The Winter Soldier Has Returned To Hydra in The Comics

The Winter Soldier Has Returned To Hydra in The Comics

This article contains spoilers for Falcon & Winter Soldier #3.

The Winter Soldier has been working for Hydra again – but he simply didn’t know it. Marvel’s current books include a number of attempts to establish a synergy between upcoming MCU releases and comic book sales. That’s why Marvel has just launched a new series of Shang-Chi, for example; it’s also why there’s currently a Falcon & Winter Soldier ongoing series.

Written by Derek Landy and featuring art by Federico Vicentini, Falcon & Winter Soldier has had a strong start. It established a brand new status quo for the Winter Soldier, with Bucky Barnes now working for a black ops group in the US Government in order to earn pardon for the crimes he conducted while under Hydra’s control. The so-called “Office of Federal Utilities” claim to work in the field of water management, but in reality they’re tracking terrorist groups across the United States, and then sending in the Winter Soldier to wipe them out.

Unfortunately, Falcon & Winter Soldier #3 reveals Bucky Barnes has been played for a fool. He’s been working for an OFT agent called Veronica Eden, who is herself a Hydra agent. Eden’s goals are currently a mystery, but she’s ambitious enough to dream of becoming the new Hydra Supreme. And there can be no doubt she’s been using the Winter Soldier to eliminate the competition.

The Winter Soldier Has Returned To Hydra in The Comics

It’s difficult to say quite what Veronica Eden’s current rank is in Hydra. The terrorist organization has always encouraged ambition, so it’s possible she’s simply a middle-manager; certainly the brief shot of her at the end of Falcon & Winter Soldier #3, complete with “Have A Nice Day” mug, doesn’t exactly scream world-conquering supervillain. If that is the case, then her ambition is impressive, and her strategic skill is quite remarkable. She identified a branch of the US Government dedicated to dealing with terrorists, and then used it to achieve her own ends. Even more impressive, she successfully manipulated the battle-hardened Winter Soldier into working for her too.

It’s going to be fascinating to see how Bucky Barnes responds to this news. He thought he was doing good, but in reality he was serving Hydra again; he believed Veronica Eden had been kidnapped by Hydra, but instead she is Hydra, and dreams of leading them. Whatever Bucky’s reaction may be, it definitely looks as though Eden’s plans have gone askew, because she didn’t expect her true identity to be revealed. Now she has the Falcon and Winter Soldier on her tail – and she’s in real trouble.