The One Detail That Would Have Made Loki’s Death In Infinity War Perfect

The One Detail That Would Have Made Loki’s Death In Infinity War Perfect

While many fans would would’ve preferred Loki to not have died at all in Avengers: Infinity War, one missed detail could’ve made his death better. It certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed that most of the villains in MCU movies end up dead before the credits roll. This illustrious list of deceased big bads includes Thanos, Hela, Ego, and more. One major exception to this trend is Loki, who served as the primary villain in not one but two MCU films, before flipping to the side of his brother Thor.

Sure, Loki retained his mischievous ways and selfish streak, but once out from under the thumb of Thanos, it was clear he really wasn’t too terrible a person in the end. While it worked thematically, Loki’s face turn may also have been motivated by just how popular the character, and Tom Hiddleston’s performance thereof, became after the first Thor movie was released. This popularity only increased when Loki got to shine in the spotlight of being the lead villain in Marvel’s first team-up extravaganza, The Avengers.

Sadly, just one film after Loki fully became a hero in Thor: Ragnarok, the trickster was murdered in the opening sequence of Avengers: Infinity War by Thanos, in harsh fashion. That came after Loki made a brave but futile attempt to sneak attack the Titan. Loki goes out like a loving brother, but one missing detail would’ve helped the scene feel more complete.

One Detail That Would Have Made Loki’s Death In Infinity War Perfect

The One Detail That Would Have Made Loki’s Death In Infinity War Perfect

As Loki approaches Thanos for the final time in Avengers: Infinity War, the god of mischief feigns pledging his allegiance to the genocidal villain by saying the following: “Almighty Thanos… I, Loki, prince of Asgard… Odinson… the rightful king of Jotunheim… god of mischief… do hereby pledge to you… my undying fidelity.” Thanos then strangles him to death, and so far, he appears to be dead for good in the MCU, although an alternate version of the character will headline his Disney+ series. With that final quote, Loki did a very interesting thing, especially since he had to know he was likely about to die. He reclaimed his true biological heritage, that of a Frost Giant of Jotunheim.

Loki had turned on the Frost Giants in Thor (2011), seeking to earn Odin’s favor and cast out Thor. He was by all appearances an Odinson, although his Asgardian look was of course the result of a spell placed on him by Odin when he was first taken as a child. Loki embracing his nature in death is a powerful moment, but it’s undercut by the odd decision to have Loki retain his Asgardian form after death. Sure, one could chalk it up to Odin’s supremely powerful magic, but after his comment about being heir to the throne of Jotunheim, Loki really should’ve reverted to his blue-skinned, red-eyed, natural Frost Giant form. By not doing so, Avengers: Infinity War missed an opportunity.