The Vampire Diaries: Every Main Couple’s Worst & Best Scene

The Vampire Diaries: Every Main Couple’s Worst & Best Scene

For 8 seasons, The Vampire Diaries kept fans on their toes with supernatural twists, death-defying scenarios, and even emotional heartbreaks. Fans can agree that the romance storyline throughout the show was one of the main reasons it gained popularity. The series evolved from focusing on the love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon to include heartfelt romances with other characters.

No love story is perfect and this was certainly true in TVD. There were many couples in the show’s run and the main pairings went through hell and back with deaths, breakups, and turmoil. With every dark and dreary scenario comes a silver lining, though as the couples also had great moments.

Caroline & Tyler: Finding Out About Klaus / Tyler’s First Transition

The Vampire Diaries: Every Main Couple’s Worst & Best Scene

In season 5, Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after his revenge mission against Klaus. He never expected to come face to face with a shocking betrayal on Caroline’s part. To be fair, Tyler and Caroline weren’t technically together anymore but Tyler overhears that Caroline slept with Klaus. Tyler is filled with anger as Caroline knows full well every horrible thing Klaus did to his family.

Just before Caroline and Tyler were a couple, fans can agree that their best scene is during Tyler’s transition. Tyler really didn’t have anyone to rely on as Mason was no longer around and he only confided in Caroline. Fans were pleased to see their relationship develop a deeper bond as Caroline helped him in the cells as he became a werewolf for the first time.

Caroline & Matt: Matt Finds Out About Caroline / The Mystic Grill Confession

Matt and Caroline kiss on stage at Mystic Grill in The Vampire Diaries

Caroline became a vampire pretty early on in the show and she just so happens to have been in a relationship with Matt. In season 2, Caroline tells Matt the truth. Matt is wounded in an accident at Mystic Grill and Caroline feeds him her blood. When he wakes up, he can’t take his new reality about the person he loves. He even accuses Caroline of killing Vicki.

Interestingly enough, the couple’s best scene happens before the confrontation. In a sweet scene, Caroline sings to Matt at Mystic Grill in front of everybody as an apology. It works to bring them closer together.

Bonnie & Jeremy: Bonnie’s Death / Their First Kiss

Jeremy and Bonnie's first kiss in The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie and Jeremy’s relationship had a lot of ups and downs. No one can forget that Jeremy technically cheated on Bonnie in season 2, creating a gap in their relationship timeline. Fans can agree that one of their hardest scenes is when Bonnie dies in season 4 after bringing Jeremy back to life. In the episode, Jeremy goes to hug her to only realize she’s dead and only he can see her.

Every couple has that one scene that culminates the relationship with a kiss. Bonnie and Jeremy’s happened in season 2 as Bonnie comes clean that she only saw Jeremy as Elena’s brother. But overnight, he became this ‘hot guy’ and Jeremy takes advantage of her confession. He leans in and kisses Bonnie, effectively breaking the past image of Jeremy’s emo/puberty phase.

Alaric & Jo: The Disastrous Wedding / The Proposal

Alaric down on one knee proposing to Jo in The Vampire Diaries

Jo really was the love of Alaric’s life that ended in tragedy. The couple’s worst scene is only because of the disastrous events that led to Jo’s death. At their wedding, Kai returns to kill Jo and seek revenge against the Gemini coven. Kai stabs Jo in the stomach, killing her and she dies in Alaric’s arms.

Taking a look back at their better moments, the scene where Jo finally knows the reason why she was sick wins by far. Kai visits Jo and comes to the discovery that Jo is sick because she’s pregnant. She’s a little rattled, but Alaric quickly asks her to marry him. What makes the scene is that Jo says “no” because it’s a pity proposal. In actuality, Alaric planned this for some time as he had a ring box in his pocket.

Bonnie & Enzo: Enzo’s Death / Bonnie Let’s Go

Bonnie screaming while holding a dead Enzo in The Vampire Diaries

Enzo’s end in TVD was one that fans flat out didn’t like. The death became Bonnie and Enzo’s worst scene as their heated love came to a close. Enzo and Bonnie finally believe they get a chance at a normal life as they return to the cottage. Unbeknownst to them, the evil Stefan rips Enzo’s heart out while he stands in the doorway. The scene ends with Bonnie letting out a gut-wrenching scream while holding Enzo.

This couple had many swoon-worthy romantic scenes, but none top their emotional moment together in season 8. Bonnie and the twins are stuck in a fire but are somehow safe thanks to the twins’ siphoning Bonnie’s magic. Enzo appears and tells Bonnie she needs to let go of him in order for the twins to save her. He smiles and states, “I believe we’ll be together again” and makes her promise to live her life to the fullest.

Stefan & Elena: Elena Gives Up / Their First Night Together

Elena cradles Stefan's vampire face in The Vampire Diaries

Stefan and Elena’s relationship is what kickstarted the show and had fans rooting for their love. As the show progressed, their love story got complicated and hard to sustain. In the first part of season 3, Stefan shuts off his humanity because of Klaus. While Elena tried to get him back, she starts to give up on him. Eventually, Elena admits she was willing to let him go. Even worse is when Elena admits she grew closer to Damon.

One of the pivotal moments in their relationship was their first night together intimately. In season 1, episode 10, Elena comes to accept Stefan as a vampire. As they get hot and heavy, Stefan’s vampire eyes manifest and he tries to shield his face. It was emotional to see Elena turn him around and tell him he didn’t need to hide from her. Fans could see the raw emotion in Stefan’s eyes for being accepted.

Caroline & Stefan: Their Almost Goodbye / Their First Kiss

Stefan and Caroline's first kiss at the lake in The Vampire Diaries

Yes, Stefan’s sacrificing death a the end of TVD will be the most heartwrenching moment for fans and Caroline. Yet, there’s another scene in the episode that had fans getting teary-eyed. It happens moments before the tragic finale when Stefan meets with Caroline. Caroline tells Stefan she made a promise to not allow the girl to grow up without a mother but was willing to help stop Damon’s sacrifice. Stefan tells her no, that he loves her and he can do it alone.

To make up for the upsetting moment is their first kiss in season 6 after Liz’s death from battling cancer. While overlooking the lake, Caroline admits that she would have never made it if it weren’t for Stefan. She even admits that he knew she never really hated him and they share a knowing gaze and kiss.

Elena & Damon: Damon’s Goodbye / Elena Picks Damon

Damon touching Elena's face in The Vampire Diaries

This worst scene isn’t bad because Elena and Damon fight, but because Damon and Elena have to say goodbye. The scene is heartwrenching as Damon is stuck on the Other Side unable to return. Manifesting as a spirit, he says his goodbye to Elena and says she was the best thing to ever happen to him. To make a sad scene worse, Elena has no idea that Damon is saying goodbye.

As soft melodic music plays in season 4, episode 23, Damon and Elena share one of their more pivotal moments in their relationship. Elena goes to see him at the Salvatore house and Damon comes clean that he’d rather die than to ever spend a handful of years with Elena before he dies a mortal and knows he’s wrong for her. Riddled with emotion, Elena tells him she loves him and that she never regretted meeting him.