends to operate. However, with his explanation of the codename’s true meaning, it becomes absolutely perfect for his violence-prone, “do whatever it takes” character, even if heroes such as Faruka are prone to misinterpreting it. Though this scene was only a couple of panels long, it brilliantly captured the essence of Chris Smith’s character, making it a moment that both old and new fans appreciate for its succinct clarity concerning Peacemaker.

Peacemaker’s Special Brand of Peace Will Continue to Expand Across Storylines

Peacemaker Tries Hard 6 Cover DC

Considering that Amanda Waller is one of three individuals comprising DC’s Evil Trinity (read: big bads) this year and Peacemaker’s main role is as her right-hand man and hired gun, it isn’t surprising that he has been making appearances across various ongoing storylines. He has already had run-ins with Nightwing, Green Arrow, and the Amazons. Hence, it isn’t far-fetched to assume that Peacemaker will continue bringing his unique brand of peace to the DC Universe as conflicts between heroes and villains escalate.

Amazons Attack #5 is available now from DC Comics!


Amazons Attack #5 cover pfeaturing peacemaker and Nubia

  • Writer: Josie Campbell
  • Artist: Vasco Georgiev
  • Colorist: Alex Guimarães
  • Letterer: Becca Carey
  • Cover Artist: Clayton Henry & Marcelo Maiolo