The Tick Reboot and Dark Tower Movie Cast Jackie Earle Haley

The Tick Reboot and Dark Tower Movie Cast Jackie Earle Haley

Jackie Earle Haley is busy these days. The former Watchmen star was recently cast as Odin Quincannon in a recurring role in AMC’s upcoming Preacher adaptation. But fans will be seeing a lot more of the Academy Award-nominated actor soon, on both the big and small screen. In addition to his part on Preacher, Haley has also scored a major role in the upcoming Amazon revival of The Tick and may have a part to play in the big-screen adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower as well.

It was recently announced that Haley will play The Terror in Amazon’s take on The Tick. This should be a major role in the series, at The Terror is the evil mastermind behind the league of evil featured in the comics. Ancient and terrifying, his power is sufficient that he is rumored to have kept the criminal underworld going largely through his will alone. While The Terror only appeared in a single episode of the previous live-action series, Haley’s take on the character should be a major antagonist. It’s said that he will juggle the responsibilities of this show and his role on Preacher as both should be filming around the same time.

According to Deadline, Haley is reportedly still negotiating his role in The Dark Tower, but if all goes well he will play Richard Patrick Sayre in the film adaptation. Sayre is one of the “Low Men” in the world of the Dark Tower, and is a fairly high-ranking one at that. It will be interesting to see how his character fits into the film, since Sayre is mainly featured in the last three books of the series.

The Tick Reboot and Dark Tower Movie Cast Jackie Earle Haley

This certainly isn’t Haley’s first time playing a villain, as he played Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot in 2010. Even his morally skewed Rorschach in Watchmen skirted the line between hero and villain, even though Rorschach wouldn’t see his actions as anything but just. Taking on three villainous roles at once might seem a bit much, though Haley should be able to bring some complexity to the different parts.

Some fans will likely have other actors that they’d like to see in these roles, but that doesn’t mean Haley won’t own the characters once the cameras start rolling. He’s had a long and diverse career, and should be able to deliver strong performances to these three villains. The big question is, which comic or literary bad guy will he pick up next?

Next: Peter Serafinowicz is The Tick in Amazon’s Live-Action Series

The Tick is in development for Amazon, though no official release date for the pilot has been revealed. The Dark Tower is filming now and is slated for release on February 17, 2017.