The Vampire Diaries: 10 Best Bonnie Bennett Quotes

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Best Bonnie Bennett Quotes

Bonnie has some of the best development in The Vampire Diaries, and her evolution is as underrated as her character. While Elena’s involvement with the Salvatores causes her to bend her morals, Bonnie always stands by what she believes in. Her friends may try to push her around, but Bonnie doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to.

Not even Elena can pressure Bonnie into doing what she knows is wrong, which is one of her many admirable characteristics. Bonnie is the most well-rounded character in the series, and she knows exactly what to say in any given situation. Whether they’re words of wisdom or snarky comments, Bonnie’s quotes are some of the most memorable in The Vampire Diaries.

Bonnie Tells Elena She’s A Witch

“It’s Impossible And It’s True. I’m A Witch.”

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Best Bonnie Bennett Quotes

None of the characters believe in the supernatural until they see it with their own eyes. It takes Bonnie more than one inexplicable incident to get on board, as she’s hesitant to believe her Grams’ stories about witchcraft.

It doesn’t happen right away, but by being honest with Elena about who she is, Bonnie exemplifies an acceptance of her heritage. While she previously admits that she doesn’t want to be a witch, Sheila helps Bonnie realize that her powers are a gift, not a curse.

Bonnie Is Confident In Who She Is

“You Saw What I Was Able To Do Tonight. I Know Who I Am Now, And If Damon Spills So Much As One Drop Of Innocent Blood, I’ll Take Him Down.”

Bonnie Bennett looking down in The Vampire Diaries

As a Bennett witch, Bonnie is able to cast the most powerful spells in The Vampire Diaries. Elena may have an affection for the Salvatore brothers, but Bonnie refuses to let it cloud her judgment. She makes it clear that she’ll take Damon down, even if she has to go through Stefan in the process.

While viewers are pushed to side with the Salvatores, Bonnie isn’t wrong. Both brothers are murderers, and no matter how likable they are as characters, Stefan and Damon present a threat to humans. They can’t control their animalistic nature, and all vampires kill at one point or another.

Bonnie Bickers With Damon

“There’s A Very Probable Chance You’re Digging Your Own Grave, And I’m Not Bothered.”

Damon and Bonnie Get All The Facts in The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie and Damon’s bickering is one of the most comedic aspects of The Vampire Diaries‘ sixth season. The two play off of each other well, and their dynamic is unlike any other relationship in the show. Bonnie isn’t the funniest character independently, but Damon brings out her wittiness.

Rather than displaying his usual hostility, Damon’s interactions with Bonnie are lighthearted. For an unexplained reason, they genuinely enjoy getting on each other’s nerves, and it’s obvious their quips are all in good fun. Bonnie’s comment is as ironic as it is humorous, as she would do anything to keep Damon safe.

Bonnie Gets Protective Of Elena

“I Can Crush Your Skull Without Even Flinching.”

Elena and Bonnie sitting next to each other in The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie’s dedication to her best friend is admirable, and it takes only one threat from Katherine for Bonnie to get defensive. Katherine is the most powerful enemy Bonnie has faced at this point in the series, yet she doesn’t even consider her own safety.

She does underestimate Katherine’s abilities and is unable to follow through on her threat. However, Bonnie doesn’t make the same mistake twice. Her confidence only grows and she reaches a point where she truly can crush Katherine’s skull “without even flinching.”

Bonnie Is Candid With Damon

“You Can Resent Me Or Love Me, But You’re Stuck With Me.”

Damon and Bonnie dancing in The Vampire Diaries.

Damon and Bonnie have a complicated relationship in The Vampire Diaries and don’t become real friends until the sixth season. They spend a decent portion of the show as enemies and eventually are forced to put aside their differences and form an alliance.

It takes literally being the last two people on Earth for their opinion of each other to change, but Bonnie and Damon develop an unbreakable bond. This quote perfectly summarizes their relationship, as no matter how they claim to feel, Bonnie and Damon are best friends for life.

Bonnie Stands Up For Herself

“I’m Done Getting Pushed Around By All Of You. I Did It Because I Wanted To.”

Bonnie leaning over a table, looking serious in The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie is more than capable of overpowering her friends, yet she chooses to let them take advantage of her. The more time that passes, the less genuine Bonnie’s relationships feel. Elena and Caroline are so caught up in their romances that Bonnie is called upon only when they want assistance.

Elena doesn’t realize Bonnie is dead until months after the fact, and while Bonnie intentionally keeps it a secret, it still doesn’t sit right. It’s obvious that something is wrong when Bonnie contacts them only through email, but no one investigates until they need Bonnie for a spell. This is, arguably, her best quote in the series, as Bonnie finally stands up for herself.

Bonnie Shades Enzo

“It’s Called Dignity. Have Some. It’s Free.”

Bonnie looking onwards in The Vampire Diaries.

This is one of Bonnie’s funniest lines in The Vampire Diaries because of who she’s speaking to. Bonnie and Enzo don’t fall in love right away, and while they share only a few scenes beforehand, the interactions they do have are filled with hostility and snark.

Bonnie isn’t Enzo’s biggest fan, which usually means romance is on the horizon. The show’s most beloved romances are between characters who start out as enemies, and Bonenzo is no exception. Enzo is amused by Bonnie’s attitude and never seems to take offense at her comments.

Bonnie Doesn’t Have Time For Excuses

“There’s Always A Choice. Whenever You Make One, Someone Else Suffers.”

Bonnie in a 70s costume in TVD

Bonnie proves to be more intuitive at 17 years old than vampires who have centuries of wisdom and life experience. The characters refuse to take responsibility for their actions and use the stereotypical excuse that they “have no other choice.”

To be fair, the Salvatores are often backed into a corner, but Damon and Stefan still make their own decisions. They prioritize Elena over everything and everyone and choose to save her at the expense of others. The brothers always have a choice, but it’s obvious what their decision is going to be.

Bonnie Finds Unconditional Love

“I Have Always Wanted To Be Loved By Someone In The Way That You Loved Me.”

Bonnie and Enzo hugging in the doorway in The Vampire Diaries

In regards to who loves her most selflessly, Enzo is Bonnie’s best love interest in The Vampire Diaries. The series spends most of its time focusing on Elena’s and Caroline’s romances, with Bonnie’s appearing lackluster in comparison.

She does have her moments with Jeremy, but he makes it clear by cheating on her that his heart has always been with Anna. Bonnie deserves better than being someone’s second choice, and she finally gets her own epic love story when she falls for Enzo.

Bonnie Wants Damon To Choose Her

“I’m Not OK With You Choosing Yourself, And I’m Not OK With Never Seeing You, My Best Friend, Ever Again.”

Bonnie and Damon talking in The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie always puts the needs of others over the needs of herself, which is why it’s particularly painful when Damon abandons her. He chooses the coward’s way out and decides to spend Bonnie’s life desiccating so he won’t have to go another day without Elena.

Bonnie and Damon are more than best friends at this point, as they share one of the most profound bonds in the series. In past seasons, Bonnie encourages others to do what’s best for them, even if she pays a personal cost. By making her wants and needs clear, Bonnie displays how much she’s grown.