The Real Winner of Spider-Man vs. Venom is [SPOILER]

The Real Winner of Spider-Man vs. Venom is [SPOILER]

Warning: Spoilers for Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!During the latest incarnation of their generational battle, the real winner of Venom vs. Spider-Man is actually Misty Knight. Spider-Man vs. Venom is one of those recurring fights in the Marvel Universe that’s destined to run forever, even if the Spider-Man and Venom in question aren’t Peter Parker and Eddie Brock. The latest iteration of the perpetual clash comes between Miles Morales and Dylan Brock in their first meeting.

However, the victor for the latest version of Spidey and Venom is neither man, but one of the Daughters of the Dragon, Misty Knight. Miles and Dylan first come to blows in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 by Cody Ziglar, Iban Coello, Guru-eFX, and VC’s Joe Caramagna. On authority from Mayor Luke Cage, Miles Morales and Misty Knight (one of Miles’ new mentors training him) investigate Black Obsidian’s illegal tech operation.

The Real Winner of Spider-Man vs. Venom is [SPOILER]

That investigation is crashed by Dylan Brock’s Venom, who knocks out Misty Knight before storming inside. Miles and Dylan fight in a stalemate that isn’t broken until Misty awakens to be the real deciding factor in this fight.

Misty Knight Does What Spider-Man Can’t

Misty Knight punches Venom with Spider-Man Miles Morales

During his fight with Venom, Spider-Man struggles to get the job done. He says he wants to calm down Venom more than he wants to fight him. Therefore, one can infer that he’s pulling his punches, despite Venom evidently not holding back. Misty Knight? Not so much. She re-enters the scene swinging (literally) with a punch and a gun, ending this debacle with a fiery shot that, considering one of Venom’s biggest weaknesses, could theoretically kill the symbiote.

Misty Knight has always been one of the more underrated characters within Marvel lore, despite her recent appearances in the mainstream spotlight. Thankfully, Marvel has used more recent comics to give Misty the spotlight that Netflix never gave her. She’s spent the last year teaming up with Captain America and mentoring Miles Morales, but taking out Venom in a way that Miles can’t (or won’t) has to be her crowning achievement. It molds her as something of a cleaner, doing a job that not even one of Marvel’s top heroes can do.

Misty Knight is Slowly Being Eased into Marvel’s Top Echelon

Misty Knight shoots at Venom and Dylan Brock

As said before, this is the crowning moment of the year for Misty Knight, arguably her whole superhero career. Even if she isn’t the X-factor of Spider-Man’s latest fight against Venom, being inserted into one of Marvel’s most prevalent feuds puts a massive spotlight on her, to the point it almost feels deliberate. Combined with everything else she did in 2023 and bleeding into 2024, Misty Knight is slowly becoming one of Marvel’s top new stars. Misty Knight‘s stock is rising in this universe, and by beating Venom, she doesn’t look out of place standing shoulder-to-shoulder with someone as highly ranked as Spider-Man.