“There Will Be Consequences”: Captain America Finally Kills His First Ever Villain – & It’s His Worst Mistake Yet

“There Will Be Consequences”: Captain America Finally Kills His First Ever Villain – & It’s His Worst Mistake Yet

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Captain America #6Having faced down his fair share of monsters, Captain America is no stranger to taking a life for the greater good. Both as a soldier and as an Avenger, Steve Rogers has been put into situations where he’s unable to hold back on more than one occasion. Now, it seems that Captain America’s latest victory, over his first ever enemy, is coming at a grave cost.

Captain America #6 – by J. Michael Straczynski, Lan Medina, Belardino Brabo, Espen Grundetjern, and Joe Caramagna – features Steve vanquishing Asmoday, a King of Hell. Battling against the devil’s Emissary, with the aid of Doctor Strange, Captain America seemingly has no choice but to destroy the demon to save the innocents in its crosshairs.

“There Will Be Consequences”: Captain America Finally Kills His First Ever Villain – & It’s His Worst Mistake Yet

Ultimately, Steve is victorious against Asmoday. However, as Strange notes, “if you kill him, there will be consequences,” indicating that destroying such a major demonic player comes at a cost – and whatever happens next will be on Captain America’s head.

Steve Rogers' Captain America in The First Avenger


Captain America’s Most Badass Line Shows He Has 0 Patience For These MCU Villains

Captain America is a champion for peace, but there is one group of MCU villains he hates so much that even he refuses to accept their surrender.

Captain America’s Latest Victory Could Have Long-Term Consequences

First becoming a superhero to battle against the Nazis, Captain America is no stranger to slaying demons. However, facing off against a literal King of Hell isn’t exactly within Steve Rogers’ standard wheelhouse. With occult entities like Mephisto or the Beast of the Hand consistently in play, Marvel Comics fans are almost as aware as Doctor Strange of just how dastardly these demons can be. That said, it seems that Captain America’s lack of experience against the occult hasn’t taught him the same lesson. An especially ironic circumstance considering Asmoday almost killed Steve before he ever became a soldier.

In the Marvel Universe, battling against anything mystical or occult comes at a cost, and by killing such a major demonic force in Captain America #6, Steve Rodgers has certainly made a decision that is bound to have consequences, which nobody can yet fully foresee. Whether Captain America’s actions lead to a power vacuum that sparks a war in Hell, or whether the evil allies of Asmoday seek out Steve Rogers for retribution, it’s not going to be pretty. More importantly, whatever the consequence, it’s going to be Captain America who has to face it.

Captain America Has Slain Monsters Before – & Will Again

Captain America charging forward on a WWII battlefield, with Bucky at his side

Captain America is one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, so there’s not much that can be thrown at him which he cannot face. Unfortunately, the occult has never really been Steve Rogers’ area of expertise, so he’s going to have an uphill battle dealing with whatever fallout comes his way, following the destruction of Asmoday in Captain American #6. That being said, the Sentinel of Liberty has always proven himself up to the challenge of defending the world, and it will be a cold day in Hell before Captain America ever stops fighting the good fight against the forces of evil.

Captain America #6 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Captain America #6 (2024)

captain america #6 steve rogers throws a shield with the eye of agamotto on it
  • Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
  • Artist: Lan Medina
  • Colorist: Espen Grundetjern
  • Inker: Belardino Brabo
  • Colorist: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke