The Walking Dead: Hershel’s 10 Best Quotes Of Wisdom

The Walking Dead: Hershel’s 10 Best Quotes Of Wisdom

Despite its overwhelmingly grim setting and tone, The Walking Dead is known for having its ensemble of characters deliver a bevy of inspiring speeches throughout the series’ run. With the premise of the show being survival, the times for these inspirational spiels are plentiful and necessary. One character who was particularly good at stepping up in these moments was Hershel.

The late Scott Wilson, who played Hershel on The Walking Dead, was a fine actor with a long history of incredible performances. His role in The Walking Dead allowed younger generations to see the truly talented actor that he always was. In the show, Hershel’s wisdom lifted up and inspired not only his fellow survivors but the show’s viewers as well.

Hershel On Finding One’s Purpose

“You step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. … You don’t have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you’re risking it for.”

The Walking Dead: Hershel’s 10 Best Quotes Of Wisdom

In season 4, the survivors are holed up in a prison that serves as a fairly decent fortification against the walkers. With everyone being in one place, disease and illness were likely to spread quickly.

Hershel took it upon himself to separate the sick from the healthy against the wishes of his daughter. It’s during this scene that he delivers this beautiful monologue about what is worth risking your life for.

Hershel On Accepting What One Doesn’t Know

“I can’t profess to understand God’s plan. Christ promised a resurrection of the dead. I just assumed he had something a little different in mind.”

Rick and Hershel standing on a porch in TWD.

During an intense scene in which Hershel believes he’s lost his daughters to the walkers, he and Rick argue about whether to split up or not. Hershel urges Rick to take his son to safety while Rick implores Hershel to have some faith since he’s a man of God. It’s here that Herschel delivers this darkly hilarious line.

Hershel On Raising A Daughter

“You become a father someday, you’ll understand. No man is good enough for your little girl. Until one is.”

Glenn and Maggie in TWD.

Hershel was skeptical of Glenn and Maggie’s relationship from the beginning. After it became clear that they were going to be together, Hershel says this line that’s filled with wisdom, as many parents would agree with this sentiment. Hershel was lucky that his daughter wanted to be with such a decent person, and Herschel knew that. In a touching moment, Hershel gives Glenn his grandfather’s pocket watch.

Hershel On The Struggles Of Everyday Life

“Life is always a test, Rick.”

Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead

While an illness ravages the group in the prison in season 4, Rick asks Hershel if he thinks they’re being tested to which he responds with this enlightened quote. Being a man of God, Hershel knows what it’s like to be tested through his faith, his sobriety, and now his survival. While Hershel has talked about falling off the wagon before, he’s there to help Rick when it appears Rick needs it the most.

Hershel On The United States Of America

Hershel: “Where’s your family from?”Glenn: “Michigan. But before that, Korea.”Hershel: “Immigrants built this country. Never forget that.”

Glenn with a bruise on his face from The Walking Dead.

Hershel picks up on Glenn’s apprehension to reveal where he and his family came from. In this sweet moment, he reassures Glenn by accepting him and giving credit to his family and all immigrants in the United States.

This was a surprising revelation that subverted the stereotype many viewers may have believed Hershel to be, given that he is a fairly conservative, religious, older white man.

Hershel On The Power Of Positive Thinking

“A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ.”

Hershel in crutches in TWD.

When Hershel is helping take care of the sick people in the prison, he brings the dead into a separate room where those who are sick can’t see him make sure they can’t become walkers. When Rick sees this and gives him a questioning look, Hershel repeats this quote from John Steinbeck and says it’s exactly why he removes the dead from the others, because it will only bring the group morale down even further, and he’s going to stop that as much as he can.

Hershel On Mother Nature

“Mankind has been fighting plagues from the start. We get our behinds kicked for a while, then we bounce back. It’s nature correcting itself, restoring some balance.”

Rick and Hershel farming in The Walking Dead

In a sweet moment between Rick and Hershel early in the series, viewers see Herschel trying to inject some optimism into Rick’s perspective. At this point, Rick has seen a lot since waking up from his coma, but Hershel tries to remind Rick that even if there isn’t a cure for the walkers, humans have always been resilient and will continue despite the current situation.

Hershel On Family

“My father didn’t bother with comforting lies. He used his fist. He was a loveless, violent drunk and no good to anybody. … Some men do not earn the love of their sons.”

After Rick tells Herschel he had to lie to Carl after Carl had been shot, Herschel says this line to Rick. It’s especially helpful to Rick because it proves to him that even though he had to lie to his son, it was for Carl’s benefit, and he did it out of love.

Hershel knows how much Rick loves Carl and wants Rick to know that Rick has earned Carl’s love. As a father of an adult child, Hershel has the parenting experience, perspective and wisdom to support Rick as a fellow dad in his moment of doubt.

Hershel On Putting The Past In The Past

“When it happened, I didn’t stand around feeling bad about it. I got back up. I had responsibilities, people to keep safe.”

Rick Grames looking to his left in The Walking Dead

In a conversation with Rick after he had gotten in a fight with Tyreese, Herschel doesn’t let Rick stew in his bad feelings. Despite Rick wanting to give up on leading his people, Hershel urged him to stop feeling bad for himself and do what needed to be done. Now more than ever was this statement needed as it wasn’t the time for Rick to be giving up.

Hershel On Admitting One’s Mistakes

Rick: “There is no hope. And you know it now, like I do, don’t you? There is no hope for any of us.”Hershel: “I was a fool, Rick, and you people saw that.”

Rick and Hershel at a barn talking in TWD.

In the beginning of the series, Hershel refused to believe the virus that had infected the dead was as bad as Rick had told him. When a horde of walkers shows up at Hershel’s farm, his pessimism actually helped the group work harder and stronger knowing they had to protect as many people as they could. It’s also a significant moment for Hershel as he never doubts the severity of the situation again, and he grows immensely because of it.