The Office: 10 Things About Erin Hannon That Make No Sense

The Office: 10 Things About Erin Hannon That Make No Sense

The Office is considered by many to be one of the greatest shows of all time, and the fact that people think it ended prematurely even after running for nine seasons is a testament to the sheer quality of the show. The rise of streaming platforms has led to a resurgence in the popularity of the show, with more and more people finally being able to realize what makes this show tick.

A big selling point of The Office is definitely its rich cast of memorable characters, each of whom manages to shine in their own unique way when featured in a scene. It doesn’t matter whether this character has just one line or an entire scene — the brilliant writing of the show means that their impact will be felt regardless. One such character who came in the later seasons of The Office to take over the role of the beloved receptionist is Erin Hannon. While certainly a great character in her own right, there are still several things about this character that make no sense whatsoever. Let’s take a look at 10 such instances.

She Should’ve Been More Direct With Andy

The Office: 10 Things About Erin Hannon That Make No Sense

Erin might’ve been rather passive early on when she was introduced, but later seasons ended up making her more assertive and direct to the people who were wronging her, and her breakup with Andy is a great example of this.

That being said, Erin should’ve told Andy to take her with him to the Caribbean from the get-go… especially if this decision would’ve either made or broken the relationship for good in her eyes. That being said…

Andy Was Stupidly Inconsiderate When It Came To Her Girlfriend

Erin breaking up with Andy

One can argue that Erin shouldn’t have had to feel the need to tell Andy that she wants to come with him in the first place — instead, it should’ve been Andy who should’ve taken the obvious move to call her girlfriend to a romantic cruise.

Instead, what ends up happening is that Andy ends up taking a boneheaded decision that ends up costing him that sliver of happiness that he should’ve clung on too with all his might.

Their Relationship Problems Came Seemingly Out Of Nowhere


In general, the situations that lead to Erin breaking up with Andy felt awfully forced. After all, both people had to do some pretty out-of-character things in order to lead to this break-up, which is rather sad.

One would expect that this cataclysmic chain of events would occur for a reason, but that’s not to be the case. Instead…

Erin’s Romance With Pete Feels Somewhat Last-Minute

Pete from The Office talking to Erin at her desk

It doesn’t help that Erin’s romantic subplot further down the line after splitting up with Andy doesn’t really feel all that substantial either.

Her relationship with Pete could’ve been an entertaining watch, but both Pete’s character and the relationship itself doesn’t really get any time to breathe, making everything feel painfully forced at times.

She Should’ve Realized That Her And Gabe Would Never Be A Good Fit

The Office Gabe and Erin

However, even after all the failed romances that Erin’s been a part of in the series, it’s still her relationship with Gabe which is simply the absolute worst.

Both of these individuals seemed like polar opposites, and yet they end up in a relationship that serves no other purpose other than to deepen the tension between Andy and Erin. The fact that Gabe ends up being one of the more pathetic people on the show after their inevitable breakup makes this relationship feel even cheaper and inconsequential.

Her Attempts To Help Out Are Ridiculously Stupid At Times

The Office Erin Hannon paper airplane

While Erin’s heart might be in the right place whenever she tries to help, it’s the manner in which she carries out these decisions which makes it quite painful to watch.

The two worst ways in which Erin tries to help out all affect Andy too. The first instance is when Erin lies about Andy’s mom dying in front of a client after Andy told her to just give a hamfisted reason that he could reject in order to feel said client feel more important, in comparison. The second time is when Andy speaks about how life has been tough on him ever since he came back from the cruise, only for Erin to “support” him by saying that he’s straight-up abusing her out of sheer frustration.

Clark Trying To Rope Her Into An Adult Photoshoot Is Extremely Creepy

Erin and Andy in The Office

Another new character who joins in Season 9 and has pretty much no discernible impact whatsoever is Clark. That being said, he does try his best to seem creepy when he tries to convince Erin to come to his place for an “interview”.

It’s a good thing that both Andy and Erin didn’t realize the subtext. Otherwise, Clark could’ve been on the wrong side of a massive verbal — and perhaps even physical — thrashing.

Her Father-Daughter Dynamic With Michael Is A Bit Odd

Ellie Kemper and Steve Carell

Erin grew up an orphan, so the fact that she would seek out a father figure in someone is quite natural indeed.

However, what definitely isn’t natural is the fact that this person ends up being Michael, who is the last person that any normal human being should go to for advice of any kind.

The Reveal Of Her Parents Didn’t Really Seem All That Genuine

Erin meets her birth parents in The Office finale

Speaking of a father figure, it’s an extremely sweet moment in the finale when Erin ends up meeting her father and mother after years of trying to seek them out.

While this moment is certainly memorable, one can’t help but feel that it was written in just to wrap up loose ends instead of being a genuine highlight in Erin’s life.

She’s A Bit Too Close To Her Foster Brother

Erin and her foster brother Reed in The Office

As an orphan, Erin ended up interacting with many foster brothers and sisters. She ends up staying with her foster brother Reed during the events of The Office, and Andy gets incredibly uncomfortable when he witnesses firsthand just how close the siblings really are.

One might call their closeness borderline disturbing, and while one can confidently say that their behavior never really crossed a line, it’s still rather odd — and somewhat unhealthy — regardless.