The Winter Soldier’s Greatest Victory Gave Rise to an Even Bigger Threat

The Winter Soldier’s Greatest Victory Gave Rise to an Even Bigger Threat

Warning: Spoilers for Thunderbolts #1!One of Bucky Barnes’ most recent victories may turn out to be his biggest mistake. Readers will recall that Bucky recently gave the impression that he joined the very organization that created him, the Outer Circle, betraying Captain America in the process. However, it was all a ruse on his part to destroy the Outer Circle from within, which he eventually succeeded in doing.

However, he has now learned that the destruction of the Outer Circle wound up doing more harm than good. In Thunderbolts #1 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Geraldo Borges, Arthur Hesli, and VC’s Joe Sabino, the Winter Soldier leads a new team of Thunderbolts to put a stop to long-time rival the Red Skull once and for all.

The Winter Soldier’s Greatest Victory Gave Rise to an Even Bigger Threat

However, when it comes time to lead the charge into the Red Skull’s operations, it turns out that Bucky’s destruction of the Outer Circle helped give rise to a modern resurgence in power for the Red Skull. It makes Bucky’s previous win against them more of a bittersweet taste.

Bucky Barnes Defeating The Outer Circle Helped Red Skull Rise

Bucky Barnes leads the Thunderbolts

Last year, re-dubbing himself as the new Revolution, Bucky Barnes joined the Outer Circle, a shadow organization that played a pivotal role in Bucky’s Winter Soldier transformation from yesteryear. The surprising heel turn saw Bucky enforce heinous orders like calling for Steve Rogers’ son to be kidnapped, compelling Captain America to create a new team to bring Bucky down. However, their conflict was quickly resolved when Steve learned that Bucky had only joined to destroy his fellow leaders from within. After rekindling, they destroyed the Outer Circle.

Bucky’s path back into heroism leads him to the Thunderbolts, featuring the likes of Sharon Carter’s Destroyer persona and the Red Guardian. Together they collaborate on a mission to kill the Red Skull using intel Bucky acquired during his Outer Circle days about the Skull’s rise to power. However, while on his premises, the Red Skull makes it clear to Bucky that destroying the Outer Circle actually helped him in a big way. The Outer Circle impeded his rise, but with them out of the way, the Red Skull’s trajectory went upwards, especially after taking their weaponry and resources for himself.

Bucky’s Success Ends in Failure

Red Skull fires at Bucky Barnes and the Thunderbolts-1

Bucky destroying the Outer Circle is one of his most impressive feats in the comics. On top of manipulating a massive organization from the inside and toppling it from there, the moment provided closure to the hell he withstood when he was mind-controlled as a Winter Soldier. However, the Red Skull rising to prominence wouldn’t have been possible without that defeat. As one threat falls, another becomes even more powerful. Perhaps a bigger threat rising to power was always inevitable, but for that rise to come from the ashes of the Outer Circle puts a heavy asterisk on Bucky Barnes‘ biggest win.