The X-Men’s New Zombie Queen Just Claimed Her Throne

The X-Men’s New Zombie Queen Just Claimed Her Throne

This article contains spoilers for Empyre: X-Men #3.

The X-Men‘s Magik has become the new zombie queen of Genosha. Magik is undoubtedly one of the most sinister, complicated members of the X-Men. She was originally introduced as Colossus’ beloved younger sister, his “Little Snowflake.” But the child was kidnapped by the Hell Lord named Belasco, and she was taken to the realm of Limbo, where she was trained as a sorceress. Time runs differently in Limbo than on Earth, and though the X-Men only took moments to rescue her in our time, she returned to Earth as a teenager.

Magik is one of those more unusual mutants, a blend of mutant and sorceress, meaning she has powers and abilities beyond the rest of the X-Men. In part that’s because of her mystical bloodline; Magik is the most powerful descendant of Grigori Rasputin, the legendary Russian sorcerer, who in Marvel lore was also a mutant. But it’s also because Magik supplanted Belasco as the ruler of his Hell Dimension, Limbo. This emphasized the dark taint in her soul, and she ultimately sought training from Doctor Strange himself. Magik is so accomplished a witch that she now serves as a teacher at Strange Academy.

But Magik’s heritage makes her particularly vulnerable to dark magic, and in this week’s Empyre: X-Men #3 she is exposed to a particularly virulent darkness. Scarlet Witch has unwisely raised an army of mutant zombies on Genosha, and things have gotten seriously complicated on the island now the Cotati have used it as a staging post. Magik is one of the X-Men’s scouts, sent to investigate the chaos, and she successfully discovers the source of the magic resurrecting the dead of Genosha. Magik is drawn to this staff, and she claims it as her own – declaring herself the zombie queen of Genosha.

The X-Men’s New Zombie Queen Just Claimed Her Throne

The power Magik wields is beyond compare. In order to raise the dead, Magik combined the power of multiple mystical artifacts of tremendous power. It contains a root of the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which bridges the Nine Realms – including the realms of life and death; that is combined with the Tri-Crown of the Chaos Godhead, likely linked to the Elder God Chthon, who perverts the law of nature; and the eye of Alak-Rah, tied to the weaving of the Web of Life and Destiny. Magik has now claimed all this power for herself, and it’s transformed her.

Magik’s words suggest a dangerous plan is afoot, because she declares her intent to finish what has already begun – the resurrections on Genosha. But that goal in itself suggests Magik is not quite so in control as she believes, but rather is thrall to a powerful force. The zombie queen of Genosha is actually just a pawn in a greater game. This week’s X-Men: Empyre #3, written by Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells and Ed Brisson, and with art by Andrea Broccardo, has upped the stakes; but things are going to get worse before they’ll get better.