The Ultimate Jean Grey Brutally Murdered a Group of Classic X-Men Villains

The Ultimate Jean Grey Brutally Murdered a Group of Classic X-Men Villains

Unlike her mainstream counterpart, Jean Grey brutally murdered the Hellfire Club in the Ultimate universe when they attempted to use her to control the Phoenix. The wealthy clandestine group had assembled enough power to influence the world’s decisions, and they attempted to gain access to the power that lurked within Marvel Girl by funding the X-Men and their worldwide endeavors. But the Hellfire Club learns the hard way that the Phoenix is not merciful nor understanding to those who try to manipulate it for their own agendas.

Created by Chris Claremont and John Bryne in Uncanny X-Men #129, the Hellfire Club is an international group of famous, wealthy and influential members of society who seek to wield power through economic and political influence instead of world domination. The ancient organization is controlled by an Inner Circle whose membership would include Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Donald Pierce and others who would either become X-Men allies or enemies. They were introduced in “The Dark Phoenix Saga” when their attempts to subvert Jean Grey, the host for the cosmic Phoenix Force, to their will nearly destroyed the Inner Circle and drove Jean to become the Dark Phoenix. In the Ultimate universe, a parallel Marvel world that offered modernized versions of the characters without the baggage of decades of continuity, the Hellfire Club was reimagined as rogue division of the Church of the Shi’ar Enlightenment who believed the Phoenix, a cosmic entity that had become entombed within the Earth itself, was a force of destruction that should be freed.

In the Ultimate X-Men “Hellfire and Brimstone” storyline by Mark Millar, Adam Kubert and Kaare Andrews, the reappearance of Jean Grey’s debilitating visions troubles the X-Men and their mentor Charles Xavier, but delights the Hellfire Club, revealed to be the mysterious benefactors who help the X-Men afford their living quarters and superhero lifestyle. When the X-Men are invited to a lavish event, Xavier sees this as a wonderful opportunity to advance mutant relations with the world as well as restore the X-Men’s recently tarnished reputation. He quickly learns his benefactors have ulterior motives as the Hellfire Club’s members neutralize the X-Men present and later engage in an arcane ritual that is meant to release the Phoenix from Jean Grey. Unfortunately, their efforts backfire and the awakened Phoenix punishes them for their selfishness by killing most of them and reserving a special punishment for leader Sebastian Shaw for his audacity in trying to manipulate it.

The Ultimate Jean Grey Brutally Murdered a Group of Classic X-Men Villains

One of the biggest differences here is that the mainstream Hellfire Club was not only wealthy and influential but a majority of their Inner Circle were mutants or enhanced humans as well. The Ultimate Inner Circle wield wealth and power but are human, religious zealots hoping their faith will allow them a special place when the Phoenix reshapes the world however it sees fit. The Hellfire Club’s interference with Jean Grey in the 616 universe allowed the Phoenix and its host to be corrupted, endangering Earth and potentially the galaxy with the destructive capabilities of the Dark Phoenix. In the Ultimate universe, the Hellfire Club’s interference only guarantees their deaths as the Phoenix channels its power and fury through Jean’s body, leaving behind bare skeletons and saving the worst punishment for Sebastian Shaw.

The Phoenix Force has proven repeatedly that it is not something to be underestimated and woe to anyone who tries to control it. In a sense of cruel irony, the Phoenix takes away all of Sebastian Shaw’s power, his considerable wealth transferred to Xavier so the X-Men can continue, before killing him as well. The Phoenix was considered simply paranoid hallucinations that Xavier helped Jean Grey control, but proves its existence by eliminating one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies with little to no effort and leaving a confused Jean Grey in its wake.