The Simpsons Movie 2 Wishlist: 10 Things We Would Like To See

The Simpsons Movie 2 Wishlist: 10 Things We Would Like To See

Rumors are starting to heat up once more that The Simpsons is preparing for another movie, but the writers can learn a few lessons from The Simpsons Movie. Since its release in 2007, The Simpsons Movie has seemed destined for a sequel at one point or another. The show has been continuing at a steady pace, now in its 35th season, although its cultural relevance has waned somewhat over the years. There have been peaks and troughs in the show’s quality, but it has failed to return to the quality of the “Golden Age” of The Simpsons. A sequel to The Simpsons Movie would be an opportunity to reclaim some of the show’s enormous popularity.

The Simpsons has celebrated its milestones in different ways since it first began in 1989. The Simpsons Movie 2 would be an equally important milestone, and it would likely attract more attention than the show has enjoyed for at least a decade. Living up to this level of hype won’t be an easy task, but the writers have the advantage of being able to look back on The Simpsons Movie and figuring out what needs tweaking. If The Simpsons Movie 2 is to be a success, the writers will need to find a way to translate what makes the show so popular into the unfamiliar medium of cinema.

10 A Couch Gag

The show’s longest-running joke

For as long as The Simpsons has been on TV, the members of the family have started each episode by running to their couch and sitting down together. It’s a very simple premise that has been stretched, twisted, and distorted to get 35 seasons worth of jokes, but The Simpsons Movie notably excluded a couch gag. There are still ways of keeping the joke fresh, as The Simpsons season 35’s couch gag reversal showed, so a movie sequel would have license to push the boundaries. This could be a great way of including something nostalgic for a lot of fans, but delivering it in a new and interesting way.

9 Mr. Burns As The Villain

The ideal ready-made bad guy

The Simpsons Movie 2 Wishlist: 10 Things We Would Like To See

The Simpsons Movie introduces Russ Cargill, the head of the EPA, as an unlikely villain. Albert Brooks has some memorable moments as Cargill, especially when he tries to trick President Schwarzenegger into supporting his barbaric plan, but The Simpsons already had the perfect villain ready and waiting. Mr. Burns often plays the show’s antagonist, such as in the classic season 6 episode, “Who Shot Mr. Burns?,” when he blocks out the sun from illuminating Springfield. If a sequel to The Simpsons Movie places Burns as the villain, it would tie in closer to the show, and throw the spotlight on one of its funniest characters.

8 A Sense Of Ambition

A bold story for a big event

Grampa points a shotgun at Marge and the kids in The Simpsons Movie.

The Simpsons Movie showed a keen understanding of the fact that it was a big-screen event. It wasn’t just another episode, and it put the Simpson family and the entire town of Springfield in mortal danger. A sequel will have to top this disaster movie in some way, or end up feeling like a let down. There’s a way for The Simpsons Movie 2 to work with a relatively low-stakes character-driven narrative, but this would likely fall flat given the sense of occassion surrounding the movie. Just as The Simpsons Movie parodied disaster movies, a sequel should choose a bold premise and support itself wholeheartedly.

7 Springfield’s Inhabitants

No show has as many iconic characters

The Simpsons has an incredible roster of fun characters, but the inhabitants of Springfield were severely underutilized in The Simpsons Movie. There are a few individual moments that stand out, but overall the movie focuses very heavily on the Simpson family. Not every character can have a starring role in The Simpsons Movie 2, and the family should remain at the center of the action, but there’s still room for some more characters to have their time to shine. As well as Russ Cargill, The Simpsons Movie brought in the “Medicine Woman,” and Lisa’s boyfriend Colin. These additions pull focus from the characters who fans have been watching for decades.

6 A Longer Runtime

87 minutes is not enough

Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart in The Simpsons Movie

Thanks to its fast-paced humor, The Simpsons Movie packs a lot into its relatively short runtime. However, clocking in at just under 90 minutes gives it the feeling of a long episode, rather than a full feature-length movie. With more time, The Simpsons Movie 2 would be able to include more of what makes the show so popular, and it could make for a smoother transition to the conventions of cinema. The Simpsons Movie was always facing the challenge of adapting from a trusted formula into a new medium, and it never fully committed to being a movie in the way that it could have.

5 The Return Of Some Golden Age Writers

Bringing back what made The Simpsons a success in the first place

Conan O'Brien drawn in Simpsons art style on a talk show set speaking on the phone

The so-called “Golden Age” of The Simpsons was the approximate period between season 2 and season 11. There’s some debate among fans about when exactly the quality starts to drop off, but the rough boundaries of the Golden Age are generally agreed upon. The show managed to reach such spectacular heights thanks in large part to its writers’ room. Over the years, many of the show’s best writers have left for one reason or another, but a sequel to The Simpsons Movie would be a great opportunity to bring them back, and the movie could recapture the magic of some of John Swartwelder or Conan O’Brien’s best Simpsons episodes.

4 Bart & Lisa Getting More Involved

The Simpsons Movie should be about the whole family

Bart and Lisa about to collide in The Simpsons.

The Simpsons Movie focuses on the relationship between Homer and Marge, and Bart and Lisa are relegated to the sidelines. Lisa has a new Irish boyfriend called Colin, and Bart forms an unlikely bond with Flanders, but neither of them truly impact the plot. Episodes focused on Bart and Lisa are some of the best family-friendly episodes of The Simpsons, although they can be just as enjoyable for adults. Balancing the roles of each member of the Simpson family won’t be easy for The Simpsons Movie 2, but some classic episodes, such as season 8, episode 2, “You Only Move Twice,” can do so without hampering the show’s comedic flow.

3 Staying In Springfield

The small town at the center of The Simpsons universe


As soon as The Simpsons Movie left Springfield behind, it turned its back on something which makes the show so beloved. Some of the locations in Springfield are just as popular as the town’s people, like the power plant, the Kwik-E-Mart, or Moe’s Tavern. Sending the characters on a cross-country adventure gave The Simpsons Movie a grander sense of scale, but this came at the cost of passing up the opportunity of watching Springfield stuck underneath the dome. The Simpsons has had some unforgettable episodes in different countries or other cities around the USA, but its heart lies in its ambiguously-located town.

2 Musical Numbers

The Simpsons loves a song and dance

Big musical numbers have long been a key part of The Simpsons, but the only thing close to a memorable song from The Simpsons Movie is Homer’s Spider-Man ripoff, “Spider-Pig”. The best songs in The Simpsons can turn a good episode into a great one, and there’s no reason they couldn’t have a similar impact on a movie. Whether it’s a fun way of delivering exposition like “Monorail” or a more emotional tune like “Baby on Board,” The Simpsons has a fantastic ability to use songs in a way that advances the plot, instead of just feeling like humorous distractions.

1 A Fitting Finale To The Series

The Simpsons can take control of its ending

A grown Bart and Lisa drinking wine in a treehouse in The SImpsons.

One day, The Simpsons will have to come to an end. While the show remains profitable, this seems unlikely to happen any time soon, but after being on the air for over 30 years, it’s only natural to start thinking about the end. The Simpsons Movie 2 could represent a unique chance to make the series finale that the show deserves. There probably isn’t a way to please everyone after 35 seasons and counting, but a movie could at least straighten out the inconsistencies in the future timeline of The Simpsons, after Bart and Lisa grow up. Even without jumping to the future, a movie could provide a touching send-off for America’s favorite animated family.