The Usual Suspects: 10 Worst Things Keyser Soze Ever Did

The Usual Suspects: 10 Worst Things Keyser Soze Ever Did

The Usual Suspects is considered as one of the most riveting crime thrillers ever committed to celluloid. The twisty nonlinear narrative is famous for having one of the biggest surprise endings of any movie, which comes as a jaw-dropping and gut-punching shock the first time you see it. And the second!

Of course, the film charts the criminal exploits of Keyser Soze, an untouchable mastermind who orchestrates a series of crimes from NYC to Los Angeles. Soze does many deplorable things along the way, which allows him to remain in power. It’s now time to count those things. Here are the 10 worst things Keyser Soze ever did in The Usual Suspects!

The Jewel Heist

The Usual Suspects: 10 Worst Things Keyser Soze Ever Did

Since Keyser Soze is an unreliable narrator in the form or Roger “Verbal” Kint (Kevin Spacey), it’s important to note how he deceptively masterminds everything that occurs in the film. His first terrible deed is conducting a vengeful jewel heist to get back at the NYPD.

The heist results in $50 million in stolen emeralds and several corrupt cops being arrested. But the real offense is what the heist leads to next; a trip to California to meet the flaky drug dealer Redfoot, which has its own unintended consequences.

His (Supposed) Tragic Backstory

When Verbal is being interrogated by Agent Kujan, he relays the wise-tale of Soze’s frightening mythology. Whether it’s true or not, few things are worse than what Soze did to his own family!

According to lore, Soze came home one day to find his wife beaten and raped and children endangered by Hungarian gangsters. Without hesitation, Soze shot his wife and children dead before killing the Hungarians. Unsatisfied, Soze went on to slaughter every family member (near and distant) of the Hungarians who were bold enough to mess with his family.

Killing Fenster

While we don’t know it at the time his corpse is shown onscreen, Soze killing Fred Fenster (Benicio del Toro) is just one instance in a long lethal line of his unsurpassed evil. And just like everything Soze does, the subsequent outcome leads to more terrible misdeeds.

In this case, killing Fenster causes his main-man, McManus, to overreact and concoct a vindictive plot to murder Kobyashi. Once they attempt to do so, Kobayashi informs them of a blackmail plot led by Soze forcing them to seize the cocaine from the ship in San Pedro. Soze is always one step ahead!

Killing Edie

Despite Keaton’s lawyerly girlfriend, Edie Finneran, being responsible for getting the titular Usual Suspects out of jail at the beginning of the movie, Soze shows no loyalty in return.

Since Finneran also represents Arturo Marquez, the one shipmate who can physically identify Soze, Keyser knows he has to eliminate both. While it’s only mentioned in passing, Soze murders Finneran to avoid being implicated. Keaton never learns who murdered his significant other but has his own suspicions in the end. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late.

Killing Hockney

Todd Hockney stands in the police line-up in The Usual Suspects

Although Todd Hockney (Kevin Pollak) was responsible for the truck-heist that landed the usual suspects in jail, Soze didn’t have to kill the man, did he? Yeah, okay, he probably did!

Once the non-drug deal on the cargo ship goes awry, all hell breaks loose on the docks. Hockney makes a play to protect the $91 million in cash, but as soon as he finds the loot, he’s shot to death in the chest by a mysterious assailant. In retrospect, we know it was Soze getting rid of all the loose ends that could incriminate him.

Killing McManus

McManus looks through the scope of a sniper rifle in The Usual Suspects

The Soze slaughters continue with the death of Michael McManus (Stephen Baldwin), who is impaled with a hunting knife in the back of the neck. Yeah Verbal, what cerebral palsy?

While we don’t know it at the time, in hindsight it becomes clear that Soze whacked McManus for his own personal gain. The death comes right after an argument between McManus and Keaton over the absence of cocaine onboard. McManus’ sudden death shakes Keaton to the core, informing him that something far more sinister than Argentine dope-runners awaits him.

Killing Marquez

One of the biggest hair-raising and bone-chilling moments in the film comes when Soze opens the porthole of the ship to find Arturo Marquez, the one man who can identify the criminal mastermind.

Quaking in fear and sweating with terror, Marquez pleads for his life with a frog in his throat as Soze approaches. All we see is Soze’s sinister silhouette in front of Marquez before hearing an offscreen gunshot. It’s arguably the worst thing Soze does because he orchestrated the entire fake drug deal so he can assassinate this one man without notice.

Killing Keaton

The first time you watch The Usual Suspects, you begin to wonder if Dean Keaton (Gabriel Byrne) is indeed Keyser Soze as Agent Kujan suggests. However, the first scene of the film ought to tell you otherwise!

Despite the opening sequence that foreshadows his death, Keaton is positioned as the movie’s protagonist. So in the end, when we learn he is neither the good guy or bad guy, but merely a pawn in Soze’s duplicitous ploy. His death registers as one of Soze’s biggest transgressions.

The Shipyard Massacre

Disguised as a dope deal gone south, Soze is ultimately responsible for the 27 dead bodies fished out of the San Pedro harbor at the end of the film. Now, to be clear, Soze didn’t personally kill all 27 victims.

However, the entire deal was done as a clandestine hit-job on Arturo Marquez, the lone soul who could identify Soze by face (save the hospitalized Hungarian, whom Soze is unaware of). Therefore, his grand scheme ended up claiming the lives of all the victims involved, including the criminal partners he personally murdered in the process.

Tricking The Whole World

“The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” What else needs to be said?!

The worst thing Soze ever did was fool Agent Kujan, and us by proxy, that everything Verbal Kint said in the film was one hundred percent truthful. Quite the opposite, in fact.

By weaving a tall-tale with the details hidden in plain sight inside Kujan’s office, Soze’s masterful mendacity allowed him to get away with all of the aforesaid misdeeds in the film. While it worked out for his own personal escape, 27 corpses mounted from Soze’s criminal trickery.