The Woman In The Wall Episode 3 Recap: 7 Biggest Reveals

The Woman In The Wall Episode 3 Recap: 7 Biggest Reveals

Warning! Contains major spoilers for The Woman in the Wall.

The Woman in the Wall episode 3 reveals some new details about Lorna’s past and her daughter but, at the same time, confuses the viewer by establishing Lorna as an unreliable narrator. In the second installment of The Woman in the Wall season 1, Lorna contacts Aoife’s husband, Dara, using Aoife’s phone. She also briefly interacts with Clemence, who was with her at the laundry, and convinces her to tell her everything she knows about Aoife and their children.

In the meantime, Akande learns more about the history of The Woman in the Wall‘s central Magdalene Laundries in their town and also reveals how his own past connects to them. Episode 2 ends with Clemence’s death, bringing Lorna back to square one in her pursuit to find the truth. Although Lorna initially makes some progress in The Woman in the Wall‘s episode 3, an ending twist changes everything she thought she knew about Aoife and herself.

The Woman In The Wall Episode 3 Recap: 7 Biggest Reveals


The Woman In The Wall Cast & Character Guide

The Woman in the Wall is a gripping mystery series boasting an impressive and talented cast. Here is everyone involved in the production.

7 Clemence’s Daughter Was Alive After Being Taken From Her

Lorna gets her hopes up

Ruth Wilson as Lorna in The Woman in the Wall-

When Lorna visits David in The Woman in the Wall‘s episode 3 to offer her condolences after Clemence’s death, David shows her a picture featuring Clemence’s daughter, proving she is still alive. This gives Lorna a semblance of hope as it makes her realize that even her daughter might have survived and may only be missing. After learning about Clemence’s daughter, Lorna starts believing that Aoife was likely reaching out to all the mothers from the Magdalene Laundry and helping them find their lost children.

Aoife might have also confronted Father Percy by trying to convince him to return the children of the women from the laundry. When Father Percy disagreed to comply with her requests, Aoife must have struck him in the head and killed him. For the most part, however, Aoife’s motives remain unknown, making it hard not to wonder what her daughter wanted from Lorna.

6 Lorna Meets Aoife’s Daughter, Olivia

Olivia seems to have ulterior motives

Alexandra Moloney as Olivia Cassidy in The Woman in the Wall

Aoife’s daughter, Olivia, shows up at Lorna’s doorstep and asks her for help, claiming that her mother was looking for her when she disappeared. Lorna agrees to help, and the two go out for a drink. That is when Olivia notices hogweed burns on Lorna’s arm and tells her that her mother also had them. The fact that Aoife, too, had the burns reveals that she might have visited the wailing woman’s house because the weeds grew on the house’s doorstep. When Lorna and Olivia arrive at the house to look for clues, Lorna grows suspicious about her motives when she receives a call from her father.

5 Lorna Learns About Her Child’s Tragic Fate

Lorna is shattered by the truth

After getting suspicious about Olivia’s motives, she asks her to go downstairs to look for clues. After Olivia leaves, she discovers a blue plastic bag under a loose floorboard that contains envelopes addressed to several women from the laundry. She hides the bag before Olivia returns and drives off in her car to prevent Olivia from tracking her. After putting some distance between herself and Olivia, Lorna opens the envelope addressed to her and learns that her daughter died from shivering when she was a little older than one. The truth about her daughter’s fate leaves her devastated.

Ruth Wilson as Lorna Brady in The Woman in the Wall


The Woman In The Wall Episode 1 Recap: 10 Biggest Reveals

The Woman in the Wall’s episode 1 sets the stage for a compelling murder mystery drama by featuring an unreliable narrator and a dark conspiracy.

4 Akande Unearths A Dark Secret About The Laundry

The adoption center associated with the laundry was still functional after 1979

Daryl McCormack as Detective Colman Akande in the woman in the wall

Akande learns that an adoption center called House of the Sacred Shepherd was associated with the Sisters of the Seven Joys convent. The children who were taken away from their mothers in the convent were later housed in wealthy Catholic families by the adoption center. Although the adoption center was believed to have shut down after 1979, Akande discovers that it was still functional long after the reported cessation of its operation.

3 Akande’s Flashbacks Hint At His Connections With The Laundry

Akande was also adopted


Akande’s flashbacks in The Woman in the Wall‘s episode 3 suggest he was also adopted through a Catholic organization run by Father Percy. Although the identity of his biological parents remains a mystery, it seems likely that he was also born in a laundry where his mother was held captive. The closer Aakande gets to solving the mystery behind Father Percy’s murder, the more he will learn about his own dark past.

2 Akande Confronts Lorna For Hiding Aoife

Akande presents his skewed speculations

Nicolas Nunes de Souza as Young Colman looking suspiciously in The Woman In The Wall

After Lorna returns home from the wailing woman’s house, she finds Akande standing on her stairway. Instead of being surprised, she asks him if he wants a cup of tea. Akande then confronts her by theorizing that Aoife murdered Father Percy, but Lorna is covering her footsteps. He claims that Lorna helped her hide after she murdered Father Percy and even burnt down the Father’s car to hide all evidence of the crime. Although Akande’s theory seems to have some merit, it fails to explain the closing scene of the episode.

1 Lorna Comes Clean About What She Aoife

Lorna proves to be an unreliable narrator

Ruth Wilson in front of a broken wall with Young Colman in The Woman In The Wall

Lorna’s guilt gets the best of her when Akande confronts and questions her. As a result, she starts hearing banging noises on her walls, reminding her of how she murdered Aoife. When she finally reaches her breaking point, she confesses that she killed Aoife and smashes the section of her wall where she had buried her body. Surprisingly, however, The Woman in the Wall‘s episode 3’s ending scene reveals there is nothing behind the wall, proving that Lorna is an unreliable narrator who either hid the body somewhere else or never killed Aoife at all.

The Woman in the Wall TV Series Poster

The Woman in the Wall

The Woman in the Wall is a 2023 crime-drama thriller series created by Joe Murtaugh. When a woman named Lora wakes up to discover a body in her home, she is forced to investigate and uncover the truth behind the body – even if it means she may be the murderer.