There’s Something Wrong With Mickey When You Realize Goofy & Pluto Are Both His Friends

There’s Something Wrong With Mickey When You Realize Goofy & Pluto Are Both His Friends

Disney is renowned for creating expertly crafted stories and characters, but one detail involving the friendship of some of their most popular characters, Mickey, Goofy, and Pluto, is confusing. Often referred to as the “Sensational Six,” Disney’s core group of characters are their most popular and most well-known. These characters are Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, and Pluto. Three of them are known to be best friends, and while animated characters don’t need to make the most sense, this dynamic between Mickey, Goofy, and Pluto just seems wrong.

From the various pieces of entertainment that this core six has been in, viewers have been able to learn that Mickey Mouse is close friends with Goofy. Mickey also has a loyal and intelligent pet, Pluto. Separately, both of these relationships make complete sense. However, when it is taken into consideration that both Goofy and Pluto are dogs, their individual relationships with Mickey Mouse are head-scratchers.

Goofy & Pluto’s Roles As Dogs Complicate Their Friendship With Mickey

There’s Something Wrong With Mickey When You Realize Goofy & Pluto Are Both His Friends

Despite speculation that he was a cow, Mickey’s silly friend Goofy has been confirmed to be a dog. Pluto is clearly also a dog, so how does Mickey have such different relationships with the two of them? Goofy is anthropomorphic, or human-like, similar to Mickey Mouse. He is able to talk, he wears clothes, and he walks on two legs. Pluto, on the other hand, is not able to do these things. He is walked on a leash by Mickey Mouse and is his ever-companion.

While the two are different in many ways, Goofy and Pluto do have similar physical qualities that confirm they are both dogs. These include having big floppy ears and a black nose. Both characters being dogs but having such different relationships with Mickey complicates things in the Disney universe. If both are dogs, why does Mickey Mouse treat them so differently? This has caused confusion for years, but Disney has never come out and said why this is the case.

Why Is Pluto The Only Non-Human-Like Character Out Of Disney’s Core Six?

Mickey Mouse is offering Pluto a treat.

Disney has not given an official answer as to why Pluto is the only non-anthropomorphic character, but there are a number of theories. The most widely accepted and probable theory is that Goofy has evolved from a dog, but Pluto was unable to do so. Another theory is that Disney animators wanted to flex their wide-range of skills by creating the same animal in two completely different ways. There is also speculation that it was meant to serve as a juxtaposition of Goofy being a “dumb dog” who is confused and doesn’t do what he is supposed to do by walking on two legs, while Pluto walks on all fours.

Considering how long it’s been since the two characters’ initial debut, with Pluto’s being in 1930 and Goofy’s being in 1932, and the fact that no official explanation has been released yet, it is unlikely viewers will ever get a clear answer as to why this oddity exists. These kinds of instances in Disney history are rare, though, as the company tends to be on top of continuity and making sure everything fits together perfectly within their universe.