The Office: 5 Unhealthy Relationships & 5 That Were Surprisingly Wholesome

The Office: 5 Unhealthy Relationships & 5 That Were Surprisingly Wholesome

On The Office, there are a variety of romantic relationships that occur throughout the series. Given that many of the characters on the show are a bit outlandish or eccentric, many of these relationships are more of a trainwreck than anything else. However, there are also some couples that are quite endearing and nice.

Some of the relationships on the show are unhealthy while others are surprisingly wholesome. Here are five that are unhealthy and five that are wholesome.

Unhealthy: Oscar Martinez and Senator Lipton

The Office: 5 Unhealthy Relationships & 5 That Were Surprisingly Wholesome

Senator Lipton is definitely one of the worst people on the show. While he might just be a side character, he ends up causing a lot of pain for both Angela and Oscar.

While Angela and Senator Lipton’s relationship is also unhealthy, the fact that Senator Lipton just used Oscar as a token minority for his campaign while also cheating on Oscar showed he was just an awful person. He was clearly a cheater through and through.

Wholesome: Jim Halpert and Karen Filippelli

While Jim and Pam might be the iconic couple from the series, Jim and Karen actually were good together. While many fans didn’t like these two because they wanted Jim and Pam together, they could have been great if Pam wasn’t in the picture.

They were both pretty evenly matched when it came to their personalities as well as career goals and ambitions. Jim might have still had a crush on Pam, but they did have an honest and communicative relationship.

Unhealthy: Andy Bernard and Angela Martin

Angela has a history of having some rather unhealthy relationships. She’s clearly got some issues herself, and she doesn’t really understand what a healthy romantic partnership looks like.

While she was dating Andy, she was cheating on him with Dwight the entire time. Andy spent so much time trying to make her happy, and she was mostly just mean to him. He could never make her happy, and she shouldn’t have been with him at all.

Wholesome: Dwight Schrute and Angela Martin

Dwight and Angela in the series finale of The office

Dwight and Angela aren’t what you’d normally call a healthy couple, and they aren’t what most people would want to model their relationship after.

However, given that they are both very unique and eccentric people, their relationship ends up working well for them. They definitely have moments where the relationship isn’t great, and they have some unhealthy moments. But, in the end, they have a good relationship that’s rather sweet.

Unhealthy: Ryan Howard and Kelly Kapoor

Ryan and Kelly are definitely one of the most toxic relationships in the series. They have had an on and off relationship for years, and they don’t really treat each other well.

Kelly can be rather clingy and dramatic, and she doesn’t value herself enough in the relationship. Ryan is super selfish, and he often uses Kelly and then breaks up with her when it’s convenient for him. This relationship is basically a trainwreck all the way around.

Wholesome: Phyllis and Bob Vance

Phyllis and Bob smiling at each other in The Office

Phyllis and Bob Vance might not be one of the main relationships on the show as Phyllis is a supporting character. However, they are surprisingly cute together.

Bob Vance accepts Phyllis for who she is and loves her, and Phyllis does the same. One of their cutest moments was when Bob spent so much money to win a hug from his own wife in a Crime Aid auction. This shows how endearing these two can be.

Unhealthy: Roy Anderson and Pam Beesly

Pam and Roy pose for a photo in The Office US

Roy and Pam had one of the worst relationships on the show for many reasons. It was clear that Pam was actually more into Jim, but, beyond that, the relationship wasn’t good.

Roy didn’t support Pam or make her happy, and Pam clearly was held back by a hate relationship. Also, Roy wasn’t a very good person overall and had a tendency to be too controlling or even too angry at times.

Wholesome: Pam Beesly and Jim Halpert

Jim, Pam, and Cece on The Office

Pam and Jim do have more problems in their relationship than some people realize, and they aren’t the perfect, idyllic couple that the show made them out to be.

However, they are an overall healthy couple, and they are endearing in many ways. While they have their disagreements and struggles, they love each other enough to work through them and make things work. They do their best to care for one another and treat each other with respect, and this is what makes their relationship good.

Unhealthy: Michael Scott and Jan Levinson

Jan sleeping in Michael's Bed on The Office

Michael and Jan’s relationship starts off rather toxic and gets even more so as it goes along. Jan never really wanted to be with Michael and was ashamed of her feelings for him.

Michael could also cross boundaries that she set. But, as the relationship progressed, Jan became abusive to Micahel in many ways going so far as to not even let him sleep in his own bed. Their relationship was clearly unhealthy, and there were so many unfortunate things that Jan did to Michael over the course of their relationship.

Wholesome: Michael Scott and Holly Flax

Michael and Holly The Office rap in the warehouse.

In contrast to Michael’s relationship with Jan, his relationship with Holly was quite wholesome. Just like with any couple, they had their struggles and their moments when things didn’t go well. However, when they start dating the second time, they both were ready to commit to one another and move forward.

They both cared about and love one another, and they were a good match. Both of them were a bit dorky and silly, and they always had fun together. This was the one relationship Michael had that was good, and it was rather endearing that they ended up getting married and having children together.