The Vampire Diaries: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Stelena, According To Reddit

The Vampire Diaries: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Stelena, According To Reddit

Fans have joined, left, and switched sides over the years, causing The Vampire Diaries love triangle to remain a hot topic long after the show has ended. Whether viewers ship Delena or Stelena the first time around, it’s not uncommon to experience a change of heart with each rewatch.

It’s easy to see why both couples are so popular, and there are a generous amount of viewers who find themselves on Team Stefan. However, plenty of people have controversial thoughts about Stefan and Elena’s romance, and they took to Reddit to express their unpopular opinions.

Stelena Isn’t Healthier Than Delena

The Vampire Diaries: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Stelena, According To Reddit

Many viewers ship Elena with Stefan because they believe Damon is undeserving of redemption on The Vampire Diaries. Stelena is thought to be the healthier relationship of the two, but Reddit user bluepeach69 rewatched as an adult and feels differently. They claim that “both couples have a lot of toxicity” and “don’t think Delena is much more toxic than Stelena.”

The supernatural aspect of the show makes it difficult to compare it to real life, as vampires don’t have the same code of ethics. Both brothers are guilty of hurting Elena on several occasions, but Damon’s actions are more extreme and tend to have dire consequences.

Elena Takes Too Much Blame For Her Breakup With Stefan

Stefan and Elena at the bar in The Vampire Diaries.

Stefan might have said the words, but Elena is held accountable for the couple’s inevitable split in The Vampire Diaries. However, Reddit user liz-teatry writes that “it’s unfair to blame Elena for things that are beyond her control,” and continues on to say that she, along with the rest of the characters, deserve better.

Elena can’t control how she feels and it’s clear that she never has any intention of hurting Stefan. Elena takes the brunt of the blame because she’s the one who keeps them apart. The ball is in her court, and Stefan and Elena would still be together if it was what she wanted.

Stelena Has One Of The Best YA Love Stories On Television

Stefan hugging Elena in The Vampire Diaries.

Television has produced too many teen drama couples to count, but Reddit user Former_Camp8977 believes that Stefan and Elena reign supreme. They claim that fictional relationships are interesting due to their “complexity” and “the fact that they’re flawed,” and Stelena checks these boxes.

Romances do need to be layered to attract the audience, so the premise of the user’s argument is easy to agree with. However, Stelena having one of the best love stories on network TV is an unpopular opinion. The couple never gets back together after the fourth season, and it’s hard to give them such a title when Elena leaves Stefan for his brother.

Vampirism Should’ve Heightened Elena’s Feelings For Stefan

Stefan and Elena dream about each other in The Vampire Diaries.

While this could be considered a plot hole in The Vampire Diaries rather than an unpopular opinion, it’s definitely not something many fans point out. Reddit user burntbrowniebits argues that “Elena’s love for Stefan shouldn’t have disappeared when she turned.”

They pose an interesting question by asking why Elena didn’t fall more strongly in love with Stefan if vampirism only heightens feelings that are already there. Yet, as another user points out, they’re forgetting to note that becoming a vampire changes who Elena is. Falling harder for Damon can be attributed to Elena wanting different things out of life.

Elena Should Have Gotten Back With Stefan In Season 5

Stefan and Elena almost kiss in The Vampire Diaries.

Stefan and Elena have one of the most painful breakups in The Vampire Diaries Season 4, but at the time, it feels as though it’s for the best. Reddit user chlobobella wishes the two got had gotten back together during the fifth season because “they were so good together” and Damon and Elena make them “cringe.”

Although it’s labeled as such, wanting Stefan and Elena to reunite isn’t the most unpopular opinion. However, The Vampire Diaries Season 5 isn’t the right time to do it. Elena needs to explore her relationship with Damon in order to follow through on the storyline.

Elena Never Loved Stefan Romantically

Stefan catches Elena in The Vampire Diaries.

This is an unpopular opinion regardless of who fans ship, but Reddit user Traditional-Tell-948 makes a solid argument. They claim that Elena “just needed someone to love her,” and “she confused her feelings for him as romantic love.”

To the user’s point, Elena does admit that Stefan came into her life at a time when she needed someone. Things easily could’ve been different if Damon hadn’t erased Elena’s memory and he had pursued her first. But regardless of how it happened, the show presents Stefan and Elena’s mutual love as a canon fact.

Steferine Has More Chemistry Than Stelena

Split image of Stefan catching Elena and Stefan dancing with Katherine in The Vampire Diaries.

Due to Nina Dobrev playing both roles, it’s ironic that one couple can have more chemistry than the other. Yet, it’s a testimony to the actors’ talent and their ability to differentiate the relationships so well. Reddit user NervousAd2214 expresses the unpopular opinion that, while “Stelena’s chemistry was strong,” Steferine’s is better.

Chemistry is subjective, so there is no right or wrong answer either way. However, it’s easy to focus on Stefan and Katherine’s physical connection because it’s the largest component of their relationship. Stefan has a strong emotional bond with Elena, which he tends to lack with Katherine.

Stefan Manipulates Elena

Elena saving Stefan in The Vampire Diaries.

When it comes to who the better brother is, arguments can be made for both Salvatores in The Vampire Diaries. Stefan has done his fair share of horrible things to Elena, but Reddit user LittleMsFanGirl claims that he “inserts himself into her life when she’s in a vulnerable state,” and “she associates him with safety.”

This is an unpopular opinion because Stefan wants Elena to love him on her own terms. He purposely doesn’t broach the topic of becoming a vampire when she’s human, so as not to influence her choice. Stefan is so determined to respect Elena’s independence that he saves Matt in the third season finale instead of her.

Stefan Acts Like A Lost Puppy Who Needs Elena’s Love

Stefan embracing Elena in The Vampire Diaries

Elena quickly becomes the center of Stefan’s world and his happiness does come to rest on her shoulders. A Reddit user feels that this makes him “annoying” in The Vampire Diaries Seasons 3 and 4 and that he acts like a “lost puppy” who needs Elena’s love.

Stefan might pine for Elena after their breakup, but he also doesn’t want to be around her. Stefan shares a good amount of screentime with Caroline, causing their friendship to strengthen as a result. Rather than being a lost puppy, it could easily be argued that Stefan is finally on the right path.