The Vampire Diaries: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Elijah As A Character

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Elijah As A Character

It has been a couple of months since the Legacies series finale, and fans were gutted when they realized one of their favorite characters would not be making a final appearance. It’s true that Elijah and Klaus were killed off, but the supernatural show has a habit of bringing dead people back.

Despite that, there are scenes and moments and quotes that Elijah delivered that will live on in the minds of fans because they were just that good. He was easily one of the most memorable characters across all three shows, and it was partly for always staying true to who he was.

“Your Compassion Is A Gift, Elena.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “All My Children” (TVD: Season 3, Episode 15)

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Elijah As A Character

Elijah was a strange man from the very beginning. His sense of self was rooted in honor, and yet he was capable of killing without remorse. It very quickly became obvious that he was a complex character that didn’t fit into a single box.

One of those interesting moments, was when he parted from Mystic Falls by writing Elena a letter, in which he told her to carry her compassion with her at all times. Considering the fact he’s a strong supernatural being, compassion would probably be seen as a weakness, but he saw it as a strength.

“I Believe The Term You’re Searching For Is OMG.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Klaus” (TVD: Season 2, Episode 19)

One of the main aspects of Elijah’s character was his incredibly old-fashioned nature, as he acknowledges in the full quote: “Forgive me, I’m a little behind on times but I believe the term you’re searching for is OMG.” The way he spoke, acted, and even dressed screamed ancient times, and showcased the fact he’s one of the most intelligent characters in the TVD universe.

So him being caught up on the lingo and delivering sarcastic remark is just the thing he’d do. Given the fact he originated from an era hundreds of years ago and spent a big chunk of his life daggered in a coffin, it seems fair to say Elijah is surprisingly caught up with the times.

“Nine, If We’re Counting. I’m Not A Barbarian.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Voodoo In My Blood” (The Originals: Season 4, Episode 8)

Elijah Mikaelson staring into the distance

One of Elijah’s biggest characteristics was his carefully maintained appearance. He always looked impeccable, even as he was drying his bloody hands or taking his jacket off to kill somebody. He had an effortless elegance to him that everyone admired.

But as it turns out, he spent a fortune on those suits, and when Marcel suggests he paid five thousand dollars for it, he is quick to correct it to nine thousand. It is just the Elijah thing to say, and he delivered the line with so much sass it was very enjoyable.

“…My Quest For Your Salvation Ranks Me As One Of The Maddest Of Men.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “The Big Uneasy” (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 18)

Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson staring at each other.

Elijah’s affliction to his family was so strong, that it seemed to always get the better of him. And no matter how much he tried, and how many times he forgave Klaus, so his family could be a family, Klaus always did something to ruin that image.

In a very self-aware moment, Elijah says “If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results than surely my quest for your salvation ranks me as one of the maddest men.” He acknowledges that he’s doing the same over and over again, but he just can’t give his brother up. So even though he knows it’s man, he continues to have faith for his brother’s salvation.

“When You Love Someone… They Have A Power To Hurt You That’s Like Nothing Else.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Apres Moi, Le Deluge” (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 11)

Elijah Mikaelson Looking At Someone

The full quote “When you love someone and that person loves you in return you’re uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you that’s like nothing else” shows that Elijah knew that love made him vulnerable. He’s learned that the hard way. However, he never gave up on the notion of finding love, or faith in it. His experience made him all the smarter for it, and this was one of Elijah’s wisest TVD quotes.

And for a man of his power, loving meant giving up the advantage. It meant he had to put power in the hands of a loved person, and despite his instincts being good, this failed him sometimes. Not becoming cynical and giving up on love shows a lot about his character.

“Do Not Make Me Break My Word.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree” (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 6)

Elijah Mikaelson on The Originals staring at someone with warning

What made Elijah so unique and special is the fact that he always strived to be a man of his word. When somebody, usually Klaus, interfered with that he wasn’t happy about it.

It brings back that “there is honor among thieves” notion. Elijah Mikaelson was capable of horrid actions but liked to stick to his word as often as possible as if that somehow made up for everything that he’d done.

“As A Devout Feminist, I Refuse To Say You Hit Like A Girl.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Live And Let Die” (The Originals: Season 2, Episode 4)

Elijah teaching new vampire Gia how to fight.

Elijah seems to be oddly progressive considering the times he was born in. But he stands by his self-proclamation with his actions, like how he stood up for Hayley when Klaus treated her poorly, or how he has no issue dating powerful women.

He overall has a history of going for powerful, independent women like Tatia, Katherine, Celeste and Hayley, who all challenged him in a way. He also supported Hayley when she decided to go to the Bayou and become the pack leader, even if it filled him with worry, and he knew he couldn’t protect her there.

“Gentlemen, Shall We?”

Elijah Mikaelson – The Battle Of New Orleans (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 21)

Elijah Mikaelson on The Originals holding a bloody human heart.

While this might seem like Elijah is inviting a group of men for dinner, it’s actually something entirely else. His way of expressing himself has been unusual from the beginning, and it was one of the things fans loved so much about him.

He always makes it a point to stay calm, even if things are going awry. His icy collected nature is sometimes even scarier than Klaus’s neurotic shouting, and it certainly doesn’t make him less dangerous. Elijah’s kill count is the second highest in the TVD universe, ranking right after his brother Klaus.

“Do You Have Any Idea How Rare Love Is?”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Apres Moi, Le Deluge” (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 11)

Image of Hayley and Elijah both bloody, he's touching her cheek gently.

Elijah’s love life is very interesting because the two times he’s found love, it was with a woman his brother swore to chase till eternity and a woman who was carrying his brother’s supernatural child. But that put aside, as much as Elijah appreciated compassion, he also cherished love.

He loved deeply, something that was not expected for someone who has been around for as long as he has. While his brothers often appear cynical, Elijah knows what is truly valuable in life and knows to appreciate it.

“No One Hurts My Family And Lives.”

Elijah Mikaelson – “Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree” (The Originals: Season 1, Episode 6)

The Mikaelson family after a fight with torn clothes and blood, looking at something.

If Elijah were defined by one thing, it would be his never-ending love for his family. They’ve betrayed him, broken his heart, and yet he still would die or kill for any one of them. His life motto is Always and forever, and he lives by it, as is evident with this quote, which happens to be one of Elijah’s best across the franchise.

If anyone comes near his family, he will make the revenge bloody and painful. This is what makes Elijah such a lovable, at times even relatable character despite the horrible actions of his past. Doing everything to protect their family is something most people can relate to.