The One Justice League Hero Who Never Gets ANY Credit

The One Justice League Hero Who Never Gets ANY Credit

The DC Universe is full of powerful beings with abilities that put them on the level of gods. In a world where Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern can swoop in at any time, it’s easy for regular people on the street to feel a bit insignificant. But there’s still one hero who actually needs those regular people to help him save the day – and the best part is, he lets you take the credit! He’s an offbeat character, but Deadman has been empowering “mere mortals” with his heroic spirit for years!

Once known as Boston Brand, Deadman was a circus aerialist who loved performing on the trapeze. Unfortunately, one day while he was playing to the crowds, a hook-handed man shot and killed him, ending his mortal life… while starting him off on a new career.

Now a ghost, Boston is recruited by the Hindu god “Rama Kushna.” To help him find his murderer and get justice for his death, Boston is given the power to possess any living being. Operating under his former stage name “Deadman,” Boston begins investigating his own killing. In addition to his possession ability, Boston also has several ghostly abilities – including the ability to fly, pass through solid objects, and travel at superhuman speeds.

The One Justice League Hero Who Never Gets ANY Credit

He also can’t be seen or heard by the living – which turns out to be both a blessing and a curse as he can no longer communicate with the living (unless he possesses another person’s body). Despite these limitations, Boston does find out about the group that had him killed – but instead of moving on, he decides to stay on Earth and continue helping people as an unseen guardian spirit. Thanks to Boston’s circus background, he’s able to use his acrobatic and martial arts skills through the people he possesses. Naturally, this comes with some limitations – if the person he’s possessing isn’t physically fit, Boston’s moves won’t be as effective. Even if he does possess an able-bodied person, most of the humans he takes over feel incredibly sore after Boston uses them to kick and punch the bad guys.

Even so, being possessed by Deadman comes with some major perks – since Boston tends to take down criminals with some incredibly showy moves, the people he possesses get recognized as heroes by onlookers and the people they save. While his “host bodies” don’t remember anything about being possessed by Deadman, they get to enjoy all the rewards – especially if a grateful would-be victim “rewards” the hero with a kiss.

Sadly, Boston himself never gets to enjoy the accolades of his heroic acts since he always feels guilty about lingering in a body longer than necessary. His abrupt exits are particularly painful for him since, as a former showman, he loved hearing the crowds cheer for him. Now and then, his loneliness gets the better of him and he’ll possess a person’s body for an extended period of time just to enjoy a meal or go bowling, but even this isn’t enough to make him feel like he can enjoy a life of his own.

Nevertheless, Deadman stays on Earth to fight the good fight. He’s a unique being among DC’s magical heroes – a blue collar “regular Joe” who exists in a world full of unseen gods and demons – but he’s a valuable ally who’s helped countless people have moments of great heroism. Even if none of them remember the ghost who guided them through those moments.