The Vampire Diaries: 10 Elena Gilbert Quotes That Prove She’s The Queen Of Sarcasm

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Elena Gilbert Quotes That Prove She’s The Queen Of Sarcasm

The Vampire Diaries franchise is coming to a close with Legacies being one of the many shows canceled by CW. Of course, the original show hasn’t been on the air for a while, but it doesn’t mean fans love it any less. With the legacy, pardon the pun, of The Vampire Diaries at an end at The CW, fans are discussing which characters are truly the most sarcastic in the series.

Elena Gilbert’s character wasn’t exactly known for her wit and humor. This was mainly due to how her tragic backstory often prevents her from being her best self, through the seasons she evolved into the queen of sarcasm, and it came close to rivaling even Katherine herself.

Asking Nicely

“I Don’t Mean To Be Rude, But Would You Mind If I Drained Your Carotid Of A Few Ounces?”

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Elena Gilbert Quotes That Prove She’s The Queen Of Sarcasm

When Stefan and Elena get kidnapped and drained of blood, they have difficulties getting back to civilization. After successfully securing a ride while hitchhiking, Elena gets hungry on the way and asks the driver if she’d mind.

How Elena delivers this is hilarious, because the driver is someone who knows about vampires, so it’s clear she’s being serious. After being starved of actual blood and hunting for squirrels with Stefan, Elena gives zero care about being subtle.

Drinking Like A Big Girl

“Do you need a bib?”

Elena at the bar making fun of Damon for being able to drink more than him in The Vampire Diaries.

This was a first glimpse of how fun Elena could be if she weren’t perpetually having bad things happen to her. Damon takes her away for the day to have some fun. The two end up in the bar, drinking together, and surprisingly, Elena’s alcohol tolerance seems to be way higher than Damon’s.

Partaking in the drinking match, she makes fun of him, claiming her tolerance is way up there. Sarcastic Elena makes a rare appearance and asks Damon if he needs a bib, insinuating his drinking abilities are those of a child.

Stating The Obvious

“I hate to say I told you so, but… duh.”

Elena Gilbert pretending to be Katherine on The Vampire Diaries

Nobody ever believes Elena when it comes to Katherine, but maybe they should. The no-humanity Elena makes a great point to Elijah about how Katherine lies and manipulates other people. Elena is usually the one believing the best in people but the roles are reversed here.

This sarcastic line comes out when Elijah realizes that Elena was right and that Katherine did lie to him. Elena has no humanity here, so she doesn’t exactly try to spare Elijah’s feelings when she proves her way. It’s also one of the funniest Elena quotes.

Murphy’s Law

“Where Is The Calculator? Of Course. Under The Catatonic Serial Killer.”

Elena looking nonplussed in The Vampire Diaries.

This scene where Elena searches for her calculator to take to class almost looks surprisingly normal (for a vampire show). But in a true TVD fashion, the calculator is under the catatonic serial killer they’re keeping in her dorm.

It’s a quote that flawlessly manages to emphasize how ridiculous Elena’s life is. She has a catatonic killer at her place and is leaving her vampire boyfriend to babysit said killer while she goes to med school classes. Kudos to Elena for maintaining even a slight resemblance to normalcy and accepting the supernatural as part of her life.

Spilling Tea

“I Think You’re Sad And Bored And In Desperate Need Of A Hobby.”

Elena Gilbert smiling at the camera in the woods in Vampire Diaries

Elena’s been through a whole lot on the show, and even before the show started. She’s lost pretty much every family member, some more than once, and she’s constantly surrounded by supernatural chaos.

The best quotes from Elena come either when she has humanity turned off or when she’s compelled to tell the truth, like the quote above. When Rebekah compels her to tell what she thinks, Elena wittily replies that she needs a hobby if she’s as bored to care about the love lives of a bunch of high school students.

Assurance For Damon

“Don’t Worry, I’m Not Gonna Lose It. At Least Not Before The Cake.”

Elena looking serious in TVD

Elena is at her best when she recognizes her flaws. In early season 3, she accepts that her mental state is somewhat fragile because of everything that’s happened with Stefan. When people continue to tip-toe around her, she jokingly says that she’s not gonna lose it.

This quote shows that she’s aware that everyone thinks she’s going to break and accepts it, but she won’t give them the satisfaction. It’s also meant in a joking way to reassure Damon that she’s holding it together for now.

Not Credible

“Really? You Think I’m Gonna Let A Blood Addict Tell Me How To Drink?”

Elena looking serious in The Vampire Diaries

Elena has seen firsthand what Stefan’s blood lust looks like and where it leads. So when he wants to be smart and offer her advice on alcohol consumption, she fires back with this shady quote and it feels just as satisfying for the audience as it does for Elena.

It just seems like people are constantly telling her what to do or how to live, and it must have felt good to remind Stefan to get off his high horse because he isn’t perfect either.

Center of The Universe

“Look At You. Your Whole World Revolves Around Me.”

Elena Gilbert in her cheer-leading costume on The Vampire Diaries coming down the stairs looking serious.

Everyone blames Elena because everything revolves around her, but nobody stops to see that it’s not her fault. Elena’s been thrown into this life with little choice and she navigates the best she can.

And sure, her entire family has been killed due to the supernatural and she has very little to live for, but the fact that the lives of so many people revolve around her is pathetic and she should say it. The no-humanity Elena was missing a filter, it resulted in many funny satisfying lines like this one.

Well Wishes

“Have A Nice Human Life, Katherine.”

Image of Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce lying on the floor in The Vampire Diaries

Katherine has been wreaking havoc on Elena’s life since first making a reappearance at Mystic Falls. So going off about how Elena stole her happiness must have hit pretty close to home for Elena. Of course, physically, Katherine is older and has the upper hand in a fight.

However, in a desperate move to save herself, Elena feeds the cure to Katherine, delivering this line with a certain amount of satisfaction. After Katherine made fun of Elena for being a powerless human, this felt like the ultimate win for Elena.

False Modesty

“What? It’s Nothing You Guys Haven’t Seen Before.”

Split image of Stefan and Caroline talking to Elena and Elena on the right. She does not appear to be wearing any clothes.

This is so unlike Elena that the scene works. It’s meant to show how by taking away her humanity, the things that made her who she was also disappeared. Like Elena’s feeling of modesty or shame.

While Caroline desperately tries to look to the side and the Salvatore brothers openly gaze at Elena, she challenges them with this quote. Given that she was in a relationship with both of them at some point, her sentence is true. Her being naked isn’t as scandalous as they’re making it to be.