These Three Minutes Of Catching Fire Proved Katniss And Peeta Would End Up Together

These Three Minutes Of Catching Fire Proved Katniss And Peeta Would End Up Together

Though The Hunger Games franchise is a dystopic trilogy, it also includes romance, and a few minutes from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire proved Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) would end up together. Their relationship had started as a façade to gain the public’s sympathy and make sure they survived, but the pairing quickly became a fan-favorite in real life, too. However, the couple wasn’t guaranteed a happy ending because, besides the dangerous Hunger Games, there was also a love triangle involving Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) and no one knew who Katniss would end up with.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, the second installment of the franchise based on the popular book series by Suzanne Collins, has Katniss and Peeta returning to the arena to fight for their lives once more following their victory in the 74th Hunger Games. This time, ruthless President Snow had prepared a special round of the Hunger Games for its 75th edition, rounding up tributes from previous Hunger Games winners, and they become tributes again. In addition to new schemes to make sure they stay alive for a second year in a row, Katniss and Peeta had to keep up appearances of their fake romance, but it also included some real moments between the two.

Katniss And Peeta’s Beach Scene In Catching Fire Proved They Were Inevitable

These Three Minutes Of Catching Fire Proved Katniss And Peeta Would End Up Together

Katniss and Peeta had been faking their relationship since the first Hunger Games movie, and they had to continue the charade in Catching Fire, too, but the beach scene from the sequel proved they were inevitable. The two joined forces in the first movie and, after gaining the public’s support, they were both crowned winners after they were willing to die for each other at the end. In the second, they have to keep faking their relationship and survive, so they team up with other previous winners. However, while making plans on how to survive, during the beach scene, both showed they had real feelings and were willing to sacrifice themselves for each other.

While Peeta had made his feelings for Katniss clear, Katniss never focused on romance, be it with Peeta or Gale. Although she cared about both of them, she had always been focused on providing for her family or preparing to survive in the Hunger Games. However, spending time with Peeta and making sure they both survived made Katniss realize he was a good person, and she didn’t want to lose him, which is perfectly embodied during their few minutes together in the beach scene when she finally revealed some genuine feeling for Peeta, proving that Katniss and Peeta would end up together.

Why These Three Minutes Of The Hunger Games Trilogy Solidified Katniss And Peeta

Katniss and Peeta in Mockingjay

Besides their plans on how to make sure each other survives, those three minutes of the sequel in The Hunger Games trilogy solidified Katniss and Peeta’s relationship. During the beach scene, the two also share their first real kiss. They had been acting in front of the camera for a long time, but during the beach scene, they weren’t acting and got real with each other and showed their vulnerability. Their kiss was a product of real love, which would only grow in future moments together.

These three minutes were pivotal in the entire trilogy because they also proved that Peeta could give Katniss something Gale couldn’t–comfort and safety. Peeta was willing to do anything to make sure Katniss returned to her family and that gave her hope, which is what kept her alive the entire time. Unlike Gale, who shared the same fire as Katniss, Peeta was kind and gave her stability and gently encouraged her to be a better person. At the same time, he was also fully understanding her experience in the arena, and giving her time to heal. The beach scene in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was the first glimpse of what was to come.