The Traitors UK Season 2 Power Rankings After Episode 6: Most Likely To Be Murdered & Who Will Stay

The Traitors UK Season 2 Power Rankings After Episode 6: Most Likely To Be Murdered & Who Will Stay

The Traitors UK season 2 left its most recent episode off on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers wondering who’s most likely to be murdered after the Traitors escaped another banishment. Throughout the first weeks of the series, the cast of The Traitors UK season 2 has managed to banish one of the Traitors, Ash Bibi, but has also lost several of their own in the process. Having banked quite a bit of money into their prize pot, the players are still working on figuring out who the Traitors are and have been unsuccessful outside of managing to banish Ash. While the Faithful works to banish Traitors, things have gotten more difficult.

With the Faithful growing smaller with each passing day, the Tratiors’ work has become far more difficult. The cast of The Traitors UK season 2 have all been doing their best to perform their roles as successfully as possible, with the Traitors having managed to keep themselves secret while the Faithful are doing the best they can with the information they have. For the remaining Traitors, Paul Gorton, Harry Clark, and Miles Asteri, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep their identities a secret with so few Faithful left in the game. Who will they murder to stay undetected?

The Traitors UK Season 2 Power Rankings After Episode 6: Most Likely To Be Murdered & Who Will Stay


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13 Miles Asteri


Miles from The Traitors UK Season 2 standing in front of two cloaked figures and a castle

As a Traitor, Miles isn’t able to be murdered in the upcoming episodes of The Traitors UK. Miles is the Traitor who seems least likely to get called out in the game, as he’s been flying under the radar and playing his role as Faithful well. With Miles sitting back on the Traitors team and allowing others, like Paul or Harry, to take the lead, he’s been keeping the target on his back minimal. Miles is the most likely Traitor to go far on The Traitors UK season 2 as things currently stand, as others simply have more heat on them.

12 Harry Clark


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Harry, another Traitor, also can’t be murdered in the upcoming episodes of The Traitors UK season 2. While Harry has been doing a great job in his Traitor strategy, things have been starting to get to the 22 year old. During The Traitors UK season 2 episode 5, Harry voted to banish his close friend Jonny Holloway during the evening’s round table. Though he didn’t want to go against a fellow member of the British Army, he felt he had no choice but to vote for Jonny to keep his Traitor status quiet. Harry’s emotional breakdown after the round table made it clear he could crack under the pressure.

11 Paul Gorton


Montage of The Traitors UK Season 2's Paul Gorton, with fire behind him and orange background

Paul is the Traitor most likely to find himself banished, though he can’t be murdered due to his role in the game. While he was playing a strong game at the beginning of the season, things changed quickly on The Traitors UK season 2. Paul’s gameplay quickly got cocky as he projected unwarranted confidence to the rest of the cast, and when he chose to place himself into the dungeon along with Ash, he took a huge chance on the popularity he’d gained in the game thus far. Putting himself in a tough position, it became clear to some of the Faithful that they needed to try and target Paul.

10 Jasmine Boatswain


Jasmine from The Traitors UK Season 2 standing in front of two cloaked figures and a castle
The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Although Jasmine Boatswain is a Faithful in the game, she’s currently the only person in The Traitors UK season 2 to hold a shield, meaning she can’t be murdered. While Jasmine is a big personality on the series, she’s also one of the biggest threats to the Traitors’ games. Jasmine hasn’t been able to push her opinions far, but she’s made it clear that she’s interested in going after strong players in the game, and she isn’t afraid to do so.

9 Andrew Jenkins


Andrew The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast
The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Andrew Jenkins, another Faithful in the game, is the least likely available Faithful to be murdered by the Traitors. While Andrew is a big personality and has strong ideas in the game, he’s also someone who has had suspicion thrown on him in the past regarding whether he’s a Traitor or not. As someone the Traitors could be able to pin their mistakes on, Andrew is a great person to keep in the game rather than someone the group would risk getting rid of.

8 Zack Davies


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Zack Davies may not be the best Faithful, but he’s a great person for the Traitors to keep in the game for the moment being. Zack has been working hard as a Faithful to try and target those he feels are Traitors. While he decidedly is focused on the wrong people when targeting his guesses on who the Traitors are, Zack has been making himself look bad to his fellow Faithfuls. While it may not be great for his game, Zack would be a mistake for the Traitors to take out when he has so much suspicion on his name.

7 Ross Carson


Ross from The Traitors UK Season 2 standing in front of two cloaked figures and a castle
The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Although he’s still hiding his secret relationship with his mother in the game, Ross Carson has been doing his best to play a Faithful game that keeps himself and his mother out of the line of fire. While Ross has been outspoken against those he believes are Traitors in the game, his reads haven’t always been in line with what’s happening in the game. Though Ross has been pushing the Faithful in the wrong directions, his vocal nature has been helpful for the Traitors, so he’s someone they should keep in the game.

6 Charlotte Chilton


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Charlotte Chilton has been an integral part of the game so far, working hard in the challenges to bank money for the prize pot. Though Charlotte’s role in the game would make her an easy target for murder, she is strongly affiliated with Paul. She’s kept him safe in many conversations with other Faithful, and has been quick to say she doesn’t believe in the idea that he’s a Traitor at every turn. While it may not be as beneficial for the other Traitors, Charlotte is a great ally for Paul and therefore someone the Traitors team should keep around to ensure the Faithful stay off their scent.

5 Evie Morrison


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Although she’s a part of the Faithful team that are working to win missions and do well for the sake of the prize pot, Evie Morrison is one of the names the Traitors should be throwing around for their next murder. She’s an asset to the Faithful, which means she’s an immediate detriment to the Traitors. At the same time, Evie hasn’t been firm in the names she’s tossed out at the round table, which means there’s no one would could likely be directly to blame for her murder. Evie would be a good choice for the Traitors next victim.

4 Jaz Singh


With his sights set on Paul, Jaz Singh is another Faithful who may be out the door soon if the Traitors feel he’s too much of a threat. Though Jaz has been vocal about his disdain for Paul and beliefs that he’s a Traitor, it would be smart for the Traitors to get rid of him sooner rather than later, before he can do much more damage. Jaz has spoken to several other Faithful about his beliefs, but it hasn’t held much weight with them. The Traitors removing Jaz from the game could be a way to ensure that the suspicion comes off Paul.

3 Mollie Pearce


Mollie from The Traitors UK Season 2 standing in front of two cloaked figures and a castle
The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Operating without many ties, Mollie Pearce has been someone relatively unknown throughout The Traitors UK season 2. Though this could be an asset for the Traitors, the fact that she hasn’t made many moves in the game makes her an easy target. Mollie has a decent tie with Harry, which means her murder likely wouldn’t be thrown back to him, and though she doesn’t have ties with either Miles or Paul, it’s likely neither of them would be targeted for killing her, either. Mollie would be an easy choice for the Traitors to remain undetected.

2 Charlie Bees


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Much like Mollie, Charlie Bees hasn’t made very many connections that The Traitors UK season 2 audience has seen. With her stake in the game quite low, Charlie is one of the Faithful who has been sniffing around Paul for the last few episodes, but has also been relatively under the radar in terms of whether or not she could be a Traitor herself. While it would make sense for the Traitors to potentially try and target Charlie as a Traitor herself, it likely makes more sense for them to simply remove her from the game. Charlie would be a simple choice for the Traitors next victim.

1 Diane Carson


The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Although Diane Carson is still in the game with her son Ross, things are looking like they might be finished for the duo before their secret even comes to light. Diane, who has been outspoken among the group of Faithfuls, has been selecting the wrong people when it comes to who she feels are the Traitors. With Diane’s reads being so off and many disagreeing with her, taking a loud voice out of The Traitors UK season 2 cast would be a great idea for the Traitors to throw everyone off in terms of who they are.