The Smartest Person in DC’s Universe is Official, And Fans Won’t Be Happy With The Winner

The Smartest Person in DC’s Universe is Official, And Fans Won’t Be Happy With The Winner

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1064!The DC Universe is filled with some truly genius people, but only one stands above the rest and fans may not like the truth of who the smartest person is. Sure, ‘smart’ can mean several things, but only one person has what a classic Superman villain is looking for.

From mad scientists to amazing inventors and even some of the greatest heroes of the DC Universe, there are plenty of geniuses who have made their incredible mental acumen known. However, when a catastrophe strikes, one of the most intelligent beings in comics knows exactly who to seek out when it comes to DC’s brightest mind.

Who are Considered Some of DC Comics’ Smartest People?

When people think of the word ‘genius’ in the DC Universe, the image of one particular hero might pop up in their heads. Batman is, of course, the World’s Greatest Detective and is an expert in (among other things) chemistry, engineering and criminology. While there’s no doubting Batman’s intelligence, he’s far from the only smart cookie on the right side of the law. Mister Terrific is infamously known as the third smartest man in the DC Universe and Cyborg is a certified wizard when it comes to technology.

But what about the evil-doers of the DC Universe? The sad truth is that there are plenty of intelligent people who prefer to use their skills for crime and personal profit. Shazam’s nemesis Dr. Sivana has routinely fought the most powerful magic family using just his mind. Professor Ivo is responsible for creating some of the most dangerous androids in the DCU like Amazo. Not to mention, the Doom Patrol’s archenemy Brain is literally just a brain in a jar, yet he’s nearly conquered the Earth numerous times.

These examples just scratch the surface of how intelligent some of DC’s best and brightest are. Will Magnus created some of the most advanced androids, the Metal Men. Ray Palmer mastered shrinking technology to become the Atom. Not to mention, the Flash is possibly the only person in the world with the mind advanced enough to understand the Speed Force. Not only does the Earth have an unbelievable number of metahumans in its population, but it also has one of the highest concentrations of geniuses in the DC Universe.

Brainiac Confirms Lex Luthor is DC’s Smartest Man

The Smartest Person in DC’s Universe is Official, And Fans Won’t Be Happy With The Winner

In Action Comics #1064 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Alejandro Sánchez, and Dave Sharpe, Brainiac’s ship is making a beeline straight for Earth. However, it’s a beautiful day in Metropolis as Lois Lane enjoys her day off and jogs through the city, greeting her favorite people as she heads to the park to meet up with Jimmy Olsen and Siobhan Smythe. After finishing his usual morning routine, the three are joined by Clark. But just as the day gets started, Superman detects a terrifying presence in the air.

Metropolis is suddenly inundated with a legion of Brainiac drones and an army of Czarnians, who quickly begin causing chaos in the city. The Super-Family springs into action, but the Czarnians are far more powerful and ruthless than the Main Man, Lobo. Superman recognizes that the Czarnians aren’t working alone and determines that they’re working with Brainiac based on the droids attacking the city. Brainiac observes the chaos and informs his army’s leader, General Chacal, to bring Brainiac the smartest person on the planet.

At Supercorp, Mercy Graves coordinates a response to the attack while Lex tries to get his daughter, Lena, to safety. Lex discovers LL-01, a program supposedly left by Lex to guide Superman. However, LL-01 reveals that it was actually designed by Brainiac. The program calls out Lex’s recent actions and his attempts to manipulate Superman just as Chacal and his army arrive. Brainiac’s forces capture and bottle Mercy and Lena and Lex promises he’ll come willingly. But the only thing Brainiac needs from DC’s smartest man is his head.

Brainiac Knows Just How Smart Lex Luthor Really Is

Brainiac in DC Comics

Not only is Brainiac a Coluan, one of the smartest races in the DC Universe, but Brainiac is infamous for his particular level of knowledge. He possesses a 12th-level intellect, which is beyond most Coluans. Only the original Brainiac and his descendant and Legion of Super-Heroes member Brainiac 5 possess such an intelligence, making them the smartest beings in the DC Universe period. While Brainiac sees everyone else as inferior to him, he is able to recognize the intelligence of other races and determine who is relatively ‘smart’.

Despite how Brainiac feels about lesser minds, he has recognized that Lex Luthor is an unusual case among humans. Brainiac has even worked with Lex at various points in their history. They teamed up together during Crisis on Infinite Earths in a bid to survive the Anti-Monitor’s attack on the multiverse. Brainiac has personally seen just how smart Lex is during the “New Krypton” storyline when Lex managed to hack into Brainiac’s mental defenses, take control of his ship, and steal knowledge directly from Brainiac’s mind.

Sure, Brainiac has faced off against other smart people before. Even Superman has been noted as having super-intelligence at various points in his life. But whatever Brainiac has planned, he knows that there’s one person that meets his personal standard of intelligence and that’s Lex. While Lex would almost certainly agree with Brainiac, Lex is probably less inclined to do so knowing Brainiac is after Luthor’s head. But with Brainiac being undoubtedly the smartest mind around, he’s the greatest authority to determine that Lex Luthor is DC’s smartest human.

Lex Luthor Has the Honor He’s Always Wanted (At a Price)

Lex Luthor Looking Solemn DC

Lex Luthor has always wanted to be known as the world’s smartest man and it looks like someone is finally appreciating his genius. But Brainiac has plans for Lex’s brain, and unfortunately, the Coluan doesn’t need Lex alive to see them through. Who knows what Brainiac has in store, but if he really does need the world’s smartest person, he’s not coming around to simply stroke Luthor’s ego. Brainiac, possibly the smartest being in the DC Universe, truly does consider Lex Luthor to be the smartest human being around.

Action Comics #1064 is available now from DC Comics.

Action Comics #1064 (2024)

Action Comics 1064 Main Cover: Superman glaring as Superboy attacks an army of Lobos.

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artist: Rafa Sandoval
  • Colorist: Alejandro Sánchez
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Rafa Sandoval