These 3 Major Western Actors All Rejected The Same $300 Million Box Office Hit From 1978

These 3 Major Western Actors All Rejected The Same 0 Million Box Office Hit From 1978

Three prominent Western actors all rejected the lead role in the 1978 box office hit Superman. The Richard Donner film, which went on to generate roughly $300 million at the 1978 worldwide box office, was one of the most celebrated films of the year by fans and critics alike. Christopher Reeve eventually took the leading role of Superman in the film, which inspired him to reprise the role of the famed DC hero in three additional sequels: Superman II (1980), Superman III (1983), and Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987).

Before Reeve landed the coveted job as Clark Kent, a long list of some of the most prominent actors of the 1970s were considered for the part. Some of these actors included Dustin Hoffman, Bury Reynolds, Sylvester Stallone, and Harrison Ford, who were reportedly all at various stages of talks with Warner Brothers. Given Reeve’s legendary history as Superman for nearly a decade, it’s hard to imagine anyone else in that era in the iconic role, Surprisingly, three additional well-known actors of the Western genre were being tossed around as legitimate contenders to become the larger-than-life Man of Steel.

Steve McQueen, Paul Newman & Robert Redford All Rejected The 1978 Superman Movie

These 3 Major Western Actors All Rejected The Same 0 Million Box Office Hit From 1978

Legendary Western actors Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, and Robert Redford were all offered the part of Superman in the 1978 movie and ultimately rejected it. Redford turned down the part because he believed that audiences wouldn’t be able to separate him from the character, assuming that most viewers wouldn’t see Superman or Clark Kent but rather Robert Redford pretending to be Superman and Clark Kent. Steve McQueen was nearing the end of his acting career and did not want to take on the burden of such a massive part.

McQueen only starred in two movies after 1978’s Superman, Tom Horn and The Hunter. McQueen was far more interested in pursuing other interests outside acting, including focusing on his relationship with supermodel Barbara Minty. McQueen died in 1980 at the age of 50, which would have led to an ultimate recasting after 1978’s Superman had he agreed. Paul Newman turned down the role because he believed he was too old for the part, having been 53 when Superman was released. Each actor was offered $4 million to star in the movie, and each actor turned it down.

Robert Redford Ended Up Finally Making A Superhero Movie 36 Years Later

robert redford as alexander pierce in captain america the winter soldier

While McQueen and Newman never got into superhero movies for the rest of their careers, Redford eventually landed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2014 as Alexander Pierce. Despite not being an actual superhero in Captain America: The Winter Solider and eventually in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, he was the closest of the three Western genre icons to playing one in a Hollywood movie. All three Western actors were wise to avoid such a stark spotlight and a long-term commitment to the Superman role that would have certainly altered the courses of their legendary careers.