The OC: 5 Best Episodes (& 5 Worst)

The OC: 5 Best Episodes (& 5 Worst)


Although The O.C. often gets lumped in with the rest of the teen dramas from the early ’00s, it’s important to remember just how much better this series was than the rest of its ilk. Airing on Fox from 2003-2007, The O.C. followed troubled teen Ryan Atwood after he was taken in by the wealthy Cohen family. It may have been a teen soap, but the show was also a family drama with an amazing soundtrack.

The O.C.’s first season was nearly perfect, though it definitely struggled in its second and third years. However, the series inarguably redeemed itself just in time to be canceled during season 4. It will always be remembered for having unforgettable characters, undeniably quotable dialogue and giving the gift that keeps on giving: Chrismukkah.

Best – The Rainy Day Women

The OC: 5 Best Episodes (& 5 Worst)

The O.C.‘s first season may have defied expectations, but season 2 was the point at which the show fell into some of the more typical (and disappointing) teen drama clichés. However, this mid-season installment really put the show back on track moving forward. The rain darkening Newport’s usually sunny skies not only gave Blind Melon some much-needed airplay, but was also indicative of the moods of our major players.

By episode’s end though, some of those clouds were clearing up as both Lindsay and Rebecca left town. Plus, Marissa moved in with Alex and Summer realized that Seth was the one she wanted to be with – giving fans that now-iconic Spider-Man kiss! All in all, one of The O.C.’s most perfect episodes.

Worst – The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-vahkkah

Why exactly was this episode so disappointing? Look no further than the title. As this list will indicate, The O.C. really excelled at holiday installments, particularly when Chrismukkah was involved. However, this story was not only all about saving Johnny, who everyone wanted gone, but also managed to make the character even less sympathetic than he already was. Also, should it have been quite that easy for Ryan to talk the guy out of robbing a store?

Sure, it was great to see Seth getting into the Bar Mitzvah spirit and trailer park Julie Cooper was delightful, but overall, “The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-vahkkah” lacked the magic of previous holiday installments – although one could say the same about season 3 in relation to seasons 1 and 2 in general.

Best – The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn’t

Seth and Summer in The O.C

This episode is a perfect example of what made The O.C. holiday installments so great. Lindsay was one of the show’s worst characters, but there’s no denying that “The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn’t” has definitely become a classic. It had all the drama, heart and humor that fans had come to expect.

We got perhaps the most awkward holiday gathering in Cohen history, partially due to Summer, Marissa and Lindsay all having been invited, but mostly thanks to the revelation that Lindsay and Kirsten were sisters. There’s also a Chrismukkah miracle, as well as Lindsay’s most worthwhile contribution to the series: the yarmul-Clause.

Worst – The French Connection

After the trainwreck that was season 3, The O.C. returned with a much improved fourth outing. In many ways, it seemed like a different show altogether, with Marissa’s death causing a major (and much needed) paradigm shift. However, the subplot about Taylor’s French stereotype of a husband, Henri-Michel, messing with Ryan and Taylor’s relationship was unnecessary, to say the least.

Much of the issue was that Henri-Michel was never a real threat. That, combined with the fact that the show only had a handful of episodes left to tie up loose ends, made this storyline feel particularly lackluster. Also, it recycled the same themes that the show had explored over and over, but in a less interesting way.

Best – The Chrismukk-huh?

Once again, Seth’s favorite holiday makes an appearance. If “The French Connection” represents the worst of season 4, then “The Chrismukk-huh?” is certainly a taste of the show back at its best. The premise is ridiculous, but even Ryan and Taylor having the same coma dream can’t make this episode any less enjoyable.

Most of “The Chrismukk-huh?” takes place in an alternate timeline in which Ryan never existed, à la It’s a Wonderful Life. It may not have advanced the plot, but it dealt with Ryan’s feelings about Marissa’s death in a very meaningful way. Also, it included every crazy idea that the writers could think of. Basically, the episode made this list because it’s just so much fun.

Worst – The Power of Love

Sandy and Kirsten Cohen will undoubtedly stand the test of time as one of TV’s greatest couples. That being said, this season 2 episode is just so cheesy. It’s kind of unbelievable that Sandy would forget his 20th wedding anniversary, especially when things between him and Kirsten had been so tense.

Really though, Sandy’s memory isn’t the main issue here. What truly mars this episode is Papa Cohen’s grand gesture of singing to Kirsten at the Bait Shop. Sure, the guy can sing, but a bunch of teenagers linking arms and swaying to his songs? The O.C. went too far here.

Best – The Escape

Season 1 was awesome from start to finish, so it’s difficult to only name a few great episodes. Still, “The Escape” stands out as one of the best. The gang goes to TJ and it doesn’t work out the way that any of them imagined. Marissa finally sees Luke clearly, but that, in conjunction with her father moving out is simply too much for her to bear.

This is the episode in which Ryan, Seth, Marissa, and Summer truly became “the core four”. Seriously, the chemistry between Seth and Summer alone is worth the price of admission, not to mention all those sweet Ryan/Marissa moments. There is just so much to love about this installment.

Worst – The Man of the Year

Also known as the episode where Seth burns down the Newport Group because he threw a joint in the trash can. Seth becoming a pothead was already a pretty strange subplot and perhaps this was as good a way as any to end it. By the time season 3 reached its penultimate episode, the show had completely gone off the rails.

The Ryan/Volchok storyline is yet another in a long line of “no one cares” and Marissa’s visit to Kaitlin’s boarding school was utterly ridiculous. There were some good family moments in this episode, but overall, the season finale – which was solid – was only able to save the series by killing off a beloved character and giving The O.C. a major reset.

Best – The Best Chrismukkah Ever

The episode that introduced Chrismukkah is still the best of the installments to focus on the hybrid holiday. Fans learned of the combined might of Moses and Jesus, Marissa got wasted and shoplifted, and Ryan got some things off his chest. Seth finds himself caught between two incredible women when Anna makes him a comic book and Summer makes herself into a superhero.

This kicked off an annual tradition of (mostly) wonderful Chrismukkah episodes by being one of the greatest TV holiday installments of all time. Sure, it’s also the episode that introduced Oliver, but at least Marissa went to therapy, right?

Worst – The Cliffhanger

Controversial opinion, but Johnny could have been a good character. When the writers introduced the cute surfer in season 3, he was sweet and seemed like he could be a good friend to both Ryan and Marissa. However, this is The O.C. we’re talking about, so naturally, Johnny was hit by a car, fell for Marissa, almost committed an armed robbery and then literally fell off a cliff.

He went from a kind, albeit somewhat bland character to an over-the-top, whiny, lovesick annoyance. Even still, there had to be a better way to get rid of him. Fans may have hated Johnny, but having him drunkenly climb the cliffs at night so he could fall to his death was just lazy writing.