“The X-Men’s Darkest Chapter”: Marvel Teases Major Mutant Tragedies in ‘The Fall of The House of X’

“The X-Men’s Darkest Chapter”: Marvel Teases Major Mutant Tragedies in ‘The Fall of The House of X’

The dawn of a new age for the X-Men is fast approaching, as the mutant’s beloved and acclaimed Krakoan Era is soon ending, with more details about the upcoming Fall of the House of X limited series revealed by Marvel at this year’s “Next Big Thing” panel at NYCC. As the X-Men’s war against Orchis in their Fall of X era continues to change the landscape of mutantkind, Fall of the House of X will detail the mutant’s darkest hour and their final fall…

Fall of the House of X will be a 5-issue limited series, from writer Gerry Duggan and artist Lucas Werneck.

Fall will be released alongside Rise of the Powers of X, a 5-issue limited series from writer Kieron Gillen and artist R.B. Silva, following the model of the X-Men’s acclaimed 2019 reboot House of X/Powers of X.

The Krakoan Era Will Always Be Remembered

“The X-Men’s Darkest Chapter”: Marvel Teases Major Mutant Tragedies in ‘The Fall of The House of X’

Alongside the exciting, yet devastating, details revealed by Marvel is a gorgeous cover for Fall of the House of X by the talented X-Mena artist Pepe Larraz as well as a promotional image for FOX/ROX by Mark Brooks. Enjoy the full synopsis for Fall of the House of X #1 below:

KRAKOA HAS JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT! Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa – their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy – to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or not, the time has come for the X-Men to make their final stand against the forces that have struck them low. The day is now. The place is here. The tale of the house Xavier built will long be told…and few will forget this darkest chapter.

Jonathan Hickman’s acclaimed 2019 HOX/POX reboot crafted a vision so bold for the X-Men that the ramifications of its world-building and mythos development will be felt for years. The Krakoan Era has been so beloved by fans, and so acclaimed by critics, that it is an indisputable fact that, “The tale of the house Xavier built will long be told.” From the sociopolitical impact of the founding of Krakoa to the introduction of major new enemies like Orchis and Mother Righteous, the Krakoan Era’s impact has shaken the foundations of the Marvel Universe, forever changing the landscape of Earth-616.

Something cannot rise without first falling, and the X-Men are the ultimate proof of that, forever being beaten down by their oppressors and yet refusing to ever stop fighting: for justice, safety, and family. Fall of the House of X will see Cyclops on trial, facing the death penalty from Orchis, and his X-Men family will need to mount one final battle to save him, and their future. Pepe Larraz’s gorgeous cover for Fall of the House of X reveals Wolverine, an uncorrupted Colossus, Kate Pryde’s Shadowkat, and a post-Spider-Man Nightcrawler fighting for Krakoa’s past, present, and future, in a battle that is destined to be lost.

The Krakoan Age Is Officially A Part Of Marvel History

FOX ROX Mark Brooks teaser image-1

While the X-Men’s stories within the Krakoan Age will always be remembered, and lovingly reread countless times, it is also the impressive collaboration between the many creators in Marvel’s X-Office that will have a lasting impact on the franchise. Hopefully, this intensely thoughtful collaboration is something Marvel’s VP of Publishing and Executive Editor Tom Brevoot will continue to emphasize as he steps into his new role of Senior X-Men editor, taking over from the visionary Jordan D. White.

Even with the X-Men’s Krakoan Age soon becoming a piece of Marvel history, its undeniable impact on the Marvel Universe will never be forgotten, forever to be seen as a much-praised and much-needed reboot of the iconic franchise. From stunning cosplays to gorgeous fanart, and everything in between, the Krakoan Era of the X-Men will always be remembered, and even after a terrible fall, Marvel’s mutants will rise once again.

Fall of the House of X from Marvel Comics debuts on January 3rd, 2024.